"MAD AS HELL" as a new category in questions for GOP voters: Bloomberg/Selzer Iowa poll


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
This poll:

Ben Carson Edging Close to Front-Runner Trump in Latest Iowa Poll

which was released on 28.08.2015 by Bloomberg and is now being reported in detail today in the Des Moines Register, has done some interesting questioning of GOP voters in Iowa:

Iowa Poll: Nearly half want to round up immigrants

For instance, 40% of GOP caucus-goers, according to the poll, think that deporting all 11 (some say, 12) million illegal aliens en mass is a good idea. But 73% of Trump supporters say it is a good idea:

2015-09-002 Bloomberg-Selzer Iowa poll graphic 001.png

Notice also that the undecideds are the smallest group among the Trump supporters.

And this data point is also in the poll:

Iowa Poll: Trump blazes to lead; Carson quietly rises


Literally, Bloomberg/Selzer has created a "MAD AS HELL" category to it's polling.

BTW, the poll results for both Trump and Clinton are at that link above (a complete copy of the entire poll), but also reported by me here:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2015 and beyond: 2016 polling round-up, 22-31.08.2015: GOP Nomination

-and here-:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2015 and beyond: 2016 polling round-up, 22-31.08.2015: DEM Nomination

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