Louisiana To Seek Revenge Over Obama's Handling Of Oilspill--Files Eligibility Bill


May 29, 2010
You know I don't blame the state of Louisiana for doing this either. Obama handled the oilspill off their coast terribly and to top that, he shut the drilling down off their coast that provides tens of thousands of jobs to Louisianans. These lawmakers are doing the right thing and I bet this bill passes in their legislature. Louisiana depends on Oil and Gas revenue to survive and their constitution is written in a manner where they get a set percentage of the cost for a barrel of oil that goes into their general fund. That was put in by then Governor Edwin Edwards. Governor Bobby Jindal, who also isn't a natural born citizen, should sign this into law because he had enough of Obama's stonewalling last summer on the spill.

Lawmakers file controversial 'birther' bill in La. | The Associated Press | News | Washington Examiner

Two Republican state lawmakers are seeking to pass a law to require President Barack Obama and other presidential candidates to prove their U.S. citizenship before their names can be included on Louisiana ballots.

House Bill 561 can be found at Louisiana Legislature

Louisiana Legislature
Over Obama's handling of the oilspill?
I thought private companies were supposed to clean up their messes. Why do some expect a nanny state govt to clean up private industries messes?
Over Obama's handling of the oilspill?
I thought private companies were supposed to clean up their messes. Why do some expect a nanny state govt to clean up private industries messes?

They also bitch about the TSA then when a terrorist attack happens, why didn't the government do more to stop it?

Bunch of hypocrites IYAM.
Over Obama's handling of the oilspill?
I thought private companies were supposed to clean up their messes. Why do some expect a nanny state govt to clean up private industries messes?

They also bitch about the TSA then when a terrorist attack happens, why didn't the government do more to stop it?

Bunch of hypocrites IYAM.

Well, when the TSA is fondling 6 year old white girls in an effort to find "terrorists" then we gotta wonder wtf they are thinking, right?

We profile serial killers. We profile rapists. We profile gang members. We profile the offenders of just about every crime out there.

Why don't we profile terrorists?
Over Obama's handling of the oilspill?
I thought private companies were supposed to clean up their messes. Why do some expect a nanny state govt to clean up private industries messes?

They also bitch about the TSA then when a terrorist attack happens, why didn't the government do more to stop it?

Bunch of hypocrites IYAM.

Well, when the TSA is fondling 6 year old white girls in an effort to find "terrorists" then we gotta wonder wtf they are thinking, right?

We profile serial killers. We profile rapists. We profile gang members. We profile the offenders of just about every crime out there.

Why don't we profile terrorists?

ahh there is the racism I suspected was behind that thread.
They also bitch about the TSA then when a terrorist attack happens, why didn't the government do more to stop it?

Bunch of hypocrites IYAM.

Well, when the TSA is fondling 6 year old white girls in an effort to find "terrorists" then we gotta wonder wtf they are thinking, right?

We profile serial killers. We profile rapists. We profile gang members. We profile the offenders of just about every crime out there.

Why don't we profile terrorists?

ahh there is the racism I suspected was behind that thread.

Aaaahh... there's a liberal throwing out the RACE CARD when he had no other legitimate response.
They also bitch about the TSA then when a terrorist attack happens, why didn't the government do more to stop it?

Bunch of hypocrites IYAM.

Well, when the TSA is fondling 6 year old white girls in an effort to find "terrorists" then we gotta wonder wtf they are thinking, right?

We profile serial killers. We profile rapists. We profile gang members. We profile the offenders of just about every crime out there.

Why don't we profile terrorists?

ahh there is the racism I suspected was behind that thread.

I agree. I never hear of Muslisms (with the exception of the perps) being killed in their attacks. Racist bastards. Kill em all I say.
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Lets try to stay on topic. This is about Louisiana wanting Obama and other candidates to prove they're eligible by showing more than one piece of documentation.
Over Obama's handling of the oilspill?
I thought private companies were supposed to clean up their messes. Why do some expect a nanny state govt to clean up private industries messes?

Obama Obstructed the Clean up. That is Documented.
Over Obama's handling of the oilspill?
I thought private companies were supposed to clean up their messes. Why do some expect a nanny state govt to clean up private industries messes?

They also bitch about the TSA then when a terrorist attack happens, why didn't the government do more to stop it?

Bunch of hypocrites IYAM.

Well, when the TSA is fondling 6 year old white girls in an effort to find "terrorists" then we gotta wonder wtf they are thinking, right?

We profile serial killers. We profile rapists. We profile gang members. We profile the offenders of just about every crime out there.

Why don't we profile terrorists?

Except you're lying about the fondling. No such thing ever happened. The search was totally professional according to the video. Obviously this isn't about the search, but about your predjudices. After all, what does it have to do with the 6 year old being a white girl? If she wasn't, would that be alright?!?!
i love conservative doublethink on this. the oil spill was a horrible, mishandled disaster when you're talking about the president, but if you're talking about oil companies drilling in the gulf it wasn't that big a deal, it was cleaned up almost immediately, and there haven't been any major environmental impacts.

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