Male bashing? Nahhhhh

mom4 said:
Kind of. In my mind, all those picky little rules and sensitivities may be annoying to a man. But, isn't that what a woman is supposed to do for a man? By bringing feelings and hospital corners into the spotlight, by this influence a man can become more civilized and unselfish.

I just wondered if men actually see this as a GOOD thing, or whether they just put up with it to get sex and service.

And, once again, I'm not saying a woman should be in control of a man, forcing him to do all this stuff to make him less of a "pig."

But sex and service can serve as motivators to make a man DESIRE to be more considerate, protective, etc.

The question is, do men see it this way, or do they really only want the sex and service, and go along with the other stuff just to get that?

This sounds like you are trying to raise a pet without taking away all his spirit so he can still run the rat race the next day.
dilloduck said:
This sounds like you are trying to raise a pet without taking away all his spirit so he can still run the rat race the next day.
Why do you say that?
The ClayTaurus said:
Yeah, dillo, you seem to be eluding towards something in your recent posts on this topic...what are you scraping at?
Seems like he would feel more comfortable in a more "modern" type of relationship. Which is cool, depending on what his SO expects out of him. Like you said, dillo, it should be agreed upon beforehand between the parties.

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