Look What Paul Ryan Did to His Congressional District, and Be Scared for Your Country


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Roger Bybee

Child abuse and suicide is skyrocketing, the number of battered women has tripled, foreclosures have tripled, wages plummeting, and more.

Before Paul Ryan was anointed as the Republican vice presidential candidate, Ryan reigned as the GOP’s resident economic genius and “leading intellectual.”

However, this praise from major media outlets has long been divorced from the reality 1,000 miles away back in Ryan’s 1st Congressional District in southeastern Wisconsin. Even while Beltway media — and even President Obama — heaped kudos on Ryan for his bold economic proposals and “intellectual audacity,” the productive base and social health of his constituents have been severely deteriorating under the impact of the very policies he has aggressively championed.

In sum, Ryan’s economic policies have intensified the incessant carpet-bombing of the First District’s manufacturing base. But even more mercilessly, Ryan has led the strafing of the first aid stations, the safety-net measures and programs designed to help the under-employed and the jobless earn higher wages, feed their families, retain their homes, and get retrained for scarce new jobs.

Much More: Take a Look at What Paul Ryan Did to His Own Congressional District, and Be Very Scared for Your Country | Alternet
Another neutral source. If he did such a horrible job wonder why he was re elected? Hmmm ask yourself that smart guy.Obviously the people of his district liked the job he was doing.
Some political analysts have stated that Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan may be a "double loser" in November - losing the national race and his House seat.
That's possible but I am sure its a risk he knew could happen when he decided to accept the VP spot...answer my question. If he was so bad why did his constituents continue to re elect him?
Another neutral source. If he did such a horrible job wonder why he was re elected? Hmmm ask yourself that smart guy.Obviously the people of his district liked the job he was doing.

Because rightwingers are sheep that worship at the alter of the (R) no matter what.
That's possible but I am sure its a risk he knew could happen when he decided to accept the VP spot...answer my question. If he was so bad why did his constituents continue to re elect him?

Why does Bachmann's district continue to elect her? Hint: Stupidity. Ryan is a polished liar to people who don't know any better.
Another neutral source. If he did such a horrible job wonder why he was re elected? Hmmm ask yourself that smart guy.Obviously the people of his district liked the job he was doing.

Because rightwingers are sheep that worship at the alter of the (R) no matter what.

That's possible but I am sure its a risk he knew could happen when he decided to accept the VP spot...answer my question. If he was so bad why did his constituents continue to re elect him?

Why does Bachmann's district continue to elect her? Hint: Stupidity. Ryan is a polished liar to people who don't know any better.

Both districts are 100% republican? I somehow doubt that. Wisconsin and Minnesota have independent streaks in them and I know for a fact have Democrats in congress/senate as well.

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