Magical Treasures from 7 countries


Apr 21, 2008
Magical Treasures from 7 countries revealed at the Yeosu Expo

Q Belgium Exhibition - Diamonds
29 diamond jewelries that are considered to be the best of the 'You and Me' diamond collection are exhibited at the Yeosu Expo.
Q Swiss Exhibition - Glacier cores created 15 thousand years ago
At the Swiss Exhibition, you can check out glaciers from 82m depth of permanent snow of Gnifetti-Spitze. The glacier is as old as the history of Korean peninsula, and holds important information about gelogical features, and climate of the past.
Q Italy Exhibition - Corallium Rubrum
The Corallium Rubrum is a precious coral that are durable and intensely colored red or pink skeleton, native to the Mediterranean. The Corallium Rubrum at Yeosu Expo was collected near Italy's Napoli, processed and exhibited.

Apart from these, at the Nobel Cutlery at Swedish Exhibition, amber at Lithuanian Exhibition, Ocean & Coast Best Practice Area's navigational glider, and 5 million year old Mangaese nodlues at the German Exhibition are all available-for-see at Yeosu Expo.

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