Looks Like That Reset Button With Russia Didn't Work


Diamond Member
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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

“We are concerned about the acts of intimidation as well as their record on previous agreements and other activities. It’s a real concern, I’ve raised it. It’s not the intelligence committee that fails to understand the problem. It’s the Obama administration.” -Former Sen. Christopher S. Bond, (right) who served as the vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence between 2007 and 2010

It appears that turning over our space program to Russia was a serious mistake. I guess all of the goodwill and flowery words can't change a country that has been our enemy for 70 years.

Russia uses dirty tricks despite U.S. ‘reset’

In the past four years, Russia’s intelligence services have stepped up a campaign of intimidation and dirty tricks against U.S. officials and diplomats in Russia and the countries that used to form the Soviet Union.

U.S. diplomats and officials have found their homes broken into and vandalized, or altered in ways as trivial as bathroom use; faced anonymous or veiled threats; and in some cases found themselves set up in compromising photos or videos that are later leaked to the local press and presented as a sex scandal.

“The point was to show that ‘we can get to you where you sleep,’ ” one U.S. intelligence officer told The Washington Times. “It’s a psychological kind of attack.”

Despite a stated policy from President Obama​ and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev of warm U.S.-Russian ties, the campaign of intelligence intimidation - or what the CIA calls “direct action” - has persisted throughout what both sides have called a “reset” in the relations.

They have become worse in just the past year, some U.S. officials said. Also, their targets are broadening to include human rights workers and nongovernmental organizations as well as embassy staff.

The most brazen example of this kind of intimidation was the Sept. 22 bombing attack on the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia. A National Intelligence Council assessment sent to Congress last week confirmed that the bombing was ordered by Maj. Yevgeny Borisov of Russian military intelligence, said four U.S. officials who have read the report.

I'm sure Obama knows about all of this but he still has sold us down the river ether on purpose or because of stupidity.

Russia uses dirty tricks despite U.S. 'reset' - Washington Times
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Okay..I am not going to attack the "news" sources here..but this all sounds like back and forth BAU spook games played back and forth with several nations.

It's not only Russia that does this sort of stuff.

And what exactly do you suggest? A War?

Okay..I am not going to attack the "news" sources here..but this all sounds like back and forth BAU spook games played back and forth with several nations.

It's not only Russia that does this sort of stuff.

And what exactly do you suggest? A War?


They've proven themselves to be untrustworthy.

Treat them accordingly.

Course Obama wants to suck up to them and he will continue to pass secrets to the Russians.
The Military Defeat of Imperial USA

Source: Welcome to TB2K
Published: January 23, 2004 Author: Doug McIntosh
For Education and Discussion Only. Not for Commercial Use.

The idea Russia's military has collapsed is false. Russia has used the time since 1991 to upgrade her nuclear
capability, develop a high speed torpedo, a supersonic anti shipping missile, a new aircraft, the SU-27, and taken the military equipment withdrawn from Europe and put it deep inside the Ural Mountains. In
addition, Russia has spent billions creating vast, underground complexes in the Urals, supplied them for years and gained a corps of combat trained troops in Chechnya. In other words, Russia now has
absolute naval supremacy, absolute air supremacy and absolute nuclear supremacy over the United States. With their 200 mph torpedoes, their supersonic Sunburst missiles and their favorite toy, the SU-27 they
can sweep the seas of our ships. A while back there was a story of how several Su-27 fighters buzzed the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. A not so subtle message our carrier fleet was so much
scrap metal is what this little propaganda coup was. At any rate, the point I'm making is the US military has already been defeated before the war starts due to being technologically obsolete. Bravery means
little against technology. Napoleon killed 6,000 Marmaldukes in Egypt at the cost of 30 French lives. Napoleon even commented on how brave the men he was slaughtering were. He still butchered them with muskets against swords. The US military has lost the technological battle. There was even a news story about an "unknown", read Russian, anti tank laser weapon which destroyed an M-1 Abrams tank in Iraq.

As for the Red Chinese, the story is even bleaker. Massive numbers of soldiers combined with modern technical weapons are an unbeatable proposition. China has been preparing for war with the USA for the
last ten years at least. China corrupted the 1996 presidential elections to gain time for this buildup. Anyone who thinks the government of China is our friend need only look at Tienmein Square or what happened to the recon plane crew. A nice intelligence haul that one, which further reduced any chance of military superiority the USA had. Taiwan, as always, is a flash point which won't go away. Red China has been spending billions of dollars from their trade balance with the USA to buy weapons capable of destroying the US military. It is the same story as in WW2. We sell Japan scrap metal and they made bombs out them. We buy China's products and they buy Russian weapons to kill us. Who says history doesn't repeat itself? Anyone who thinks even poorly supplied Red Chinese soldiers can't inflict heavy losses on the American military should talk to any Marine 1st Division veteran of the Chosin reservoir. The only reason we didn't lose 20,000 Marines was naval air power. We have now lost naval air power, helicopter air power, fighter jet power and even air resupply power. In this new generation of supersonic anti ship, anti aircraft and shoulder fired missiles, the aircraft, the helicopter and the ships and bases that serve them are extremely vulnerable to destruction from non nuclear weapons. It is a simple fact, one man with an RPG can take down a 25 million dollar Apache helicopter. It is a simple fact, the Sunburst missile, or the SU-27, can take out an aircraft carrier battle group. In fact, we should rename our carrier task forces, BFT, or big fat target.


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