Malaysian Airliner is not missing and much more


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Nov 22, 2011
Malaysian Airliner is not missing and much more

By Dave Hodges March 14, 2014

The Malaysian airplane is not missing. It is exactly where somebody has designed it to be.
(INTELLIHUB) — The coming world war is totally unnecessary. It will be fought with weapons and technology that is outdated by over a hundred years. The United States government has the ability to negate ANY Russian or Chinese weapon.

I can accurately state that we possess the technology to stop all attacks upon the United States or any other area that we choose. What the public was told about with Reagan’s SDI program was a deceptive lie. The MX missile system, for example, was a very expensive disinformation ruse. During the Reagan years, we already had developed technology that most would recognize as being part of HAARP which could, for example, knock down all incoming ICBM’s using HAARP based, localized EMP type of technology, combined with the technology located on the deep space platforms.

The Malaysian Airliner is not missing and much more | Intellihub News
No motive found in Malaysia jet's disappearance...

Area of Malaysia plane search now size of Australia
Tue Mar 18, 2014 - An international land and sea search for a missing Malaysian jetliner is covering an area the size of Australia, authorities said on Tuesday, but police and intelligence agencies have yet to establish a clear motive to explain its disappearance.
Investigators are convinced that someone with deep knowledge of the Boeing 777-200ER and commercial navigation diverted Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, carrying 12 crew and 227 mainly Chinese passengers, perhaps thousands of miles off its scheduled course from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. But intensive background checks of everyone aboard have so far failed to find anyone with a known political or criminal motive to hijack or deliberately crash the plane, Western security sources and Chinese authorities said.

With the plane missing for 10 days, German insurer Allianz said on Tuesday it had started making payments on claims linked to the jetliner. Malaysian Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein told a news conference the "unique, unprecedented" search covered a total area of 2.24 million nautical miles (7.68 million sq km), from central Asia to the southern Indian Ocean.

Flight MH370 vanished from civilian air traffic control screens off Malaysia's east coast less than an hour after take-off early on March 8. Investigators piecing together patchy data from military radar and satellites believe that someone turned off the aircraft's identifying transponder and ACARS system, which transmits maintenance data, and turned west, re-crossing the Malay Peninsula and following a commercial aviation route towards India.

Malaysian officials have backtracked on the exact sequence of events. They are now unsure whether the ACARS system was shut down before or after the last radio message was heard from the cockpit - but said that did not make a material difference. "This does not change our belief, as stated, that up until the point at which it left military primary radar coverage, the aircraft's movements were consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane," said Hishammuddin. "That remains the position of the investigating team."


See also:

MISSING MH370: Fishermen find life raft near PD
12 March 2014| A group of fishermen found a life raft bearing the word “Boarding” 10 nautical miles from Port Dickson town at 12pm yesterday.
One of the fishermen, Azman Mohamad, 40, said they found the badly damaged raft floating and immediately notified the Kuala Linggi Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) in Malacca for assistance to lift the raft as it was very heavy. "We managed to tie it to our boat as we feared it would sink due to the damages," he said.


The life raft found by a group of fishermen 10 nautical miles from Port Dickson yesterday.

When the MMEA boat arrived, the fishermen then handed over the raft into their custody. However, a Kuala Linggi MMEA spokesman said the raft sunk into the sea while they were trying to bring the raft onboard.
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In addition to accepting article submissions from truth seekers worldwide, Intellihub News is also a portal for releasing secret documentation and for reporting on highly controversial or sensitive subject matters not covered by other agencies.

Intellihub, in other words, is Conspiracy Central.
Intellihub News is a one of a kind open source agency that allows any person, of any perspective, to become a part of the conversation by contributing their own ideas and becoming part of the media themselves.

In addition to accepting article submissions from truth seekers worldwide, Intellihub News is also a portal for releasing secret documentation and for reporting on highly controversial or sensitive subject matters not covered by other agencies.

Intellihub, in other words, is Conspiracy Central.

katsung is a conspiracy troll and goes by several names similar like kathaksung, etc...:eusa_shhh:
They finally brought up what I suggested days ago:Somebody shot the plane down. That'd be embarassing if a nation's military couldn't tell the difference between a bomber and civilian airliner, certainly something to cover up.

