Loving the black and the golden lion tamarin but hating the white race to death


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
The portuguese arrived in Brazil in 1500 and started the colonisation of the country in the southeast and northeast of the country (region in red = southeast, orange = northeast )


Due to this fact, the two regions concentrate many of the country's mega-cities like São Paulo (biggest city in Latin America), Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, etc... It's also the most densely populated, industrialized and ecologically devastated region in the country.

Extending along the southeast coast of the country lies the Mata Atlantica (Atlantic Forest) a region of tropical and subtropical rain forest.


The bioma was almost totally destroyed in the 500 years of existence of the nation.



This ecosystem is home to two critically endangered species of tamarins:

THE GOLDEN LION TAMARIN (Leontopithecus rosalia)




and the

(Leontopithecus chrysopygus)



Although the two species do not interbreed in the wild they can interbreed in captivity so it is possible to consider the golden and the black variety as subspecies of the Lion Tamarin species.

In 1982 (and later in 1996) brazilian authorities announced to the world that the golden and the black lion tamarin were virtually extinct generating an international commotion.

The desperate situation of the lion tamarin reached the international community in the nineties and hundreds of thousands of people around the world who cared about ecology were moved by the plight of the brazilian tiny monkeys.

International foundations were created, a huge global effort was set up and government agencies in Europe, America and Asia sent resources to help save the lion tamarin from extinction. Millions of dollars have been spent since then.
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I told the story of the golden and the black lion tamarin (it could be any other endagered species from anywhere in the world) to expose the blatant, overt double standards people in the West have regarding human and other animals' races.

Almost everybody in America considers the subspecies of irrational animals as an invaluable treasure that belongs to humanity (not to any specific country), something that must be preserved, protect at any cost.

But as far as the subspecies of human species are concerned, the discourse changes radically.

Human races do not add variety, diversity to the planet like the races of other animals do, they are considered to be an incovenience at best or an evil that must be exterminated at worst.

This is an absurd, scandalous incoherency, contradiction of astronomical proportions!!

Subspecies cannot be a gift from God and an evil to be destroyed at the same time!!!!

Either they are an asset to be preserved or an burden to be destroyed.

They certainly can't be both.

Whether we like it or not, we humans are animals too, we are part of the biological world, of the ecosystem, so there is absolutely no reason to apply a double standards regarding human and other animals' races.

Believing that only human races are an evil or an incovenience is crazy people talk.
As someone who has been fascinated by wildlife his entire life, I strongly believe that ALL SUBSPECIES OF ALL ANIMALS bring color, variety to our lives.

100 million dollars would be well-spent to preserve this biological treasure that does not belong to Brazil but to mankind.

And I also believe that blue-eyed, blond people brings diversity to our planet and the insane policies of multiculturalism (flodding America, England, Australis with non-whites and creating a social climate conducive to the elimination of white people) will also irreversably impoverish our planet, subtracting from its diversity.

I believe that both the golden and the black lion tamarind and the white race have a right to exist and should not be eliminated by deforestation or a crazy socio-political ideology like multiculturalism created and implemented with the specific aim of destroying the presence of the white race in America, of eliminating part of the racial diversity of our world.

I'm 100% coherent. No contradiction here.

How about you?

When are you going to stop being incoherent, loving the golden and the black races of Lion Tamarin and hating, despising the human races at the same time?

When are you going to get rid of this schizophrenic talk in which you declare your inconditional love for them:



and your hate, despise or indiference for them:



When are you going to realise that all of them enrich our planet, enrich our human experience, brings diversity to our world (THE REAL DIVERSITY) and should all be equally protected?

How boring, monotonous, homogenized our planet would be if you could only find "brown" people from Canada to Tierra del Fuego in Argentina.

When are you going to get rid of the brainwashing and indoctrination of multiculturalism and stop thinking about the white race as something that does not deserve to exist, as something unworthy of preservation?

When are you going to stop loving the golden and the black lion tamarin and wishing death on the white race?
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Originally posted by Lonestar_logic


This is exactly what this thread is about...

The two races of the Lion Tamarin species are considered a treasure of mankind...

Neither the golden nor the black race should be allowed to disapear because the loss of any one of them would impoverish our planet, it would be a shame and a disgrace...

But the demise of the white race in America (in the long run, if the multiculturalist madness is allowed to continue) is treated with nothing more than mocking and scoffing...

The golden and black races of Lion Tamarin = good

White race = bad

I couldn't have provided a better example of multiculturalist brainwashing myself!!

If this is not a scandalous incoherence, contradiction and double standards then the words incoherence, contradiction and double standards have no meaning at all.
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José;5280978 said:
Originally posted by Lonestar_logic


This is exactly what this thread is about...

The two races of the Lion Tamarin species are considered a treasure of mankind...

Neither the golden nor the black race should be allowed to disapear because the loss of any one of them would impoverish our planet, it would be a shame and a disgrace...

But the demise of the white race in America (in the long run, if the multiculturalist madness is allowed to continue) is treated with nothing more than mocking and scoffing...

The golden and black races of Lion Tamarin = good

White race = bad

I couldn't have provided a better example of multiculturalist brainwashing myself!!

