Louie Gohmert should ask Trump "how many times did you look


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
your wife in the face and lie?"

“I can't help but wonder, when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?” he asked.

Analysis | Rep. Gohmert’s comments about Strzok’s infidelity prompt charges of hypocrisy against GOP

Then again they probably have an open marriage, because I can't fathom Melania still sleeping with Trump.

Try to picture it, ick.
Republican hypocrisy at its best

The party of Trump, Gingrich and Rudy G
I thought this line of questioning outraged libtards? Hypocrisy? You got it nailed down.
your wife in the face and lie?"

“I can't help but wonder, when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?” he asked.

Analysis | Rep. Gohmert’s comments about Strzok’s infidelity prompt charges of hypocrisy against GOP

Then again they probably have an open marriage, because I can't fathom Melania still sleeping with Trump.

Try to picture it, ick.

But Trump's not a "me first" America hating turd like Strzok. In fact, he sacrificed his cush lifestyle to do something good for Ameria.

Strzok should hang. For Treason, probably will, if we could get the MSM after that, that'd be great. :113:
Come on. We all know Republicans can do that. It's who they are.

Rules and laws are only for Democrats.

Republicans assume they are superior people outside the law.
your wife in the face and lie?"

“I can't help but wonder, when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?” he asked.

Analysis | Rep. Gohmert’s comments about Strzok’s infidelity prompt charges of hypocrisy against GOP

Then again they probably have an open marriage, because I can't fathom Melania still sleeping with Trump.

Try to picture it, ick.

Strzok violated dept policy and security clearance protocol for even having an affair. Should have lost his clearances as well as being demoted to Human Resources. He's the WORST counter - intel chief of ANY agency in our lifetimes.

For being stupid and arrogant and incompetent enough to conduct that affair on a dept special access phone and AND NOT THINK -- he'd get caught. And have all that ranting and threatening about Trump exposed. Shouldn't be ANY kind of "Intel agent". Maxwell Smart was more competent about being covert than he is..

Only reason why those texts went public is that the Inspector General KNOWS it was unethical and illegal to misuse that phone for an affair. And that it was a violation of his security agreement to even HAVE an undisclosed affair.

So --- what's the parallel to Trump again vis a vis ACTUAL damage to the Govt?
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your wife in the face and lie?"

“I can't help but wonder, when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?” he asked.

Analysis | Rep. Gohmert’s comments about Strzok’s infidelity prompt charges of hypocrisy against GOP

Then again they probably have an open marriage, because I can't fathom Melania still sleeping with Trump.

Try to picture it, ick.

Strzok violated dept policy and security clearance protocol for even having an affair. Should have lost his clearances as well as being demoted to Human Resources. He's the WORST counter - intel chief of ANY agency in our lifetimes.

For being stupid and arrogant and incompetent enough to conduct that affair on a dept special access phone and AND NOT THINK -- he'd get caught. And have all that ranting and threatening about Trump exposed. Shouldn't be ANY kind of "Intel agent". Maxwell Smart was more competent about being covert than he is..

Only reason why those texts went public is that the Inspector General KNOWS it was unethical and illegal to misuse that phone for an affair. And that it was a violation of his security agreement to even HAVE an undisclosed affair.

So --- what's the parallel to Trump again vis a vis ACTUAL damage to the Govt?
President Trump is responding to the backlash against the allegations that he shared "highly classified" information with the Russians by saying he had "the absolute right to do" so.
The Washington Post broke the news Monday night, and others confirmed and added to the reporting, that Trump revealed to Russian officials in a meeting in the Oval Office details of an ISIS plot to use laptops on airplanes. The information was classified and reportedly came from an ally in the Middle East.
The New York Times, NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reported later Tuesday that the classified intelligence in question was provided by Israel — an important U.S. ally and one of the countries Trump will travel to later this week on his first foreign trip as president. Passing along the intelligence from Israel, The Times noted, raises the possibility that the Russians could give it to Iran, their close ally but Israel's main antagonist.
Trump Says He Has 'Absolute Right' To Share Intelligence With Russia
your wife in the face and lie?"

“I can't help but wonder, when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?” he asked.

Analysis | Rep. Gohmert’s comments about Strzok’s infidelity prompt charges of hypocrisy against GOP

Then again they probably have an open marriage, because I can't fathom Melania still sleeping with Trump.

Try to picture it, ick.

Strzok violated dept policy and security clearance protocol for even having an affair. Should have lost his clearances as well as being demoted to Human Resources. He's the WORST counter - intel chief of ANY agency in our lifetimes.

For being stupid and arrogant and incompetent enough to conduct that affair on a dept special access phone and AND NOT THINK -- he'd get caught. And have all that ranting and threatening about Trump exposed. Shouldn't be ANY kind of "Intel agent". Maxwell Smart was more competent about being covert than he is..

Only reason why those texts went public is that the Inspector General KNOWS it was unethical and illegal to misuse that phone for an affair. And that it was a violation of his security agreement to even HAVE an undisclosed affair.

So --- what's the parallel to Trump again vis a vis ACTUAL damage to the Govt?
President Trump is responding to the backlash against the allegations that he shared "highly classified" information with the Russians by saying he had "the absolute right to do" so.
The Washington Post broke the news Monday night, and others confirmed and added to the reporting, that Trump revealed to Russian officials in a meeting in the Oval Office details of an ISIS plot to use laptops on airplanes. The information was classified and reportedly came from an ally in the Middle East.
The New York Times, NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reported later Tuesday that the classified intelligence in question was provided by Israel — an important U.S. ally and one of the countries Trump will travel to later this week on his first foreign trip as president. Passing along the intelligence from Israel, The Times noted, raises the possibility that the Russians could give it to Iran, their close ally but Israel's main antagonist.
Trump Says He Has 'Absolute Right' To Share Intelligence With Russia

He DOES have a right to share intel info with foreign powers if he deems it important for negotiations. What's the problem here? And what does that have to do with the Mueller witchhunt anyways?
your wife in the face and lie?"

“I can't help but wonder, when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?” he asked.

Analysis | Rep. Gohmert’s comments about Strzok’s infidelity prompt charges of hypocrisy against GOP

Then again they probably have an open marriage, because I can't fathom Melania still sleeping with Trump.

Try to picture it, ick.

Rderp in a Hajib weighs in....

Is the President in front of Congress, Comrade?

Strzok engaged in treason, his truthfulness is the issue. Your hatred of the Infidel Trump notwithstanding.

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