Another possibility that explains the massive international response looking for the plane is the cargo - something of interest everybody'd love to find? Or similarly something worth shooting the plane down over?

At this point I'm all but convinced we're not getting the real story. 777s don't just disappear, someone knows what happened.
They finally brought up what I suggested days ago:Somebody shot the plane down. That'd be embarassing if a nation's military couldn't tell the difference between a bomber and civilian airliner, certainly something to cover up.

Another possibility that explains the massive international response looking for the plane is the cargo - something of interest everybody'd love to find? Or similarly something worth shooting the plane down over?

At this point I'm all but convinced we're not getting the real story. 777s don't just disappear, someone knows what happened.


It is, of course, possible that terrorists captured the plane to use it fly it into a building again, as on 911. But that would be pretty illogical, considering all the media attention this disappearance has gotten.

The terrorists could theoretically change the transponder code that comes from the cockpit, but they would have to completely replace the entire antennae array on the top of the plane in order to keep it from being detected as Malaysia 370 from satellites orbiting our planet. It would be doable, but expensive and time consuming and in the meantime, pretty much everyone would be redoubling their efforts to guard against an errant plane flying off course.

Logic also dictates that the passagers are, unfortunately, likely dead. Its now been more than 10 days since the plane went missing, there is not a 10 day supply of food and water aboard a plane. The fact that not one single cell phone text has been sent also confirms that likely they are all dead. Even if terrorists had collected all the cell phones they could find, likely they would have missed one (I fly with two cell phones and a wlan-equipped tablet).

It is therefore more likely than anything else that the plane is now at the bottom of the ocean. Now, how and why it got there is still anyone's guess. Could be that one of the pilots was mentally instable and killed everyone through a massive up and down manuever - and that it had absolutely nothing in the world to do with islamic terrorism. Or, it could be a terrorist act, one that ended in the deaths of all. And though conspiracy theories are fun to bandy about, unless this is part of a very long term plan (which is hardly El Quaida and Co.'s modus operandi), I doubt that we are ever going to see this plane again.
No motive found in Malaysia jet's disappearance...

Here it is.

822. Malaysia airliner missing was created by the Feds (3/20/2014)

It was done to justify the coming airplane’s incident.

In my story, to frame me in fake money case, the Feds have to eliminate my relatives – they are all witnesses. In recent three years, each time the Feds planned a case, they arranged a cruise tour trip for my relatives. See “811. Cruise – a murder trap (1/18/2014)”. In that article, I revealed that each time for a trip, the Feds used to create an incident in advance – either an “engine room fire” in a cruise or a “boat sinking” or “food poisoning” to cover up the coming case as a common one – not particularly ralated to any individual person. So was this Malaysia Airliner’s accident.

Malaysia Airline MH370 disappeared on March 8. I think it was used to justify the coming airplane accident in later March. My wife said she was going to Philippine via Shanghai at the end of this month. This means the Feds has plotted a case in late March and arrange her a South East Asia air trip. My other relatives could be arranged in trip too at that time. Since they are all recruited by the Feds, they’ll have to follow the order of the Feds when it suddenly gives one.

That was why Malaysia airline was chosen. 1. Most victims are Chinese ethnic like my wife’s (or my rlatives’) 2. It was South East airline where my wife will fly.

I predict the missing plane crashed somewhere far away in deep south India ocean. The purpose is to eliminate any possible trace of a plot. That’s why MH370 changed its way dramatically to the west and tried to avoid any detection from the ground. Watch the map.
In turning point, north is Vietnam; east is Philippine; South is Malaysia and Indonesia. To west is the shortest way to Indian Ocean.

Forget those hijacker or suicide news. They are used to distract your views and to delay the searches. No hijackers or suicides have such intention to play hide and seek game at this time.

How could they do this? I allege it was the same way they did in 911 attack. Everyone knows the drone is very popular today. It’s a skilled technique to pilot a plane with set up computer data. (or even by remote control) With pre-set computer data, at the turning point, the auto pilot system took over the control of the plane. The pilot can do nothing with it even if they were alive at the time.

