Lt Col Vindman.....Why Isn't He Being Charged With Treason...Wasn't He A Democrat Spy?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The red flags should have gone up the moment this guy opened his mouth. He has been officially reprimanded in the past by a superior officer for bad-mouthing the United States in front of Russian nationals. He never should have been allowed in the White House and should have been labeled a potential security risk....yet Obama made sure this little turncoat was in the Trump White House after the Democrat's fake Whistleblower was booted out and re-assigned.

Look....he's even sporting his Purple Hillary Necktie when he was in his civilian clothes. The guy never wore his uniform when he was at work, but he showed up in his dress blues during an obvious attempt to make himself look like a patriotic American. He's really just a traitor and a spy. He dared to think that his foreign policies superseded the foreign policies of the President. That is what his testimony revealed during the impeachment hearings. He felt any change in policy was frightening.

So is this what the left is trying to tell us now.....that low-level government employees have control of our foreign policy....not the POTUS???

What do you think they would do to people that worked for Obama? Ask yourself that question. They'd arrest them and throw them in prison. That's what this POS deserves. He has aligned himself with enemies of the current administration.....and that is textbook treason.


Over the Target: Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Vindman

Over the Target: Marsha Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Key Impeachment Figure Vindman

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has drawn fire from across the anti-Donald Trump political spectrum the past few days as she has publicly challenged the fake establishment built around key impeachment figure and Democrat witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

Vindman infamously testified in his full military uniform–despite the fact he does not wear it to work at the National Security Council (NSC)–before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) during the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry stage last year helping build their case to pass articles of Impeachment before Christmas. The “impeachment managers,” the top Democrats that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has appointed to argue the Democrats’ partisan case for removing President Trump from office before the U.S. Senate, have repeatedly invoked Vindman’s testimony over the course of this week, where Democrats have finally finished their opening arguments after three long days of that and a previous late night on Tuesday in the Senate where they used a series of meaningless amendments to buy more time to press their case on the Senate floor.

But it is a series of tweets from Blackburn that have infuriated the president’s enemies, Never Trumpers and Democrats alike, where the freshman U.S. senator and conservative firebrand from Tennessee–a strong ally of the president–has called for the truth to finally come out about Vindman and others’ role in orchestrating this entire impeachment charade from the beginning.

Everything Blackburn has said about Vindman is factually accurate.​
No, he was not.

That is why he is not being charged.

Well, that was easy to clear up.
Vindman will be dealt with later. So will the whistleblower and other coup conspiracists. They don't want to go through all the media created controversy that will happen until the trial is over. MSM sucks.
He bled for the US seeing active duty, getting a PH. Alexander Vindman - Wikipedia
His politics gets a pass from me, but also a quick ticket out of the WH.

As Dr. Hill explained, he has absolutely no tolerance for political consideration. He is a strict military mind that gives no leeway for politics.
He and Eric Ciaramella are being protected.

The red flags should have gone up the moment this guy opened his mouth. He has been officially reprimanded in the past by a superior officer for bad-mouthing the United States in front of Russian nationals. He never should have been allowed in the White House and should have been labeled a potential security risk....yet Obama made sure this little turncoat was in the Trump White House after the Democrat's fake Whistleblower was booted out and re-assigned.

Look....he's even sporting his Purple Hillary Necktie when he was in his civilian clothes. The guy never wore his uniform when he was at work, but he showed up in his dress blues during an obvious attempt to make himself look like a patriotic American. He's really just a traitor and a spy. He dared to think that his foreign policies superseded the foreign policies of the President. That is what his testimony revealed during the impeachment hearings. He felt any change in policy was frightening.

So is this what the left is trying to tell us now.....that low-level government employees have control of our foreign policy....not the POTUS???

What do you think they would do to people that worked for Obama? Ask yourself that question. They'd arrest them and throw them in prison. That's what this POS deserves. He has aligned himself with enemies of the current administration.....and that is textbook treason.


