Maginot Line Thinking Ain’t Containment


Sep 23, 2010
America on the brink of civil war?
Exclusive: Kathy Shaidle discovers top host warning it may be inevitable
Published: 1 day ago

America on the brink of civil war
Something is coming but I am not sure if it can be defined as a revolution or a civil war. Here are the suitable definitions that apply to both:

revolution (noun)
Abbr. rev.

2. The overthrow of one government and its replacement with another. See synonyms at rebellion.

civil war (noun)

1. A war between factions or regions of the same country.

3. Civil War. The war in the United States between the Union and the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865. Also called War Between the States.
I cannot see revolution in my tea leaves. The violence set in motion by race hustlers (black and white) is a continuation of the riots American Communists (black and white) engineered throughout the Cold War. The threat of a race war held responsible Americans in check. Question: Which definition covers race war —— revolution or civil war?

Fear that the Soviet Union would attack if America was torn apart quelling massive unrest stirred up by Communist agitators made Americans roll over for a lot of Socialist garbage rather than risk nuclear war. While loyal Americans were taking steps to defend the country against the Soviet military, the Strategic Air Command, etc., homegrown Communists were busy implementing Socialism/Communism in the Courts and in the public schools.

NOTE: Today, America has homegrown Muslim terrorists.

In addition to a legitimate fear of a Soviet attack, Maginot Line thinking during the Cold War contributed to Communism’s survival, and for creating a second enemy. Taqiyya the Liar is clearly placing Maginot Line thinking ahead of self-defense when he separates ISIS from Islam. If he is not deliberately abandoning self-defense, he has to believe that containing one Muslim army is the best way to win the war:

Obama spoke out harshly against ISIS. He compared the group to a "cancer" whose spread must be contained, saying it has and will continue to torture and kill civilians, massacre religious minorities, and rape women.

Aug. 20, 2014, 12:58 PM
Brett LoGiurato

Obama Statement On James Foley Death By ISIS - Business Insider
I wonder if Taqiyya realizes he said “Islam is a cancer with no place in the 21th century.”

Bottom line: American Communists have a stronger hand today than they had during the Cold War because Americans are facing two enemies; Communist countries with large militaries AND ISLAM.

Now let’s take a look at civil war.

Factions and regions were defined and understood before the American Civil War began:

faction (noun)

1. A group of persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious minority within a larger group.

2. Conflict within an organization or nation; internal dissension: "Our own beloved country . . . is now afflicted with faction and civil war" (Abraham Lincoln).
In addition to race —— factions can be divided into two basic groups:

1. A contentious minority who want big government.

2. A passive majority who want as much freedom from government as is possible.

NOTE: In the American experiment those who want big government must take everything away from those who had freedom from government.

Dozens of nuanced beliefs stem from those two fundamentally different factions. It is the same as the differences separating major religions. Christian and Muslims might go to war while different sects in each religion spout their own little religious truth.

So how is the enemy identified? Race is easy because it is visual. It is not so easy when you get into personal beliefs. Liberals identified their enemy as far back as the 1920s. Their enemy is anybody who opposes big government cum Socialism.

In general, freedom-loving Americans have no idea who the enemy is. Many conservatives make the mistake of seeing those liberals who advocate totalitarian government —— through violence if necessary —— as the primary enemy when the true enemy is harder to see much less defeat.

I’m talking about the do-gooders. The ones who would save the world with everybody else’s labor and money while they denigrate self-defense. So how do you kill them when they are so well-hidden? Answer: The same way you identify and kill enemies in every war and every revolution.


It ain’t North and South, but you can stretch regions a bit and say that America is split into two regions: Non-contiguous liberal states, and non-contiguous conservative states. Conservatives and liberals reside in every state for now.

Let’s not go squeamish here. Every form of war, every revolution, is about killing. Sometimes good things come from war or revolution; the American Revolution, also called The WAR for Independence, was a good thing. Communist revolutions are the other side of the coin. Should civil war or revolution come to America it will be a replay of every other war and revolution as far as killing goes. The tipping point for whatever is coming is the one unknown ingredient.