To drop an airplane is a rare event. This may indict the Feds has made a big plot in late March. Watch with your eyes with my story in your mind. Tomorrow is Friday, the day the Feds like to act. Because there are two extra days (week ends) for them to carry murder in jail.

823. Prepare for a nuke attack on New York (3/24/2014)

Other symptoms indicate the Feds have a big plot in this March.

As I always said, they will activate big terror attack to distract my case. One is a “terrorist nuke attack in New York”. (see #762 and #763) To justify it as a revenge of Al Qaida for the trial on their leader, there is:

Bin Laden son-in-law guilty, US tells New York jury

By Jennie MATTHEW 3/24/2014
His is the most high-profile Al-Qaeda trial to be heard in a US federal court rather than at Guantanamo Bay, which the White House has promised to close.

Abu Ghaith is most famous for appearing in a video with the Al-Qaeda mastermind the day after 19 hijackers killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington.
He was arrested in Turkey in 2013 and sent to Jordan, where he was handed over to US custody. and Pennsylvania.

To prepare a trial, it used to be a long time. Those who are in Quantanamo – how long have they been detained? More than a decade. This man, arrested in Turkey in 2013, from extradition to be in New York court room in March, 2014, you can see how efficient it is. Because the Feds need a justification for a nuke terror attack in New York to cover up their plot. This is the same tactic that they created the mysterious Malaysia airline plane missing – to justify the coming air accident in South East Asia air route. (see last message #822)

The Feds plans to nuke New York to justify why so many people are sick and died with radiation related cancer. That they could blame the death on coming “Al Qaida nuke attack”.

use of micro-nukes to takedown the WTC complex — 9/11 through different eyes

The use of micro-nukes in the WTC complex on 9/11–the smoking gun

Dr. Ed Ward has documented what he believes is the use of micro-nukes on the World Trade Center complex attack that took place in September of 2001.

One of the smoking guns in this case is that over 5.3 billion pounds of steel was instantly turned into 2 billion pounds of dust, but that’s not all.

The use of micro-nukes to takedown the WTC complex -- 9/11 through different eyes | Intellihub News
Malaysian Airliner is not missing and much more

By Dave Hodges March 14, 2014

The Malaysian airplane is not missing. It is exactly where somebody has designed it to be.
(INTELLIHUB) — The coming world war is totally unnecessary. It will be fought with weapons and technology that is outdated by over a hundred years. The United States government has the ability to negate ANY Russian or Chinese weapon.

I can accurately state that we possess the technology to stop all attacks upon the United States or any other area that we choose. What the public was told about with Reagan’s SDI program was a deceptive lie. The MX missile system, for example, was a very expensive disinformation ruse. During the Reagan years, we already had developed technology that most would recognize as being part of HAARP which could, for example, knock down all incoming ICBM’s using HAARP based, localized EMP type of technology, combined with the technology located on the deep space platforms.

The Malaysian Airliner is not missing and much more | Intellihub News

"The United States government has the ability to negate ANY Russian or Chinese weapon."

But they can't build a simple website to record the names of people who want to buy health insurance.

Sure...what ever you say....

824. Unusual snowstorm attack New York (3/30/2014)

It is late March now. East coast and New York is still attacked by snow storm. As a matter of fact, for more than three months, New York has been besieged by extra cold weather.

Springtime Snow 'Bomb' Takes Aim at Northeast
Saturday, 22 Mar 2014

According to AccuWeather, the storm could spread all the way from the Carolinas up the East Coast into Maine, and has the potential of dumping heavy snows along its path.
As a result, the Canadian Meteorologist Centre's GGEM says the snow could rank as one of New York City's deepest, dumping two feet of the white stuff by Wednesday.

Springtime Snow 'Bomb' Takes Aim at Northeast

This is planned to prevent people from going to New York. As I have alleged that the Feds is to activate a nuke bombing (or dirty bomb attack) in New York, partly to justify the unusual high rate of radiation related cancer caused by 911 attack, the main purpose is to distract Kat Sung’s case. Extra weather condition would keep people staying at home. That would reduce the casualty of a nuke attack and possible lawsuits thereafter.

That’s why we saw in recent years, New York has been suffered of extraordinary weather: over heat in summer; extra long cold weather; and rare hurricane (remember Hurricane Sandy?).

