Louise's fantasy


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2013
"The forbidden sauna"

Louise had recently celebrated her twenty-seventh birthday. She took a few days off from her volunteer job at the Red Cross. She felt she was spending too much time there anyway. Sometimes, she would help blood donors, who had become sick, and she attended them, making them feel better and often walked them to the front door. If they needed assistance to get in the car, she even steadied them and let them get gently in.

One time this young woman was one of those and, before she got into her SUV, she asked Louise if she wanted to come to her two-story mansion in Holy Brook. Louise hesitated and said, "No! I'm too buy now." Before the door closed, she cleared her throat, and said in a whisper, "Ok then, let's do it!"

She met her new friend, Sonia, the next night. Sonia's husband wasn't home. The first thing she encountered was the maid who took her coat and shoes. The maid asked, "Would you like a smoking gown?"

Louise said, "Oh, no! I don't light up. But it would be nice to have a light robe." It was quite cold in this huge house." The foyer is bigger than my kitchen," she thought to herself. After ten minutes, the maid came back with a beautiful brown robe, right before Sonia walked into the reception room. Putting it on, she said, "How are you today?"

Sonia was beaming, "Just fine, honey. Would you like to play some billiards? I never get to play and would love a game."

"Yes. I'm lousy at it, but how bad could it be?"

They marched up the spiral staircase and went down a very long hallway. She thought, "I could walk around my house twice before I get to this game room. Sheeesh!"

Once inside, they both grabbed pool cues and Sonia racked the ball. She quickly "broke" and they started playing "8 ball."

"Would you like some tea, Louise?"

"Ok. I want orange pekoe."

Sonia went over to the wall and called one of her servants on the intercom.

"Why don't you get more comfortable. Would you like to recline on the couch for awhile?'

"Ok. You're so kind," replied Louise. After sitting, Louise didn't know how they could have made those cushions so soft. "I've been working so hard lately. After I leave the Red Cross, I got a pile of work at my apartment. I wish I had a husband, who at least, could help with the repairs."

"My husband is really handy, I'll have him come by. OK?"

"No, I'm learning from a book how to do it myself. Thank you so much, though. I'd like to know where you got such pretty wallpaper. Who does your interior design?"

"We bought it this way. We want to sell next year, otherwise we'd have changed it by now. Don't you think, paper with daisies on it would look good in here?"

"Yeah, but doesn't your husband have his friends come in here? They probably want pit bulls on the wall," she laughed.

Sonia spoke up, "Yes! What a coincidence you should ask. A couple of his friends are on their way here now. I asked them to come up and join us."

"Are they professionals also?" Louise asked with a tremble in her voice.

"No. One is an employee at his business, and the other works on our grounds."

They played a couple of games and Louise lost both. She thought, "It's just like my life, always behind the eight ball."

Shortly, the two friends came in the recreation room, and the gathering had become a group. There was lots of small talk. Louise found she had many things in common with one of them, Terry. After playing pool, they went into the spa.

Sonia asked, "Would you like to go in the sauna, honey, Terry tells me he wants to?"

Louise perked up, "Yes, indeed. I love the pressure inside of them. It helps me to breath more fully later on. Thanks."

She went inside alone with Terry. Five minutes later, Terry's girl friend arrives and goes inside too. The trio talks for fifteen minutes and all quickly become fast friends. Incredibly Terry and his friend start kissing. Louise blushes, but is intrigued by the situation. She goes over and sits close to them. Sonia's friend touches her hand, and Louise reacts by kissing Terry on the cheek. They exchange glances and stop. Terry leads them out of the sauna and into an adjoining bedroom.

They start taking off clothes left and right. It doesn't take long before they are all having sex together. Terry sucks on Louise's neck as his friend strokes her stomach. They both work on Louise and, it lasts for a whole hour. It is not for about forty-five minutes until Louise groans and starts to moan. They go on like that for another half-hour. Finally, Louise climaxes, and they finish up.

Louise walks out first now and looks for Sonia. "Oh, Sonia, you know I have to go now."

"Ok. I will see you this weekend?"

"Yes. I'd like that a lot. Can you have someone pick me up next time? My car is so unreliable!"

"I will ask my husband to come there. Have a good time, Louise."

"Bye. I'm so glad you invited me! I hope you have a good day."

Louise drives home deeply in thought about her love escapade. She felt excited again already. "I hope they call soon!"

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