Over the Target: Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Vindman

Over the Target: Marsha Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Key Impeachment Figure Vindman

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has drawn fire from across the anti-Donald Trump political spectrum the past few days as she has publicly challenged the fake establishment built around key impeachment figure and Democrat witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

Vindman infamously testified in his full military uniform–despite the fact he does not wear it to work at the National Security Council (NSC)–before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) during the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry stage last year helping build their case to pass articles of Impeachment before Christmas. The “impeachment managers,” the top Democrats that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has appointed to argue the Democrats’ partisan case for removing President Trump from office before the U.S. Senate, have repeatedly invoked Vindman’s testimony over the course of this week, where Democrats have finally finished their opening arguments after three long days of that and a previous late night on Tuesday in the Senate where they used a series of meaningless amendments to buy more time to press their case on the Senate floor.

But it is a series of tweets from Blackburn that have infuriated the president’s enemies, Never Trumpers and Democrats alike, where the freshman U.S. senator and conservative firebrand from Tennessee–a strong ally of the president–has called for the truth to finally come out about Vindman and others’ role in orchestrating this entire impeachment charade from the beginning.

Everything Blackburn has said about Vindman is factually accurate.​
Vindman cares a lot more for this Country than most fair-weather patriot Trumpers. You know those people. Those Trumpers who would rather have Russian leadership than elect a Democrat. They’re all over this board.

Vindman is an American patriot who put Country first over a corrupt president.

I’d rather have Vindman near me in a Fox hole than Private Bone Spurs. We all know what Bone Spurs would do once the action started. He’d suddenly have no bone spurs.
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when Vindman talked about his father, people including Republicans in Congress were in tears, according to Schiffty Schiff
The red flags should have gone up the moment this guy opened his mouth. He has been officially reprimanded in the past by a superior officer for bad-mouthing the United States in front of Russian nationals. He never should have been allowed in the White House and should have been labeled a potential security risk....yet Obama made sure this little turncoat was in the Trump White House after the Democrat's fake Whistleblower was booted out and re-assigned.

Look....he's even sporting his Purple Hillary Necktie when he was in his civilian clothes. The guy never wore his uniform when he was at work, but he showed up in his dress blues during an obvious attempt to make himself look like a patriotic American. He's really just a traitor and a spy. He dared to think that his foreign policies superseded the foreign policies of the President. That is what his testimony revealed during the impeachment hearings. He felt any change in policy was frightening.

So is this what the left is trying to tell us now.....that low-level government employees have control of our foreign policy....not the POTUS???

What do you think they would do to people that worked for Obama? Ask yourself that question. They'd arrest them and throw them in prison. That's what this POS deserves. He has aligned himself with enemies of the current administration.....and that is textbook treason.


Over the Target: Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Vindman

Over the Target: Marsha Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Key Impeachment Figure Vindman

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has drawn fire from across the anti-Donald Trump political spectrum the past few days as she has publicly challenged the fake establishment built around key impeachment figure and Democrat witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

Vindman infamously testified in his full military uniform–despite the fact he does not wear it to work at the National Security Council (NSC)–before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) during the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry stage last year helping build their case to pass articles of Impeachment before Christmas. The “impeachment managers,” the top Democrats that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has appointed to argue the Democrats’ partisan case for removing President Trump from office before the U.S. Senate, have repeatedly invoked Vindman’s testimony over the course of this week, where Democrats have finally finished their opening arguments after three long days of that and a previous late night on Tuesday in the Senate where they used a series of meaningless amendments to buy more time to press their case on the Senate floor.

But it is a series of tweets from Blackburn that have infuriated the president’s enemies, Never Trumpers and Democrats alike, where the freshman U.S. senator and conservative firebrand from Tennessee–a strong ally of the president–has called for the truth to finally come out about Vindman and others’ role in orchestrating this entire impeachment charade from the beginning.

Everything Blackburn has said about Vindman is factually accurate.​
He transmitted privileged information to people who had no need to know.....For that he should be court martialed.
Vindman cares a lot more for this Country than most fair-weather patriot Trumpers. You know those people. Those Trumpers who would rather have Russian leadership than elect a Democrat. They’re all over this board.

Vindman is an American patriot who put Country first over a corrupt president.

I’d rather have Vindman near me in a Fox hole than Private Bone Spurs. We all know what Bone Spurs would do once the action started. He’d suddenly have no bone spurs.
If Vindman was near me in a foxhole I'd frag his ass.

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