This March marked with some unusual events: 1. Convict of Bin Laden’s son in law in New York – to justify a revenge terrorist attack from Al Qaida. 2. Unusual snow storm – a method to reduce the casualty of that attack because it will be nuclear one. 3. Mysterious missing of Malaysia airline that is used to justify planned air accidents if the main plot going through.

825. How did they kill the crew and passengers (4/3/2014)

The media is busy to spread disinformation from the “strategy office” to confuse people that public neglected one key information from original news. MH 370 was climbing to 45,000 feet when it turned sharply to the west. The auto pilot system took over the control of the plane and open the passage of internal cabin to the outside air space. The low temperature and low air pressure as well as low oxygen at that altitude disabled all people(include pilots) inside the plane in seconds, then killed them all.

Radar Suggests Jet Shifted Path More Than Once

Radar signals recorded by the Malaysian military appeared to show that the missing airliner climbed to 45,000 feet, above the approved altitude limit for a Boeing 777-200, soon after it disappeared from civilian radar and turned sharply to the west, according to a preliminary assessment by a person familiar with the data.

The radar track, which the Malaysian government has not released but says it has provided to the United States and China, showed that the plane then descended unevenly to 23,000 feet, below normal cruising levels, as it approached the densely populated island of Penang.

This information revealed the killing of the crew and passengers started as soon as the plane was hijacked to a new track. The hijacker was the pre-set auto pilot system. Then it descended to below normal cruising level. At that time nobody was alive inside the plane and the only mission for the ghost plane was to elude the detection of ground radar as possible as it could and flied as far away as it could to make the search a difficult one. The following chart explained the odd track of MH 370.



Altitude - Moderate Activity - Sitting Quietly

25 000 feet - 2 minutes - 3 minutes

28 000 feet - 1 minute - 1.5 minutes

30 000 feet - 45 seconds - 1.25 minutes

35 000 feet - 30 seconds - 45 seconds

40 000 feet - 18 seconds - 30 seconds

45,000 feet - ?? seconds - ?? seconds

Time of useful consciousness at 40,000 feet in a depressurized airplane. : MH370
826. Decompression – a method to kill (4/9/2014)

This is not the first time they used this method to create an air accident. The similar action they have done in 2005. Here I quote my article #352 wrote eight years ago:

352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

Then Feds planned a big action day in September.(9/24) They also planned an elimination of my family members and arranged a trip accident for them. To make the accident not so unusual, Feds, too, prepared a series of airplane accidents to cover up it. In three weeks from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big air accidents.

1. On 8/14, a Greece plane crashed near Athens, 121 killed.
2. On 8/16, a West Caribbean Airways plane crashed in Venezuela; 152 killed.
3. On 8/24, a TANS Peru plane crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing 37.
4. On 9/5, an Indonesian jetliner crashed in North Sumatra, killing at least 60 of passengers. (The above information were from news of the day.)

Among these air accidents, the Greek one was exactly the same method – with decompression to kill everyone on board the plane.

Cypriot plane crashes near Athens, 121 killed
By Yannis Behrakis

A Cypriot airliner crashed into a mountainous area north of Athens on Sunday killing all 121 people on board after apparently suffering a loss of cabin pressure or oxygen.

"The pilot has turned blue," a passenger said in a mobile text message to his cousin, according to Greek television. "Cousin farewell, we're freezing." "

In each plot to eliminate me, the Feds used to have planned accidental death for my relatives, either in trip by cruise or by air. I tried my best to record each plot. When the Malaysia airliner incident happened, I immediately recalled the 2005 case. In 2005, they created four air crashes in one month to impress public that air incident was not that unusual. This time they made it a mysterious missing so the topic could occupy a period of time in media to impress public. The purpose is to replace multiple crashes.
Granny says, "Dat's right - is `cause ever'body wonderin' what happened to Amelia Earhart...
Apr 21,`14 -- From the disappearances of aviator Amelia Earhart to labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa, there's just something about a good mystery that Americans find too tantalizing to resist. Perhaps that's why the saga of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has continued to rivet the country long after people elsewhere have moved on.
From the beginning, the story has bubbled with enough drama to rival a good Hollywood whodunit. And even though it unfolded on the other side of the world with only three Americans on board, many were sucked in anyway. "This story has many ingredients of compelling drama, particularly early on: lives at stake, mystery unsolved, a race against time, human emotion," Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute, said in an email. But why did interest remain so high in the U.S. when the story lost steam elsewhere? It dropped from most Australian front pages and websites weeks ago, despite the search being coordinated off its western coast.

