Look for a Changed Course next in attacks on Trump.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
From what I have found in the news cycles it does seem that the fakers are finding a new and retread of old news into new new. Hard to read but the truth as I see it.

Soros plans now to concentrate on smaller, more local politics around the country. All politics is local, a saying credited to former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill back in the day, is now his new playbook. I happen to believe this saying and if you are a long game kind of person, instead of the short game, it is easy to connect the dots as politicians begin in their own local communities to rise in power. Trump, a billionaire businessman, and celebrity is an exception. It is yet to be determined if his election is a fluke. Soros’ pet projects, like reforms to the criminal justice system, can move forward with the help of favorable district attorneys, for example. What is interesting to me is his failure, even in California, so far this election cycle.

He will be pushing to take over the legal system by backing with large amounts of money on State and Local legal Offices. Examples are Prosecutors, State IG offices. He needs to take over these offices to control the legal system and the Grand Jury system. The Grand Jury can get out of hand with what is called a "Runway Grand Jury" and this is when the people excludes the Lawyer out of the room and handle cases that he did not want to present. The have a lot of power and they are a threat to people like George. People we need to stand up and be counted.
From what I have found in the news cycles it does seem that the fakers are finding a new and retread of old news into new new. Hard to read but the truth as I see it.

Soros plans now to concentrate on smaller, more local politics around the country. All politics is local, a saying credited to former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill back in the day, is now his new playbook. I happen to believe this saying and if you are a long game kind of person, instead of the short game, it is easy to connect the dots as politicians begin in their own local communities to rise in power. Trump, a billionaire businessman, and celebrity is an exception. It is yet to be determined if his election is a fluke. Soros’ pet projects, like reforms to the criminal justice system, can move forward with the help of favorable district attorneys, for example. What is interesting to me is his failure, even in California, so far this election cycle.

He will be pushing to take over the legal system by backing with large amounts of money on State and Local legal Offices. Examples are Prosecutors, State IG offices. He needs to take over these offices to control the legal system and the Grand Jury system. The Grand Jury can get out of hand with what is called a "Runway Grand Jury" and this is when the people excludes the Lawyer out of the room and handle cases that he did not want to present. The have a lot of power and they are a threat to people like George. People we need to stand up and be counted.

This has been going on for decades and is nothing new. State governments are funneling HUGE amounts of money and staff to rural areas. This is the forte of the USFS/BLM/and the schools.
But don't worry the NWO doesn't even exist lol, neither does a one world order


George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order
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It has been all over the internet on who what when? how have been covered. Russia and China have been playing catch up with the USA on the gold reserves. There is a good reason for this. In the future one of them or both of them are going to make a major change in their currency. I you remember we when off the silver and gold standard back under President Nixon. This was when we dropped off and started to change the silver in out currency to paper from precious metals. The dollars held up. Now it seems that the metals are being bought and stored by Russia and China, its more than just for manufacturing its for basing their Yon and ruble on gold and silver. The goal is to knock the Petro dollars off the market in the oil countries. This would cause the dollars to lose value and your dollars to decline. Inflation will kick into high gear. We are and will suffer. I can say that Soros is not behind it but I bet he will be playing and hedge against it.

So don't be surprised in the future. At least buy a little hedge I am.

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