Lookin for an UNBIASED media outlet!


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2009
Every once in a while I briefly watch Fox or CNN, but I can only watch for a few minutes before I'm disgusted. Most of the time I check out various online sites, magazines, and occasionally public TV is pretty good if it doesn't put me to sleep. I have a couple hours most nights before bed where I like to fill my head with thoughts, facts, ideas, and even crazy propaganda. (methinks I can filter the BS out.)

Where do you get your info from? Does anybody have any direct links to sites that you would like to share that ARE NOT BIASED? I'm not sure that's even possibly, maybe I should rephrase to "FACTUAL" sites. Let's see em'!!!!!!
The only news I trust are the voices in my head.

Do you know I have a good shot for an Academy award next year and the Presidency in 2028?
I'm not really asking for the impossible. EVERYONE gets info from somewhere. Some people get it second hand from the guy standing next to him at the coffee machine who heard it from his buddy's friend. Some people the internet, some people government websites, some people talk radio. The Al Jazeera site had some interesting info. I'm not saying it's 100% true in every word, but I will take bits and pieces on info from that site and digest it.

Just asking where people get there info from, that's all. If there's no input, then I'm guessing people are just making it up in there own head. :cuckoo:
I'm not really asking for the impossible. EVERYONE gets info from somewhere. Some people get it second hand from the guy standing next to him at the coffee machine who heard it from his buddy's friend. Some people the internet, some people government websites, some people talk radio. The Al Jazeera site had some interesting info. I'm not saying it's 100% true in every word, but I will take bits and pieces on info from that site and digest it.

Just asking where people get there info from, that's all. If there's no input, then I'm guessing people are just making it up in there own head. :cuckoo:

But ... when you interpret said information it will alw2ays change to suit your world view. So yes, it is impossible to find a non-biased media outlet, period. The direct source is the best you can do.
I do agree with you, no news is completely 100% unbiased. Information comes from all avenues, I'll admit I read some pretty stupid websites. Everyday. I try to take it all with a grain of salt. I'm just bored of the same 15 sites I visit on a daily basis, just wanting to get a different perspective of our nation and our world.

And I'm not trying to call you out Divecon, but since your bashing Kalams sites, where do you get your info from?
No such thing. Here are the sources I use for international news:

Al Jazeera English - AJE
The Associated Press | The essential global news network
Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel, Israeli News Source

The AP and Al Jazeera are fairly unbiased, Haaretz has a progressive lean.

that list is totally laughable
I'll hazard a guess and say that you've never actually read anything from Al Jazeera or Haaretz.
yes, i have
and those sources are FAR from unbiased
Don't ask for the impossible.
Have you read restroom walls in airports[/QUOTE]

I am an airport archeologist.

Do you know how many people want Joe to suck their cock?

Or to have a good time call, yes, you guessed it, Joe again.

This Joe guy gets around.

Sorry, with a dick as big as mine it takes a long time to pee and I need reading material.
I am an airport archeologist.

Do you know how many people want Joe to suck their cock?

Or to have a good time call, yes, you guessed it, Joe again.

This Joe guy gets around.

Sorry, with a dick as big as mine it takes a long time to pee and I need reading material.
sounds more like a prostate issue there JW
NO matter how you cut it, ALL of them write their stories with their views in mind.
Read a few of the same stories and see how the interpretations vary. The "SPIN" is alive and well.
Besides, actually it's like they say in court, when you hear anything from a third party, it is Inadmissable as EVIDENCE, I would add to that, also as a Credible news story. IE: take it all with a 'grain of salt', until the real truth 'stands up'.

It's ALL "Hearsay", so they can mix n match to whatever interpretation they desire their viewers or listeners to believe. So again, WHO can you believe?

Ok, I am done with my fragmented rambling. :eusa_angel:

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