Finally, America’s unique history shows that do-gooders cannot be legislated out of political power for very long if at all. Killing as many do-gooders as possible for as long as possible offers mankind the best hope for a better world. The human race sure as hell will be better off without them.
To his credit Hilaire Belloc (1870 - 1953) saw Islam as a threat before World War One even though he saw it from a Catholic perspective:
He warned of the rise of Islam throughout the early years of the 20th century and then between the two world wars, when such prophecy seemed absurd.

Many years ago I read some of Belloc’s writings along with reading what others said about him in the years immediately after he died. I never thought his insights were exceptionally astute. I knew a few old-time seamen who sailed to Muslim countries before WWI who came to the same conclusions about Islam without all of the theological trimmings.

Benedict Kiely’s puff-piece about Belloc reminded me that non-Christians should not be conned into defeating Islam for Christianity. The same is true of the Socialist religion. In short: Defeat Islam for the right reason not for another religion. Indeed, Belloc’s criticism of Socialism leaves a lot to be desired —— he liked capitalism less than he liked Socialism.

I think Belloc stumbled badly here:

Reading Belloc’s many references to the rise of Islam, one is struck by his amazement at what he calls its “permanence and endurance.”

Islam’s RESURGENCE thanks to petroleum wealth was obvious even when giant petroleum companies controlled production, and controlled the price per barrel they paid to Oil Sheiks. Permanence and endurance would have fallen by the wayside without oil money. Who would give a rat’s ass about Arabs if they had no oil? Most importantly, I contend that Belloc never understood what petroleum wealth would eventually do for Islam. Not grasping the significance before WWI is pardonable, but he should have seen it before he died in 1953.

My basic objection to Belloc’s reputation as a prophet is that all of Communism’s groundwork was being laid during his productive years. I will not accuse Belloc of Maginot Line thinking. I will say he really dropped his crystal ball when he missed the Christian world’s fascination with Communism. As I’ve said many times, had Communism been defeated militarily today’s threat from Islam would be a walk in the park if it materialized at all.

Finally, Belloc saw Islam and the Middle East as one entity.

. . . “The most powerful denial of the Incarnation, the denial which came armed and victorious, was gathering in the desert and coming upon us without our dreaming of the danger: Islam.”

That worldview was, and is, a big mistake. Muslims in Indonesia and nuclear Pakistan pose as great a threat to the rest of the world as do Arab Muslims.

Incidentally, Indonesia is home to the world’s largest Muslim population —— in addition to being wealthy in natural resources far beyond anything on the Arabian Peninsula.

Here’s the link to the puff piece about Belloc:

August 23, 2014 4:00 AM Islam’s ‘Relaxation of the Intelligence’
It’s hard to engage in interfaith dialogue when your head has been cut off.
By Benedict Kiely

Islam s Relaxation of the Intelligence National Review Online
Bottom line: American Communists have a stronger hand today than they had during the Cold War because Americans are facing two enemies; Communist countries with large militaries AND ISLAM.

Man-o-man do I love this one even though there is not a chance Democrats in Congress will allow it:

There's a growing movement to build a memorial to Communism's dead on the National Mall, so that the current generation of Americans are made aware of the true nature of a philosophy that has justified the murder of at least 100 million people in the last 100 years.

A Victims of Communism Memorial is desperately needed as milennials have no connection with America's bi-partisan, anti-Communist past.


. . . there is a desperate need for this memorial museum to be built. The spirit of anti-Communism must be revived if we are to fight the disease effectively. Young people must be made aware that their dalliance with Communism is dangerous to their own well-being and educating yourself about the fundamental evil of Communism is a responsibility of all who value freedom in America.

August 25, 2014
Never forget: A memorial to Communism's 100 million dead
By Rick Moran

Blog Never forget A memorial to Communism s 100 million dead
Andre Maginot got a bad rap from historians. Maginot was a decorated wounded WW1 veteran and his plan to surround France with an impenetrable system of bunkers was based on WW1 military technology. By the time Maginot died in 1932 the military technology had advanced and the French were still constructing fortifications that modern tanks could bypass and they named (blamed) their failure to defend themselves on a WW1 veteran who died before they finished his plan. It's a shame that Maginot gets the blame when it was the dilettante French philosophy that caused the US to sacrifice their best and bravest to liberate France twice in a half century. Today the French still don't understand or appreciate what Americans did for them.

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