Look what Obama and the left has done

hell they called kids names because they were democratic presidents kids.
Irony. Again.

(As a child he was feed dog meat. He did not eat his dog.)

Habitual liar, you! :eusa_whistle:

Kinda like when you libs were saying that Romney said he likes to fire people?? A little out of context maybe? Or how about the "Let em die" comment that you guys played on FOREVER? Kinda goes both ways huh?

Yes I remember it. I can only be responsible for me and no it doesn't go both ways.


Well thank you for being honest about that......but you know as well as i do that it DOES go both ways with most that just want to turn words around for their own convenience and to try to make a point that's a lie. I'm not saying that it's ONLY the libs that do this, we all have our idiots that stretch the truth to fit what they believe or want others to believe.
Obama ate his dog
Progressives are Compulsive Liars.
"A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. "

Pathological versus Compulsive Liars - Truth About Deception

Irony. Again.

(As a child he was feed dog meat. He did not eat his dog.)

Habitual liar, you! :eusa_whistle:

How do we know it wasn't his dog???
Look what these dishonest bastards have done.
They have attepted to convince Americans that Romney is:

An animal abuser
A felon
A tax evader
A killer

Obama cannot run on a positive note, he has to pull whatever he can come up with out of his ass to convince as many stupid Americans as possible that Romney is an evil person.

Obama's America is suffering, obviously he knows that otherwise he wouldn't be attempting all of these distractions.

Dude he strapped a dog to the roof of a car.

That speaks for itself.
Look what these dishonest bastards have done.
They have attepted to convince Americans that Romney is:

An animal abuser
A felon
A tax evader
A killer

Obama cannot run on a positive note, he has to pull whatever he can come up with out of his ass to convince as many stupid Americans as possible that Romney is an evil person.

Obama's America is suffering, obviously he knows that otherwise he wouldn't be attempting all of these distractions.

Dude he strapped a dog to the roof of a car.

That speaks for itself.

Look what these dishonest bastards have done.
They have attepted to convince Americans that Romney is:

An animal abuser
A felon
A tax evader
A killer

You'll love what this guy has to say:

If he were a better man, Mitt Romney would have one of those dark mornings of the soul. He would wake up after a bender on virgin appletinis (known as "apple juice in a fancy glass" to the rest of us), unshaven, viciously moussed hair disheveled, and stagger into the bathroom in only his magic underwear. He'd tiredly root around for his penis and take a sputtering leak, as befits a man of his years. Then he'd look in the mirror, trying to remember what he did the previous night. He'd think about all the conflicting promises he made to donors, all the people he pretended to like. As he stared deeper into his bloodshot, sinking eyes, no longer assisted by copious amounts of highlighter, he might think about the past, think about how he made his money, how he spent it, how he didn't care about all the people who fell by the wayside in his march to demonstrate that he was the king of profiting from the ruins of others, a fancy junkyard salesman who occasionally repurposed the heaps of metal into a working mousetrap, but was just as likely to merely polish the garbage and sell it. Yes, if Mitt Romney were another kind of man, an honestly self-reflective man, he might stare in the mirror, think about why most predictions were that he would lose the election that he had spent over half a decade running for, ponder the situation he found himself in, question his very existence, and conclude, "I am really a dick."
But there's one overriding reason that Romney's candidacy was doomed: he is a completely unlikeable prick. And, unlike the fake self-aware Romney above, he doesn't give a shit that he's an unlikeable prick. In the world he existed in before running for president, one can be admired for dealing with others as an unfeeling asshole. That might be how cutthroat investment schemers work, but Romney is fast learning that people are not corporations. We give a damn who we're dealing with and who's fucking us over, and anyone who isn't so deluded by swallowing the Rush Limbaugh chowder on Obama or just being plain racist can see that Mitt Romney is not only not someone you'd want to have a beer with, but he's someone who, given the right circumstances and the right bar, you'd want to punch in the nose for being such a self-righteous cock.
Look what these dishonest bastards have done.
They have attepted to convince Americans that Romney is:

An animal abuser
A felon
A tax evader
A killer

Obama cannot run on a positive note, he has to pull whatever he can come up with out of his ass to convince as many stupid Americans as possible that Romney is an evil person.

Obama's America is suffering, obviously he knows that otherwise he wouldn't be attempting all of these distractions.

Dude he strapped a dog to the roof of a car.

That speaks for itself.

Obama KILLED and ATE a dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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