CNN International, CNN's overseas network, tapered its coverage when other big news broke, such as the crisis in Ukraine and the Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa. But CNN in the U.S. continued its heavy focus on the plane. Even in China, where two-thirds of the passengers were from, reports never ran nonstop on TV and the clamor on social media also died down. But Americans yearned for more.

Many found it impossible to believe that a modern Boeing 777 carrying 239 people could just vanish without a trace in an age where an iPhone can be tracked just about anywhere. Part of the obsession may also revolve around the country's gotta-know-now mentality and its social media addiction that gets fed 24/7 by the latest breaking news, raw footage or photos going viral on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Since the plane disappeared, it has consistently been one of the top five most-read stories on The Associated Press' mobile app.

And so Americans tuned in to watch the latest developments. And when there were no new developments, they stayed glued to their smartphones because the suspense of not knowing - or possibly missing something new - somehow spiked when nothing was going on. From oil slicks to pings from dying black boxes, each new lead provided a salacious morsel that drove viewers to wonder: Will this be it? "I find myself drawn into watching or reading about it because it has taken on seemingly mythic worldwide importance," Paul Mones, an attorney from Portland, Oregon, wrote in an email. "In this modern world we simply refuse to accept that something so concrete can get so out of our physical reach and understanding. ... People just refuse to concede that the cause of the disaster will likely forever remain unknown."

Debris washes ashore...
MH370 search: investigators examine Australia debris
23 April 2014 ~ Authorities in Australia are examining material washed ashore to determine if it is related to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. The debris was found by a member of the public near the town of Augusta, some 300km (190 miles) south of Perth.
Images of the debris have been sent to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), who are now investigating. "It's sufficiently interesting for us to take a look," an ATSB chief Martin Dolan told CNN. Mr Dolan said the debris looked like sheet metal with rivets in it, but added: "The more we look at it, the less excited we get." The ATSB confirmed it was examining the photographs "to determine whether further physical analysis is required and if there is any relevance to the search of missing flight MH370". The images have also been sent to authorities in Malaysia and the ATSB is expected to collect the material later on Wednesday. The material was metallic and about 2.5m (8ft) long, ABC News in Australia reported.

The Malaysia Airlines aircraft was carrying 239 people from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it disappeared in March. Malaysia is running the investigation into the plane's disappearance, but search efforts are being led by Australia's Joint Agency Co-ordination Centre (JACC). For the past two days, bad weather has prevented planes from taking part in the search about 1,600km (990 miles) north-west of Perth. A US Navy Bluefin-21 mini-submarine scanning the ocean bed has covered more than 80% of a 310 sq km (120 sq mile) search area in the southern Indian Ocean, without finding any sign of debris in water that is up to 4.5km deep.


The daily search operation 1,600km (990 miles) north-west of Perth involves some two dozen nations

Up to 10 military aircraft and 12 ships are currently taking part in the hunt. The daily operation, involving some two dozen nations, is already shaping up to be the most expensive in aviation history. Australia said on Wednesday that it would not abandon the hunt, insisting that the cost of the operation was not a concern. Prime Minister Tony Abbott said if the current underwater search was unsuccessful, a new strategy would begin. Defence Minister David Johnston has said that sophisticated sonar equipment will probably be used in the next stage. "The next phase, I think, is that we step up with potentially a more powerful, more capable side-scan sonar to do deeper water," Mr Johnston said.


The torpedo-shaped underwater vehicle - called a Bluefin-21 - has so far covered 80% of the target area

Mr Abbott said the probable impact zone of the airliner was in an area of the sea floor 700km (430 miles) long and 80km (50 miles) wide. In a separate development, Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that his country's cabinet had approved the formation of an international investigation team to find out what happened to the missing plane. "The main purpose of the team is to evaluate, investigate and determine the actual cause of the accident so similar accidents could be avoided in the future," he told reporters in Kuala Lumpur. Australia says that it is now consulting with Malaysia, China and the United States on the next phase of the search, which is likely to be announced next week.

