Lower taxes = Less free shit for lowlifes paying no taxes...right?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Stop and think about that for a minute...that's what the Left believes...ofcouse they're against lower taxes. Their core in every ghetto and barrio across the nation might have to cut back on the weed and 40's....They wouldn't dare want that.
Less taxes = less standard of living
-Lower quality of infrastructure
-Low quality of education. If we don't cover most of the population then there will be ghettos expanding throughout our land.
-Low food, air and water quality. More healthcare cost and less money to spend on goods.

What you ask for is the transformation of this country into somalia.

It isn't about free shit to the poor so much as our ability to lead the world as a first world country. Of course you're not intelligent enough to understand this.
Less taxes = less standard of living
-Lower quality of infrastructure
-Low quality of education
-Low food, air and water quality

What you ask for is the transformation of this country into somalia.

It isn't about free shit to the poor so much as our ability to lead the world as a first world country. Of course you're not intelligent enough to understand this.

Not necessarily. Our government is insanely wasteful. Our schools are already shit; last I checked, even African schools were starting to pull ahead of ours, and they are dirt poor.
But I think massive tax cuts is probably not a great idea right now.
Less taxes = less standard of living
-Lower quality of infrastructure
-Low quality of education. If we don't cover most of the population then there will be ghettos expanding throughout our land.
-Low food, air and water quality. More healthcare cost and less money to spend on goods.

What you ask for is the transformation of this country into somalia.

It isn't about free shit to the poor so much as our ability to lead the world as a first world country. Of course you're not intelligent enough to understand this.

Obama doubled the national debt, you want Trump doing the same and leading this country into financial collapse and ruin using your freeloading dreams? Somalia will be considered heaven compared to what you're pushing for.
Less taxes = less standard of living
-Lower quality of infrastructure
-Low quality of education. If we don't cover most of the population then there will be ghettos expanding throughout our land.
-Low food, air and water quality. More healthcare cost and less money to spend on goods.

What you ask for is the transformation of this country into somalia.

It isn't about free shit to the poor so much as our ability to lead the world as a first world country. Of course you're not intelligent enough to understand this.

Less taxes = less standard of living

Only if you make your living off government.

What you ask for is the transformation of this country into Somalia.

Our transfer payments are $1 trillion a year higher than in 2008.
Not $1 trillion a year. $1 trillion a year more. Every year. Than in 2008.


Somalia? You fucking retard.
Actually they'll get more, an increase in the child tax credit will increase their welfare payments through the tax code. But I can't say much, if they increase the standard deduction to 24,000 it will zero out my federal taxes. That would leave me only paying sales taxes.

Lower taxes coupled with lower costs of government, greater contributions by business who grow and can reinvest, citizens with more disposable income to spend at said businesses. On top of less regulations and red tape.

If you want to become the America of old, it starts with logical trade agreements that don't arm and reward foreign government abuses allow citizens to be free and stay out of citizens business. You can be sure that from Edison to the Wright Brothers, they weren't begging for government to find the solution, they had the courage and drive to solve the problems themselves.

Men that should be admired and respected for not just their inventions but the examples they set to a generation that has relied far too much on government and activism and not enough on staking their claim on their own two feet.
Stop and think about that for a minute...that's what the Left believes...ofcouse they're against lower taxes. Their core in every ghetto and barrio across the nation might have to cut back on the weed and 40's....They wouldn't dare want that.

And the lowlifes like Trump might lose billions.

Lot of tax reductions ahead to make America great again!

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