MAINE QUESTION #1: I need your help in deciding how to vote!!!

MAINE QUESTION 1: Do you want to reject the new law that allows gays to marry?

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Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009

Do you want to reject the new law that lets same-sex couples marry and allows individuals and religious groups to refuse to perform these marriages?

I'm not sure what to do, so I am asking for YOUR help!

How should I vote?

(If you've ever had a burning desire to cast your vote in Maine, this is your opportunity!)
Let me start by explaining that legally I consider marriage nothing more than a civil contract.

So, as far as gays are concerned, if they were given opportuity to have civil marriage contracts, I think they should be satisfied.

However, I also see no reason not to allow them to call their civil contracts marriage, just as man/woman civil contracts we call marriage currently are.

I guess I just think this whole debate about the USE of a word to describe this civil contract beween two people is rather silly.

Gays want to call their civil cotract "marriage"?

Fine by me.

Straights who hate gays don't want to call it a marrigage?

Also fine by me.

Just so long as the STATE treats that civil contract exactly the same as they treat religiously sanctioned marriages, what does it really matter?

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

I'll be voting to give Maine's Gays the same cvil rights as everybody else, folks.

If GOD is upset that gays are living together in a sexual relatioship, (which I seriously doubt) then GOD can punish them when they're dead.

It's not my job to punish people for falling in love and wanting to take care of each other for the rest of their lives.

And, FWIW, I don't think it's your job to punish those people, either.
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What a stupid question. What if you are for gay marriage but respect the rights of the clergy to deny performing the service?

I am pro-choice, but I respect the fact that some Catholic hospitals and personnel can not perform the procedure. I don't think I'm alone there.

Is there a box for "stupid fucking question"?
What a stupid question. What if you are for gay marriage but respect the rights of the clergy to deny performing the service?

I am pro-choice, but I respect the fact that some Catholic hospitals and personnel can not perform the procedure. I don't think I'm alone there.

Is there a box for "stupid fucking question"?

That would be funny if there was a voters ballot that had a choice "stupid fucking question".
What a stupid question. What if you are for gay marriage but respect the rights of the clergy to deny performing the service?

I am pro-choice, but I respect the fact that some Catholic hospitals and personnel can not perform the procedure. I don't think I'm alone there.

Is there a box for "stupid fucking question"?
You need to read the question in the OP again.
Just so long as the STATE treats that civil contract exactly the same as they treat religiously sanctioned marriages, what does it really matter?

Exactly how I see things.

If GOD is upset that gays are living together in a sexual relatioship, (which I seriously doubt) then GOD can punish them when they're dead.

And that also is how I feel. Facing the fact that I too am a sinner deserving of God's wrath, I can only pray that God is as forgiving of all sinners including homosexuals. For by his word, if he must condemn the homosexual for breaking his commands, he must also condemn me.

Let me start by explaining that legally I consider marriage nothing more than a civil contract.

So, as far as gays are concerned, if they were given opportuity to have civil marriage contracts, I think they should be satisfied.

However, I also see no reason not to allow them to call their civil contracts marriage, just as man/woman civil contracts we call marriage currently are.

I guess I just think this whole debate about the USE of a word to describe this civil contract beween two people is rather silly.

Gays want to call their civil cotract "marriage"?

Fine by me.

Straights who hate gays don't want to call it a marrigage?

Also fine by me.

Just so long as the STATE treats that civil contract exactly the same as they treat religiously sanctioned marriages, what does it really matter?

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

I'll be voting to give Maine's Gays the same cvil rights as everybody else, folks.

If GOD is upset that gays are living together in a sexual relatioship, (which I seriously doubt) then GOD can punish them when they're dead.

It's not my job to punish people for falling in love and wanting to take care of each other for the rest of their lives.

And, FWIW, I don't think it's your job to punish those people, either.

I agree with you. I would go one step further and say that the state should not recognize "marriage", but that all unions betwixt any two consenting adults should be considered "civil unions" which would give those two individuals all the tax and social implications that marriage does today.

And these civil unions would be allowed between ANY two adults, including relatives. There would be not sexual connotation implied or inferred with a civil union, as I do not feel that the state should be issuing licenses for sex. A civil union would exclusively be a legal contract...just like a business contract between two companies.
What a stupid question. What if you are for gay marriage but respect the rights of the clergy to deny performing the service?

I am pro-choice, but I respect the fact that some Catholic hospitals and personnel can not perform the procedure. I don't think I'm alone there.

Is there a box for "stupid fucking question"?
You need to read the question in the OP again.


Do you want to reject the new law that lets same-sex couples marry and allows individuals and religious groups to refuse to perform these marriages?

the new law that lets same-sex couples marry and allows individuals and religious groups to refuse to perform these marriages?

Unless Xo has misrepresented the ballot question, the new law both allows gays to "marry" and allows individuals and religious group the right to refuse to perform such marriages.

Which is how it should one should be able to compel a religious group to perform ceremonies.
The question was presented accurately by XOTOXI.

Bureau of Corporations, Elections & Commissions, Elections Division

People's Veto Petitions Currently Approved for Circulation

Title: People's Veto of P.L. 2009, c. 82 "An Act To End Discrimination in Civil Marriage and Affirm Religious Freedom"

Question: Do you want to reject the new law that lets same-sex couples marry and allows individuals and religious groups to refuse to perform these marriages?

Personally I consider the union of 2 people a government contract. I support contracts because they are generally legally binding and offer legal protection. I do not support government contracts for unions of love,gay or straight is of little issue.

Religious unions should honor the doctrine of the respective religion or creed.

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