Mr Abbott said a new search strategy would be put into action if nothing was found in the current seabed search. "If at the end of that period we find nothing, we are not going to abandon the search, we may well rethink the search, but we will not rest until we have done everything we can to solve this mystery," he said. "We owe it to the families of the 239 people on board, we owe it to the hundreds of millions - indeed billions - of people who travel by air to try to get to the bottom of this." "The only way we can get to the bottom of this is to keep searching the probable impact zone until we find something or until we have searched it as thoroughly as human ingenuity allows at this time," the Australian prime minister said.

BBC News - MH370 search: investigators examine Australia debris
Supplementary to 826.

352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

On 7/7 and 7/21, there were bombings took place in London. It was a cover up operation to justify the plotted master bombing in US. To deceive the public that these were the work of Al Qaida. The unusual events happened in same day (July 21) may prove my allegation.(see #330)

Then Feds planned a big action day in September.(9/24) They also planned an elimination of my family members and arranged a trip accident for them. To make the accident not so unusual, Feds, too, prepared a series of airplane accidents to cover up it. In three weeks from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big air accidents.

1. On 8/14, a Greece plane crashed near Athens, 121 killed.
2. On 8/16, a West Caribbean Airways plane crashed in Venezuela; 152 killed.
3. On 8/24, a TANS Peru plane crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing 37.
4. On 9/5, an Indonesian jetliner crashed in North Sumatra, killing at least 60 of passengers. (The above information were from news of the day.)

When I first heard of Greece accident, I only impressed by the mysterious situation (lack of oxygen, frozen) before its crash. But when the Peru air crash took place, I realize it might be an operation to cover up a coming air accident. My relatives were arranged in a trip between 9/10 and 9/17. If an accident happened, it would be easily added one more to the above list and wouldn't cause any notice. That's why I talked about this twice in 9/2 and 9/7. (see #339, 340)

Pre-psychological influence is a very important tactic Feds uses. We have seen scenes such like Lewinsky scandal, Wen Ho Lee's case, WMD in Iraq..... The recent one is the hurricane Katrina and Rita. Which mainly planned to justify for a high rising inflation. So media want us expecting a gas of 5.00/gallon because most of the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico were damaged by hurricane and so was for many oil refineries. That how much money would spend for the refugee and re-build.(e.g. 400,000 people live in the hotels and how much that costs for one day's rent) Now these kind of information are disappeared from media. Or proved to be exaggerated. What I see is the oil dropped below $60.00 a barrel.(10/26) Why, because the framed case went sour and Feds still must keep the interest rate as low as they can to maintain a high housing market.

If the framed case have went successfully, I believe you would meet another face of media. Then you would have believed that all that sudden jumping high inflation was caused by oil and the natural disaster.

The latest movement of propaganda activated by Feds is the Bird Flu. That's another psychological war to justify a new slaughter in the name of natural disaster. Watch how the media propaganda it under the command of Feds.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.
Now let's turn on to the crash of Greece air plane which I alleged one of four accidents done by intelligence. It caused my attention for its mysterious situation. Here are news about it.

Cypriot plane crashes near Athens, 121 killed
By Yannis Behrakis

A Cypriot airliner crashed into a mountainous area north of Athens on Sunday killing all 121 people on board after apparently suffering a loss of cabin pressure or oxygen.

"The pilot has turned blue," a passenger said in a mobile text message to his cousin, according to Greek television. "Cousin farewell, we're freezing." "

Quote, "Greece Plane Crash Kills All Aboard

"Shortly before the crash, the jet pilots saw one of the airline pilots slumped unconscious over the controls, ...... Some Greek media reports said fighter pilots also could see oxygen masks dangling inside the cabin."

What took place in the Greece plane seemed as follows: the cabin lost pressure, oxygen and temperature.

But it's a Boeing 737. One of the most advanced air craft. And the plane has a well designed oxygen supply and pressurization system. So far we have never heard any problem of the insulation broken which caused low pressure that killed the people on board. This was the only one.

