Mainstream Media Honors Arafat over Vets On Veterans Day (Not Dial-up Friendly)


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
Very sad....

The headlines tell all:







The death of the leader of Palestinians is news.

Honoring veterans, while a worthwhile endeavor, is not news.

Therefore, the News Media, whose primary job is to report the daily news, chose to cover one of the largest international news stories of the year on its front page rather than to cover veterans day; as moving and necessary human interest stories are, they rarely ever field front page articles. To indict the "mainstream media" for "honoring" Yassir Arafat (reporting his death and the much-anticipated travel of his body to Egypt = "honoring"??) isn't very realistic here. Imagine if Osama bin Laden were found dead somewhere. Would it be "honoring" him to cover the transportation of his dead body for verification?
nakedemperor said:
The death of the leader of Palestinians is news.

Honoring veterans, while a worthwhile endeavor, is not news.

Therefore, the News Media, whose primary job is to report the daily news, chose to cover one of the largest international news stories of the year on its front page rather than to cover veterans day; as moving and necessary human interest stories are, they rarely ever field front page articles. To indict the "mainstream media" for "honoring" Yassir Arafat (reporting his death and the much-anticipated travel of his body to Egypt = "honoring"??) isn't very realistic here. Imagine if Osama bin Laden were found dead somewhere. Would it be "honoring" him to cover the transportation of his dead body for verification?

dude, the media is making a hero out of this guy. That is what is fucked up. The heros are our soldiers that are fighting and dieing in Fallujah!
freeandfun1 said:
dude, the media is making a hero out of this guy. That is what is fucked up. The heros are our soldiers that are fighting and dieing in Fallujah!

Where are the hero articles? Linky-poo? =)
Since when does the media do their job correctly anyway. They put on whatever the f*** they think will get their best ratings. My question to them is: do you think the American people want to see a terrorists dead body flying all over in an airplane,or hear and see stories on veterans and present day service men and the huge sacrifice they make?

The media does a lot wrong allready with their bias and I believe this is just another mistake on top of many. If Janet Jackson's boob was a story,and MM movie was a story,I think our veterans (2 of which are my grandfather-WW2 and father in law-Vietnam,gaffer) are certainly a story. They fight so the LMM can have their say in which story they report. It SHOULD be headline news.
Arafat died and I thought, "Death to tyrants," and my day went by. I heard about Fallujah and I prayed. I thought about the French honor guard carrying his body to Cairo and I thought, "He started all this. He's one of the big reasons our boys are dying over there. He deserves to be buried in a pile of pig feces, and he should have died to an Israeli bullet (those who live by the sword...). Honor guard? This guy doesn't deserve to have his casket carried by disease ridden hookers, much less an honor guard." I also think that how much he's being honored (especially that Nobel Prize) is a slap in the face of the seven Israeli athletes who were his first victims. On this day, we don't need to honor terrorists. Sure, his death is big news, but honoring him is an atrocity. We need to honor people like Colonel Ripley, who hung underneath a bridge by one arm under enemy fire for several hours so he could set enough explosives to blow the bridge and prevent reenforcements from reaching the battle. We should honor the two fine admirals chosen to have tapes made of them by the Hanoi Hilton. One beat the sh*t out of himself so he wouldn't be presentable. The other blinked morse code for "torture." We should honor the young seaman who volunteered to stay in the Hanoi Hilton, despite prisoner exchange, so that others could go home and he could continue to sabotage transport trucks and communicate with the soldiers. When he finally came home, he recited hundreds of prisoner names, from memory, before congress. We should admire the barber who cut my hair at the Naval Academy. Of all the men from his town who landed in France in 1944, he was the sole survivor. We should honor the 101st Airborne, who were the first on the ground in Normandy and who held Bastonne during one of the toughest battles in the war. The terrorists should be spit upon. I see no difference between Arafat and bin Laden and if I saw either one, I'd kill them with any means I had available, with my teeth, if necessary.

News my @$$. If I saw Dan Rather today, I'd break his nose.
krisy said:
Since when does the media do their job correctly anyway. They put on whatever the f*** they think will get their best ratings. My question to them is: do you think the American people want to see a terrorists dead body flying all over in an airplane,or hear and see stories on veterans and present day service men and the huge sacrifice they make?

The media does a lot wrong allready with their bias and I believe this is just another mistake on top of many. If Janet Jackson's boob was a story,and MM movie was a story,I think our veterans (2 of which are my grandfather-WW2 and father in law-Vietnam,gaffer) are certainly a story. They fight so the LMM can have their say in which story they report. It SHOULD be headline news.

Like I said, Arafat, the leader of the Palestinians for a long, long time, is dead, possibly with huge ramifications for the entire region. This is news, so news sources report on it. It is the biggest news story, so news organizations give it top-billing. For a week Fallujah was top billing, so our troops were getting a butt-load of coverage. Its a business.

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