Lottery winner thinks she still is entitled too foodstamps

She is an idiot. She is one of the mindset of "gimme".

Most prefer to do for themselves. Have you ever seen someone on welfare walking with their head up high? They dont want to be there......but they thank God it is there.
Only a few.
She wins one million, she still has 500,000.00 left and then gets a car,has two house's?
How did she even get one house with no Income?
quote " I have no income so I should still get food stamps".
How about she has enough to get some type of schooling in order to get a job, so that she does have income.
This is a perfect example of what Conservatives and Moderates have been saying all along, about the harmful mind set that government handouts create.

The government pushes and reinforces that mindset.

I am caring for three foster children/ grandchildren in which I had to fight to gain custody.

The State just sent me a letter to inform me I am still eligible for assistance. My income is not a consideration or required for disclosure.

That letter went to the circular file.
If I won a million, creating my own job would have been my first use of the winnings.

I think I would have taken a small amount out for a trip and the rest I would have invested in some sort of way that I could have made a living out of it. As young as she is, I would have invested in a college degree too.
Most people dont want to be on food stamps or welfare....a dignity issue....they are gald it is available, but they hate the thought of having to fall on it. is a woman who had the chance to say "thank you, but all is good right now"...and instead, wants, expects, and demands food stamps.

The far right is going to make her a poster child for their "people are lazy and prefer not working" mantra

Which is the wrong thing to do, of course.

of course it is the wrong thing to do.

She is an idiot. She is one of the mindset of "gimme".

Most prefer to do for themselves. Have you ever seen someone on welfare walking with their head up high? They dont want to be there......but they thank God it is there.

Actually, yeah, I've seen several someone's on welfare walking with their heads held high. I heard one woman say she was having another baby so she could get another bedroom. I heard on woman on welfare tell me she was pregnant with 5 kids. Turned out to be a lie, but see, in this state, the second you are pregnant, they put you on the dole. They take you off if something happens and you lose the kids, but for several months in there you can get benefits. The woman claiming she was having 5 kids had been on welfare for years. She had 4 children that I know of, one was being taken care of by her mother. Three she had at home. One she asked me to take custody of, and when I said sure, we'd take the classes to become his foster parents and make it legal, she backed out. He practically lived here anyway. She called me one year when we were out of electricity due to a storm. She said they were cold and could they come here as she knew we had a wood stove. I said sure. To my surprise, she dropped of her 3 kids and didn't come back for 2 days.

When Clinton limited TANF to 2 years, that was at a time when 80% were off of AFDC within 2 years or less. Clinton allowed for 20% emergencies which basically meant welfare didn't really change at all.

There are some, about 20 of welfare recipients that take advantage of the system and do so proudly. Some of those 20% are legal immigrants. They make a bad example for everybody and as long as the system let's them do this, people will remember the bad examples, not the single mom that stayed on welfare only until she got a job and was able to support her kids herself.

This woman with her $500,000 is yet another bad example. She wasn't ashamed of welfare, in fact she continued to collect her foodstamps as long as they would let her.
Here we have someone with a net worth of several hundred thousand dollars ripping off the government for food stamps - clearly, this is not evidence that is the POOR who rip off the government for entitlements.

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