Madame Short-Legs


Sep 23, 2010
Topping Joe Biden is quite an accomplishment. Madame Short-Legs speaking for women has to be the joke of the longest campaign season on record. The headline says it all:

Madeleine Albright: 'I Can't Understand Why Any Woman Would Want To Vote For Mitt Romney'
Posted: 09/03/2012 6:42 pm Updated: 09/03/2012 10:53 pm

Madeleine Albright: 'I Can't Understand Why Any Woman Would Want To Vote For Mitt Romney'

Albright is forgiven if she was speaking for the kind of woman Clinton brought into his administration. Joycelyn Elders (teach children how to masturbate), Janet Reno (the Branch Davidian Compound slaughter), and Albright herself (the Balkans) are three sterling examples. And let’s not forget Clinton sending Ruth Ginsburg to the Supreme Court.

Possibly, Madame Short-Legs was talking about Hussein’s women. One need look no further than Kathleen Sebelius (Baby Butcher), Anita Dunn (Mao-lover), and Janet Napolitano (depraved aide) to see the kind of women Democrats prefer. It’s okay for Albright to speak for her kind. Assuming tens of millions of decent women give a rat’s ass about her lack of understanding is quite another matter.

Finally, Albright was obviously aiming her remarks at female Tea Partiers who will voter for Romney. She might even be dumb enough to assume a word from a Leftist loser like her will enlighten Sarah Palin.
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Topping Joe Biden is quite an accomplishment. Madame Short-Legs speaking for women has to be the joke of the longest campaign season on record. The headline says it all:

Madeleine Albright: 'I Can't Understand Why Any Woman Would Want To Vote For Mitt Romney'
Posted: 09/03/2012 6:42 pm Updated: 09/03/2012 10:53 pm

Madeleine Albright: 'I Can't Understand Why Any Woman Would Want To Vote For Mitt Romney'

Albright is forgiven if she was speaking for the kind of woman Clinton brought into his administration. Joycelyn Elders (teach children how to masturbate), Janet Reno (the Branch Davidian Compound slaughter), and Albright herself (the Balkans) are three sterling examples. And let’s not forget Clinton sending Ruth Ginsburg to the Supreme Court.

Possibly, Madame Short-Legs was talking about Hussein’s women. One need look no further than Kathleen Sebelius (Baby Butcher), Anita Dunn (Mao-lover), and Janet Napolitano (depraved aide) to see the kind of women Democrats prefer. It’s okay for Albright to speak for her kind. Assuming tens of millions decent women give a rat’s ass about her lack of understanding is quite another matter.

Finally, Albright was obviously aiming her remarks at female Tea Partiers who will voter for Romney. She might even be dumb enough to assume a word from a Leftist loser like her will enlighten Sarah Palin.

The subject heading is all you need to read to know why Obama has a 8-10 point lead among women. Right wingers hate all women that they can't see either a) fucking or b) being their mother. Either that or they hate their mother and its just a)
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The subject heading is all you need to read to know why Obama has a 8-10 point lead among women. Right wingers hate all women that they can't see either a) fucking or b) being their mother. Either that or they hate their mother and its just a)

To OohPooPahDoo: Your response is a Freudian smorgasbord. I’m not certain if you resent women having sex, or if you think women hate sex, or if you think your mother needs a chastity belt?
This excerpt reminded me of another Albright gem:

The Obama administration policy with regard to Iran is doomed from its inception. We say we will not tolerate their having a bomb. They want to have a bomb and are moving full speed ahead. How do you talk your way out of those differences? What is the middle ground we can reach through talks… they get a small bomb?

Bolton From the Blue
By Jay D. Homnick on 10.15.12 @ 6:07AM
Amb. John Bolton has plenty to say about a Middle East policy in disarray.

The American Spectator : Bolton From the Blue

On Meet The Press in 2005 Mad Madeleine said this about Saddam Hussein and imminent threats:

MR. RUSSERT: You believed he had weapons of mass destruction.

MS. ALBRIGHT: I said that I did, but I never thought that they were an imminent threat. And what we did was to keep Saddam Hussein in a box by using diplomacy, sanctions and force, with bombing in the no-fly zone. It worked. And what is evident from the CIA reports is that it did work. The sanctions worked. But I think...

Albright admitted that she believed Saddam had WMD. I can only surmise that she thought Saddam had small WMD . . . too small to be called an imminent threat.

The part about the imminent threat is nothing more than code talk for saying self-defense is only permissible after the UN gives its final approval.

And to think that the Senate confirmed Madame Short-Legs as Secretary of State, but refused to confirm John Bolton as US Ambassador to the United Nations! Even more puzzling is Susan Rice getting the job Bolton was denied.

Parenthetically, nasty Joe Biden played a major role in rejecting Bolton.

Here’s the link to the full Meet The Press interview:

No one gives a shit what you think.

To OohPooPahDoo: Is that an opinion? or can you cite a poll? My poll says that over a thousand people cared enough to read this thread.

Its says it has over a thousand views, not a thousand viewers

Fuck you're dumb

To OohPooPahDoo: Are you saying that 10 people each opened up this thread a hundred times? Or that one person opened this thread a thousand times? Correct me with documentation if I’m wrong, but as far as I know an individual viewer is only recorded once no matter how many times they revisit a thread. In fact, the number of views would be much, much, higher if every repeat view by people following a thread was recorded.

