Major differences between ACA and TrumpCare


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Changes in insurance costs

Average premiums under the House version for health plans will be cheaper after 2020 than under Obamacare, but on average, those plans will cover less and have higher out-of-pocket expenses, the budget office projected. The Senate measure would likely also result in less comprehensive plans.

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study, an American who is older, has lower income and lives in an area with higher premiums like Alaska or Arizona will lose out if the Affordable Care Act is replaced. An American who is younger, has higher income and lives in an area with lower premiums like Massachusetts or Washington may receive additional assistance under the replacement plan. Detailed analysis for the Senate version has not been made.

Most of the taxes set up under Obamacare to pay for subsidizing insurance would be scrapped. The House and Senate GOP proposals do not include any new tax to offset the loss of revenue.

Under the Affordable Care Act

· Insurance companies and medical device makers, which benefit from new customers under the law, pay more taxes

· Taxpayers with incomes over $250,000 are also taxed more

Under the GOP proposal

· Medical device makers, insurance companies and wealthy Americans would all receive a big tax cut as these taxes are eliminated

· The tax cuts total about $663 billion over the next decade.

A side-by-side comparison of Obamacare and the GOP's replacement plans
Of course they are going to be cheaper , since they are bare bones policy with caps. You have been screwed, unless you make over 250 grand and the maj here do not.

I so remember HI before the ACA, you can call it non insurance. This is what you voted for. For those with parents get a nursing home plan for your parents or plan to keep them at home.

Forget Rehab, that will cost a fortune if you want it. Forget total knees, unless you have lots of money forget pretty much everything.
Well if nothing changes right away then not much matters.

There will then be plenty of time to repeal Trumpcare-3 (the Senate version).
This is what I like about the bill:

1. The people who drain our society (mainly the elderly) will pay their fair share of premiums.
2. The people who pop out kids and don't have a job will not be covered anymore, saving everyone else money.

People don't understand that there is a select group of people who drive up premiums for everyone else.

I'm a 26 year old that makes $30,000 a year. If I don't want my employers' $168/week Humana silver plan offering, I'm out of luck and cannot get a tax subsidy through the NY state of health marketplace. I can't afford that kind of health insurance, and then on top of it, I'm fined $700/year for not having any insurance? The Dems fucked up when they drafted Obamacare, should've just went all out with universal healthcare or left it alone, God damn idiots.
The Comrade, better kniwn as Benedict Donald has been doing everything he can yo kill the ACA. He is the biggest liar to ever sit in the oval office.

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