A spokesman for the European Aviation Safety Agency, Daniel Holtgen, based in Cologne, Germany, said: "It is highly unlikely that the loss of cabin pressure alone would cause such an incident. There would have to be other contributing factors." (source, the above Yahoo News)

What were the other factors? It's a puzzle. Then it came the Katrina and Rita. In a TV news report about a research plane which flew over the hurricane, I caught what the researcher said. He said he couldn't believe it that the air pressure was incredible low outside the plane. It suddenly touched off my mind. I thought Feds spreading chemical to control the pressure of air to alter the weather. If the air pressure could be created so low to astonish the researcher, (it was in open air, air would flow from other area to refill) then what would have happened if it was in a closed cabin? I thought of the Greece plane.

I think it is a chemical which is easy to gasify and easy to react with the element part of air (either oxygen, nitrogen or carbon dioxide) and developed to another substance.(either liquid such like water, or solid) Air, after losing part of its element, has lost pressure. The chemical reaction also sucks heat.

A hurricane needs a warm air mass with rich water vapor. Ocean supplies it. A hurricane also needs big air pressure difference and temperature difference above it. This chemical supplies it. That's how an artificial hurricane developed.

When that chemical is used in a closed cabin. The low pressure and temperature it created will kill the people inside it. Oxygen may be exhausted as a component in the reaction. That's what happened in the Greece air plane.

I allege Feds used the same chemical in Greece air accident as they used in hurricane creation. It's not a coincidence when I said the four air accidents was a cover up operation of Feds and Katrina and Rita were created for the same framed case
829. A disinformation to mislead public (4/24/2014)

Three days ago, there was such a news:

How jet stowaways can survive cold, lack of oxygen


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Despite the subzero temperatures and lack of oxygen, people can survive even a long journey in the wheel well of a jetliner. The latest example is a teenager who, according to authorities, stowed away on a 51/2-hour flight from San Jose, Calif., to Hawaii. While the number of known stowaway attempts is few, people have survived with surprising frequency.

How jet stowaways can survive cold, lack of oxygen

Did you notice something unusual of the topic of this news? It emphasizes that it’s not that cold and lack of oxygen in high altitude . Do you know why they had this news? I think it was a misinformation created by the mastermind of the missing Malaysia airliner MH370 at the purpose to discount my allegation that the people in MH370 were killed by decompression when it was hijacked by auto pilot system.

It was a swift response to my article “825. How did they kill the crew and passengers (4/3/2014)” and “826. Decompression – a method to kill (4/9/2014)”.

Even if they indeed carried out such a “stowaway” operation, it still won’t prove anything for them. Here I quote a comment:

JIm En espanol- Jaime2 hours ago

I am not familiar with this model of Boeing A/C, but on other models the air in the cabin is changed completely every two minutes, with the old heated air being discharged throught high volume outflow valves, in this case into the wheel wells. Since there was no evidence of frostbite it must be assumed that the temperature remained above a certain level, and also that there was enough oxygen to prevent death. The key here is the large volume of air being discharged.

How jet stowaways can survive cold, lack of oxygen
830. Uninterruptible autopilot system (5/1/2014)

Someone argued that how a computerized auto pilot system could drive the plane to avoid the ground radar. That opinion based on that auto pilot system was a pre-set up program. The reality is that Boeing have installed “uninterruptible autopilot system” in its plane. Once triggered, no one on board will be able to deactivate the system. The aircraft was taken over by the ground controller. The system was originally developed to prevent air hijacking. But when the ground controller becomes criminal, the airliner can be hijacked for evil purpose. That’s what happened in 911. That’s what happened in MH370.

New autopilot will make another 9/11 impossible
03 March 2007


Once triggered, no one on board will be able to deactivate the system. Currently, all autopilots are manually switched on and off at the discretion of pilots.

The so-called 'uninterruptible autopilot system' - patented secretly by Boeing in the US last week - will connect ground controllers and security services with the aircraft using radio waves and global satellite positioning systems.

After it has been activated, the aircraft will be capable of remote digital control from the ground, enabling operators to fly it like a sophisticated model plane, manoeuvring it vertically and laterally.

New autopilot will make another 9/11 impossible - News - London Evening Standard

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