Is it possible you are dumb enough to say that people open a thread with no intention of reading the text? If so, how many threads do they open without reading them? How do they decide which threads NOT to read? And why would anyone waste time clicking on and off message board threads?
To OohPooPahDoo: I am curious about one thing. How did you edit your response in #7 permalink without having the edit listed in the usual way:

Last edited by OohPooPahDoo; etc.

The e-mail notification said you responded with three words “No one cares” yet that is not the text that is up now.

Here’s the e-mail notification:

Dear Flanders,

OohPooPahDoo has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Madame Short-Legs - in the Tea Party forum of US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:

---Quote (Originally by Flanders)---
---Quote (Originally by OohPooPahDoo)---

No one gives a shit what you think.
---End Quote---
*To OohPooPahDoo: Is that an opinion? or can you cite a poll? My poll says that over a thousand people cared enough to read this thread. *
---End Quote---
No one cares

You should have stuck with the original. You did not look so stupid.
It looks like Madame Short-Legs stepped in it again. This time in her birthplace.

Notice her screaming “Get out.” like she is still a big shot in the Clinton Administration yelling at State Department sycophants. The protesters did leave, but not because she told them to:

She even had the gall to call the people she was instrumental in killing with NATO bombs “Disgusting Serbs.”

As Clinton's top diplomat, Albright headed the U.S. participation in the Yugoslav wars in Bosnia and Kosovo and is credited for pushing NATO into the humanitarian crisis. Time Magazine called it "Madeleine's War."

Albright raps 'disgusting Serbs' in Prague book signing
November 1, 2012 | 4:33 pm

Albright raps 'disgusting Serbs' in Prague book signing |
Don't forget about the current secretary of state heading up the "bimbo eruption squad" dedicated to ruining the lives of women who came forward and talked about relationships with her husband.
Topping Joe Biden is quite an accomplishment. Madame Short-Legs speaking for women has to be the joke of the longest campaign season on record. The headline says it all:

Madeleine Albright: 'I Can't Understand Why Any Woman Would Want To Vote For Mitt Romney'
Posted: 09/03/2012 6:42 pm Updated: 09/03/2012 10:53 pm

Madeleine Albright: 'I Can't Understand Why Any Woman Would Want To Vote For Mitt Romney'

Albright is forgiven if she was speaking for the kind of woman Clinton brought into his administration. Joycelyn Elders (teach children how to masturbate), Janet Reno (the Branch Davidian Compound slaughter), and Albright herself (the Balkans) are three sterling examples. And let’s not forget Clinton sending Ruth Ginsburg to the Supreme Court.

Possibly, Madame Short-Legs was talking about Hussein’s women. One need look no further than Kathleen Sebelius (Baby Butcher), Anita Dunn (Mao-lover), and Janet Napolitano (depraved aide) to see the kind of women Democrats prefer. It’s okay for Albright to speak for her kind. Assuming tens of millions decent women give a rat’s ass about her lack of understanding is quite another matter.

Finally, Albright was obviously aiming her remarks at female Tea Partiers who will voter for Romney. She might even be dumb enough to assume a word from a Leftist loser like her will enlighten Sarah Palin.

The subject heading is all you need to read to know why Obama has a 8-10 point lead among women. Right wingers hate all women that they can't see either a) fucking or b) being their mother. Either that or they hate their mother and its just a)
Really? It's not the GOP that insists women are nothing more than genitals.

The DNC has decreed that women care only about free birth control.
The subject heading is all you need to read to know why Obama has a 8-10 point lead among women. Right wingers hate all women that they can't see either a) fucking or b) being their mother. Either that or they hate their mother and its just a)

I would like to see the breakdown of that lead in terms of WHICH women favor Obama/Romney and what is their economic and educational background.

I have found that partisan politics tends toward bullying and competition, rather than fostering cooperation, so that women are discriminated and excluded in general.

The Democrat party may be more public in inviting and advertising diversity in membership intake, but in terms of leadership roles, there is too much bullying in general and so women fall victim to that in any party. Even with Occupy, this bullying was going on.

I think the Green Party is supposed to be making the most conscious effort to be gender-inclusive and in line with feminist philosophies, but even some of those members can play political games once you get in groups and hierarchies. Overall I believe the trend of men dominating women is sociological and applies to all large groups; I would not say the GOP is more sexist than the Dems. From my experience, because the DEMS are usually on the defensive and have to attack the establishment as being exclusive, they tend to use the male politics to compete, so they tend to be worse than the GOP which doesn't rely on this as much.

The GOP members who draw their strength from aligning and organizing on Christian or Constitutional values don't NEED to play the political games so much as the Democrats do. Both parties have invoked complaints of excluding/overriding their own members, but the Democrats are worse at playing political favorites and games to push a candidate at all costs, where women tend to lose out.
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Topping Joe Biden is quite an accomplishment. Madame Short-Legs speaking for women has to be the joke of the longest campaign season on record. The headline says it all:
No one gives a shit what you think.

This type of exclusion by dismissing someone's opinion and input is a good example of the partisan bullying by both parties.

In general, women tend to lose out with this type of tactic and environment.
So if both parties do it, both parties are guilty.

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