Make Way for the Radical Center


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

DID I mention that I’ve signed a pledge — just like those Republican congressmen who have signed written promises to different political enforcers not to raise taxes or permit same-sex marriage? My pledge is to never vote for anyone stupid enough to sign a pledge — thereby abdicating their governing responsibilities in a period of incredibly rapid change and financial stress. Sorry, I’ve signed it. Nothing more I can do.

If this kind of idiocy by elected officials sends you into a hair-pulling rage and leaves you wishing that we had more options today than our two-party system is putting forward — for instance, a party that would have offered a grand bargain on the deficit two years ago, not on the eve of a Treasury default — not only are you not alone, but help may be on the way.
Deal making and compromise is how government works. When politicians put themselves in intractable positions such as the Tea Party congressman have done the results are disastrous. The way our government works, shared power between those with opposing ideas is inevitable. Without a give and take relationship between opposing forces, good legislation is impossible.
Deal making and compromise is how government works. When politicians put themselves in intractable positions such as the Tea Party congressman have done the results are disastrous. The way our government works, shared power between those with opposing ideas is inevitable. Without a give and take relationship between opposing forces, good legislation is impossible.

I agree. It's just like "zero tolerance" efforts. Once you've signed on, it leads to all sorts of stupid results.
That is what we are calling the entitlement elitist party these days? Okay.
Deal making and compromise is how government works. When politicians put themselves in intractable positions such as the Tea Party congressman have done the results are disastrous. The way our government works, shared power between those with opposing ideas is inevitable. Without a give and take relationship between opposing forces, good legislation is impossible.

I agree. It's just like "zero tolerance" efforts. Once you've signed on, it leads to all sorts of stupid results.
"All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter."
Edmund Burke

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