Love it or Leave it?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Can someone explain to me the 'love it or leave it' mentality we get from some (okay, many) conservatives?

Did the FF leave the colonies or change the system?

Should the abolitionists and slaves have just left instead of changing the system?

Should women have left instead of changing the system?

Should children have left if people didn't want them working in the mines with no protection?

Should blacks and women have simply left if they didn't like being able to vote?

Maybe they should leave if they don't like *insert social program or government policy here*? Or do they only want people who disagree with them to elave so they can avoid real debate?
It isn't so much a "love it or leave it" mentality;

it's an "if you hate it so much, go where you think it's better" mentality,

and quit trying to ruin it for the REST of us by turning THIS unique place into just another one of THOSE places.

Seriously. If the very BEDROCK of this system is so wrong,

get on down the road to a place that you can be HAPPY

by manning-up with the courage of your convictions

and SHOW us how great it is elsewhere.

I'd be down with funding ONE-way tickets to whomsoever wants a Better Place To Live,

as well as funding the bureaucracy to change over citizenship status for you,

but I'm absolutely CERTAIN that you'll find some sort of fault with ^that^ more-than-generous offer...

Can someone explain to me the 'love it or leave it' mentality we get from some (okay, many) conservatives?

Odd I dont recall any conservatives stating they were moving out of the country if they failed to win an election. Yet many of the left have, Could there be a conservative who did? Probably

So I find your point lacking any real objectivity.
It isn't so much a "love it or leave it" mentality;

it's an "if you hate it so much, go where you think it's better" mentality,

and quit trying to ruin it for the REST of us by turning THIS unique place into just another one of THOSE places.

Seriously. If the very BEDROCK of this system is so wrong,

get on down the road to a place that you can be HAPPY

by manning-up with the courage of your convictions

and SHOW us how great it is elsewhere.

I'd be down with funding ONE-way tickets to whomsoever wants a Better Place To Live,

as well as funding the bureaucracy to change over citizenship status for you,

but I'm absolutely CERTAIN that you'll find some sort of fault with ^that^ more-than-generous offer...

Thanks for the offer but I got out before the cancer set in.

Shit. If you have to live in the m_pyre you could at least find somewhere better than the idiot capital of it.

Get a passport. You need to get out more. You're flagwashed.
It isn't so much a "love it or leave it" mentality;

it's an "if you hate it so much, go where you think it's better" mentality,

and quit trying to ruin it for the REST of us by turning THIS unique place into just another one of THOSE places.

Seriously. If the very BEDROCK of this system is so wrong,

get on down the road to a place that you can be HAPPY

by manning-up with the courage of your convictions

and SHOW us how great it is elsewhere.

I'd be down with funding ONE-way tickets to whomsoever wants a Better Place To Live,

as well as funding the bureaucracy to change over citizenship status for you,

but I'm absolutely CERTAIN that you'll find some sort of fault with ^that^ more-than-generous offer...


Why then have the tea party partakers not taken flight? Since the nomination of Obama for the office of POTUS they have whined and complained about everything. I suppose no other nation would take American emigrants dressed in 18th century garb who hate and fear anyone they determine is not American enough.
So, yes, women and blacks should have just stfu and left?

If they knew of somewhere that they'd be HAPPIER,


Especially if their "ride" was FREE.

I spoke to this, regarding forums, in another post.

If I'm not happy here?

I'm down and OUT.

There are a MILLION other places that I can be, online.

My friends, here? If they're my REAL friends? They'll follow/search for/watch me,

to see if THEY want to be where I am.

That's life, pal. That's how it IS, in all reality.

If YOU aren't looking for a place to "be," that suits YOUR ideology,

you're nothing but a rabble-rouser who wants everyone else to PAY for your dissatisfaction.

Fuck, dude. WE'LL PAY for you to get on down the road. In the Big Scheme of Things, paying to get RID of you will cost us SO much LESS,


YOU, too, can be HAPPY!!!

If you've ever read a Bible? You know that women were considered Property.

Yet and still, men held their loves close to their hearts,

cared for and Concerned themselves with what that "property" would think of them.

If you resign yourself to BEING "property," you're just someTHING;

if you don't, you're someONE.

Mang, I can't believe that the Bible is as THIN as it is,

considering the fact that this shit is this HARD to explain!
I'd prefer "love it and fix whats broken if you do" rather than just to up and leave. Of course the bedrock of our nation is the right to disagree with our Government but that does not mean that every single conservative,liberal or for that matter is calling for someone to leave if they happen to disagree with the current direction of the nation. In fact I would go so far as to say that those that do leave the nation because they don't love it or refuse to change wrongs within our constitution never loved this nation in the first place or respected the sacrifices of all those who came before them to give them the ability to make that choice. So back to the original question " love it or leave it" when you get down to it, doesn't someone who desires to change things no matter what their political leanings love this nation ? and if they do not, why are they here? So yes, the statement is true in that sense of the word, regardless of your political leanings.
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Why then have the tea party partakers not taken flight? Since the nomination of Obama for the office of POTUS they have whined and complained about everything. I suppose no other nation would take American emigrants dressed in 18th century garb who hate and fear anyone they determine is not American enough.

He's the aberration,

not us.

THIS place was founded on OUR beliefs.

If YOU want his big scheme of thangs?


There isn't another country that even comes CLOSE to us, that we COULD run to.

THIS is our land; these are our beliefs; this is how we wanted to live.

YOU, and your ilk, are the trespassers.

Go where YOU want ~ there are PLENTY of countries that hold what you profess to be your beliefs.

DO NOT think that you can MAKE us have to be THEM.

We aren't; we won't; we don't want THAT.
I'd prefer "love it and fix whats broken if you do" rather than just to up and leave. Of course the bedrock of our nation is the right to disagree with our Government but that does not mean that every single conservative,liberal or for that matter is calling for someone to leave if they happen to disagree with the current direction of the nation. In fact I would go so far as to say that those that do leave the nation because they don't love it or refuse to change wrongs within our constitution never loved this nation in the first place or respected the sacrifices of all those who came before them to give them the ability to make that choice. So back to the original question " love it or leave it" when you get down to it, doesn't someone who desires to change things no matter what their political leanings love this nation ? and if they do not, why are they here? So yes, the statement is true in that sense of the word, regardless of your political leanings.

Why wouldn't these "lovers" be sensitive to the BASICS of our country?

Why would they need to "change" it?

There are other places, that are EXACTLY what they profess to WANT,

that they could emigrate to.

We'd PAY for their defection.

It would be a Win-Win sitch.

THEY wouldn't have to WORK to change a THING ~ their ideals are already In Place.

The US is DIFFERENT than those other places.

YES, speak out and allow us to consider these proposals, bearing in mind that we don't WANT to be like everyone else,

our country wasn't founded TO be like everyone else.

Is it THAT hard to understand?
America today isn't the same place it was 100 years ago.

And will be different a 100 years from now.

The psyche of American citizens is to change the country to suit their own personal vision.

That shapes the dynamics of America and ain't gonna change. :cool:
Can someone explain to me the 'love it or leave it' mentality we get from some (okay, many) conservatives?

Odd I dont recall any conservatives stating they were moving out of the country if they failed to win an election. Yet many of the left have, Could there be a conservative who did? Probably

So I find your point lacking any real objectivity.

Something about Rush and moving to Peurto Rico or somesuch if....
Well he reniged.

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