Losing Can Be Liberating


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Be prepared to be free as a bird in '14. :lol::lol::lol:
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Be prepared to be free as a bird in '14. :lol::lol::lol:

:razz: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Crying about the debt is the only thing republicans have to offer. That and fear. Japan has a way higher debt to gdp ratio than we do and she is doing just fine. In fact, she's the third largest economy in the world. Time to turn off hate radio and fox news. These know nothings have turned republicans like you into a know nothing.
A doctor who recognizes that his most burdensome patient is now dying without hope of recovery can turn his attentions to someone worth saving, or go golfing for his own peace of mind.

So yes, recognizing that the nation is lost can be quite liberating.
You are aware of their tax and social cast system right?

Here is a little tid bit to ponder:
Yields on Japanese government bonds yesterday fell half a basis point to 0.795 percent today after rising to a one-month high of 0.81 percent on Aug. 7 on concerns the bill might fail.

Even with the sales tax increase, the government said in January that it will probably miss its goal of achieving a primary balance surplus, which excludes debt servicing costs, by fiscal 2020. It forecast a primary deficit of between 1.9 percent and 3.1 percent of gross domestic product in that year, compared with the fiscal 2011 deficit of 7.4 percent.

“A sales tax rate of 10 percent is nothing close to sufficient,” said Takahira Ogawa, a Singapore-based director of sovereign ratings at Standard and Poor’s. S&P downgraded Japan’s credit rating to the fourth-highest grade of AA- in January 2011, and cut the outlook to “negative” three months later.

The International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have both urged Japan to be more aggressive in tackling a debt that the OECD predicts will reach 223 percent of GDP next year.

Yep Japan is doing just great.
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A doctor who recognizes that his most burdensome patient is now dying without hope of recovery can turn his attentions to someone worth saving, or go golfing for his own peace of mind.

So yes, recognizing that the nation is lost can be quite liberating.

Our nation is not lost. What took hundreds of years to build cannot be swept away that easily. We are facing crises, certainly. Let's all hope and pray that our leaders in Washington take the time to reflect on the seriousness of the issues and simple politics and game playing tactic days are gone.

We heard from the president he intends to reach across the aisle. I hope the Republicans do the same in return. This is one promise that just may determine this president's legacy for years to come.
A doctor who recognizes that his most burdensome patient is now dying without hope of recovery can turn his attentions to someone worth saving, or go golfing for his own peace of mind.

So yes, recognizing that the nation is lost can be quite liberating.

Then go on vacation, permanently, and let those that haven't given up take care of business. The country doesn't need quitters.
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Be prepared to be free as a bird in '14. :lol::lol::lol:

Gloating is not maturity level we should expect in any of our citizens now. We have a task at hand and that is bringing our country together for the good of our country. Let's lay off that laughing and start talking about answers we can all agree upon.
We heard from the president he intends to reach across the aisle.

Heard that for four years. It's easy to have a press conference and tell people that before not following up on it. Like proclaiming that jobs are your #1 focus, create a jobs council, then never meet with the jobs council and proclaim two years later that jobs are your #1 focus.

I hope he's sincere but i'll believe it when i see it.
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Crying about the debt is the only thing republicans have to offer. That and fear. Japan has a way higher debt to gdp ratio than we do and she is doing just fine. In fact, she's the third largest economy in the world. Time to turn off hate radio and fox news. These know nothings have turned republicans like you into a know nothing.

It's really not the same...as in the yen vs. the dollar. Our dollar is linked to gold and oil, it is, or was the currency of choice throughout the world. Our dollar is being manipulated through low interest rates, when the rates rise, we will see a much weaker dollar.
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Be prepared to be free as a bird in '14. :lol::lol::lol:

Gloating is not maturity level we should expect in any of our citizens now. We have a task at hand and that is bringing our country together for the good of our country. Let's lay off that laughing and start talking about answers we can all agree upon.

I think that we conservatives (the enemy) just need to get in the back of the bus again.
The liberals are doing so well with the economy, unemployment, debt, and deficits that they can afford to gloat. :rolleyes:
Be prepared to be free as a bird in '14. :lol::lol::lol:

Gloating is not maturity level we should expect in any of our citizens now. We have a task at hand and that is bringing our country together for the good of our country. Let's lay off that laughing and start talking about answers we can all agree upon.