If this is not a scandalous incoherence, contradiction and double standards then the words incoherence, contradiction and double standards have no meaning at all.

Species go extinct, it's a fact of life. Deal with it.
Originally posted by Lonestar_logic
Species go extinct, it's a fact of life. Deal with it.


How clueless can you be, Texan?

The mentally unbalanced US government took a councious, long-term decision in the 1950´s and 60'ss to turn white americans into an minority in their own country allowing millions of non-whites from Latin America, Asia and Africa who never had any historical connection to America to flood the country and creating an social climate where race-mixing is glamourised and promoted as a value.

This is a "man-made" extinction... about as "natural" as the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.

The brazilian government announced a program to slowly eliminate both the golden and the black races of Lion Tamarin by creating a research facility where both races will be slowly interbred until they are extinct and a new mixed race is produced.

If Brazil was crazy enough to create such a project the country would be bombarded with every kind of political and economic santions you can imagine.

The project would be denounced internationally as a crime against the brazilian fauna and against the planet, an obscene act of destruction of the world's biological diversity.

But this is exactly the "program" the US government is implementing in America.

A program of elimination the human biological diversity of the country by letting millions of non-whites into the country and promoting miscigenation.

The multiculturalist project needs millions of foreign non-whites because the historical population of blacks in the US (around 10%) and hispanics (an insignificant minority) would never be able to achieve the genocidal goal.

Now let me see:

Genocide by miscigenation of the golden and black races of the lion tamarin is a crime against humanity.

But the slow genocide by miscigenation of the white race in America is considered "a high-priority, long term goal" by the US government.

People have to make up their minds:

Either races are a positive or a negative thing.

If they are a plus to humanity, if they bring diversity to the planet, they should be all equally protected, both animal and human races.

If they are a burden to humanity or simply unimportant, they should be all destroyed, animal and human races alike, or at least the West shouldn't spend billions each year trying to save every single race of every single wildlife species.

What I can't understand is how mentally sane people can accept the multiculturalist and the ecological discourse at the same time:

All the races of all irrational animals are a godsend to humanity (ecological discourse).

But the white race in America must be targeted for destruction or, at least, reduction to insignicance in the long run (multiculturalist discourse).

There's no other way to put it, folks, this is crazy people talk, plain and simple.
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José;5287634 said:
Originally posted by Lonestar_logic
Species go extinct, it's a fact of life. Deal with it.


How clueless can you be, Texan?

The mentally unbalanced US government took a councious, long-term decision in the 1950´s and 60'ss to turn white americans into an minority in their own country allowing millions of non-whites from Latin America, Asia and Africa who never had any historical connection to America to flood the country and creating an social climate where race-mixing is glamourised and promoted as a value.

This is a "man-made" extinction... about as "natural" as the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.

Hey dumbass I hate to be the bearer of bad news but um the white man is NOT extinct.
Originally posted by PredFan
Anyone have a recipe for Lion Tamarin? I know where we can get some.

This is the kind of logical consistency I expect from serious people...

If you're prepared to say:

"I don't give a damn about any particular subspecies of humans because other races or a mix between them will still be around."

You should also be prepared to say:

"I dont care about the survival of the golden lion tamarin because the black variety will still exist."

I don't agree with this but I can at least respect your opinion as logically consistent.

What is absurd is declare the human races an insignificant detail and the subspecies of all the other animals an invaluable global treasure to be protected at all costs.
Although PredFan doesn't seem to give a damn about the little primates themselves let alone the golden and black variety. : )
Originally posted by Lonestar_logic
Hey dumbass I hate to be the bearer of bad news but um the white man is NOT extinct.

I said white people in America face a long-term threat not that they were extint...

But since you touched this subject let me say this:

I'm a very occasional poster... I just came back from a 6 mont break (if memory serves me well)... didn't even follow any debate during this time (don't blame for having a job and a life outside the net : )

But I lost count of all the times I saw people talking about the destiny of the white race in America...

These are just a few comments I remember on top of my head:

"Another 50 to 75 years we are gonna be one big brown nation. Then people will find something else to hate on."

(posted by laughinReaper less than two weeks ago)

"From all I have seen, we'll be gorgeous when we're all mixed..."

(posted by Bodecea)

"The white race is doomed... has no future..."

(posted by rightwinger)

"Varying shades of brown."

(thread created by AVG-JOE)

"Your great-grandchildren, maybe even your grandchildren, won't be white. Get over it."

(don't remember who posted this sick shit)

I participate in this forum very sporadically and saw all these messages... People who post here daily have surely seen much more, dozens of them.

But when you refer to a threat to the white race people tend to downplay or even deny it:

"José is a paranoid poster... The survival of the white race in America faces no long term threat..."

"José is an alarmist. The typical "OH MY GOD!! The sky is falling!!" poster."

People have to make up their minds:

They say most if not all americans will be brown 100, 150 years from now.

So either multiculturalism presents a long term but REAL threat to the presence of the white race in America or José is a paranoid poster, ranting and raving against a nonexistent threat.

They have to choose one of the options because both obviously cannot be right.
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