I think that we conservatives (the enemy) just need to get in the back of the bus again.
The liberals are doing so well with the economy, unemployment, debt, and deficits that they can afford to gloat. :rolleyes:

Right we should, I mean we all know the American People are going to Reward Dems with Full control of both houses of Congress in 2 years. Right?

It may liberate the GOP from pandering to the xenophobes who complain but have no solutions to the illegal alien problem. It may also give the GOP House an excuse to demand than the Dems submit their budget proposal first instead of always being the fall guy for unpopular but necessary reforms.

To be really liberated, the GOP House should get rid of Boehner and let the Dems pass their budget by abstaining from voting.
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Crying about the debt is the only thing republicans have to offer. That and fear. Japan has a way higher debt to gdp ratio than we do and she is doing just fine. In fact, she's the third largest economy in the world. Time to turn off hate radio and fox news. These know nothings have turned republicans like you into a know nothing.

Japan is "doing just fine"........? :lol:

Japan has a greater Debt to GDP ratio than Greece....the outlook is quite bleak....

After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Be prepared to be free as a bird in '14. :lol::lol::lol:

Gloating is not maturity level we should expect in any of our citizens now. We have a task at hand and that is bringing our country together for the good of our country. Let's lay off that laughing and start talking about answers we can all agree upon.

That wasn't gloating; that was laughing at a poster that didn't learn the lesson of the election and is still drinking the kool-aid. I post messages like you suggest all the time and they get scoffed at by people like the OP. This time I wanted to make fun, K?
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Crying about the debt is the only thing republicans have to offer. That and fear. Japan has a way higher debt to gdp ratio than we do and she is doing just fine. In fact, she's the third largest economy in the world. Time to turn off hate radio and fox news. These know nothings have turned republicans like you into a know nothing.

I just hope Obama doesn't assassinate me without my Constitutional right to due process like he has done in the past.
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Crying about the debt is the only thing republicans have to offer. That and fear. Japan has a way higher debt to gdp ratio than we do and she is doing just fine. In fact, she's the third largest economy in the world. Time to turn off hate radio and fox news. These know nothings have turned republicans like you into a know nothing.

I just hope Obama doesn't assassinate me without my Constitutional right to due process like he has done in the past.

Then don't step out line, bub. Those FEMA camps are almost ready, ya know.
After his defeat in Britain’s 1945 general election, Winston Churchill’s wife Clementine consoled him: “It may well be a blessing in disguise.” Churchill replied, “At the moment it seems quite effectively disguised.”

As do any blessings to be found in last Tuesday’s election result. The country faces four more years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with an increased Democratic majority in the Senate, as a debt crisis bears down upon us at home and our enemies ramp up their efforts abroad. One hopes, for the sake of the country, that on some key issues the president can be persuaded to do the right thing—or, at least, that politics and reality will conspire to pressure the president to do the minimally acceptable thing

Losing Can Be Liberating | The Weekly Standard

Crying about the debt is the only thing republicans have to offer. That and fear. Japan has a way higher debt to gdp ratio than we do and she is doing just fine. In fact, she's the third largest economy in the world. Time to turn off hate radio and fox news. These know nothings have turned republicans like you into a know nothing.

I just hope Obama doesn't assassinate me without my Constitutional right to due process like he has done in the past.

Worry about whom you are palling around with. Just sayin'.

Regards from Rosie
Crying about the debt is the only thing republicans have to offer. That and fear. Japan has a way higher debt to gdp ratio than we do and she is doing just fine. In fact, she's the third largest economy in the world. Time to turn off hate radio and fox news. These know nothings have turned republicans like you into a know nothing.

I just hope Obama doesn't assassinate me without my Constitutional right to due process like he has done in the past.

Worry about whom you are palling around with. Just sayin'.

Regards from Rosie

Yeah cuz "the land of the free" should kill its own people without a trial or anything because of who they hang around with instead of if they've actually harmed someone.

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