Look at the lib media defend a scumbag

never seen libs so unhinged against cops before. your standing in a court room and some scumbag steals a gun from a cop and shoots him in the face, and jumps out a window. but when you find him a few minutes later you arent supposed to beat his ass a bit. libs would probably try to understand him and give him a few months of counseling. then when he is a repeat offender they will blame society and look back on their community college sociology textbook for some answers from karl marx about what part of capitalism made him this way.

liberalism is a disease and this thread shows how deep the infection is in your brains.

Just working my way through. Now, you're the one who's off the tracks here chief. Cops have no right to bash a suspect. As I wrote above. It's called assault and it's not lawful. All cops know that. They know that if they beat up a suspect that they will be prosecuted and possibly imprisoned.
sniff, you defended any criminals today lately? want to donate to the terror fund?

as far as i am concerned, beating this sewage until he cant see or walk and giving him brain damage was "necessary force." maybe if he is a bit more retarded, cant see or hear, he wont grab a gun in court and shoot someone.

Well he won't do it if he's in prison either. Beating the living daylights out of him is wrong. You want cops like that you need your head read.
Where is the liberal "sensitivity" for cops experiencing such trauma! The cops need to get rehabilitation help, not blame. They also need to sue the shooter for compensation.

Cops are supposed to be about self-control in the face of provocation. If they need help to deal with the event then fine, understandble, but that still doesn't give them a licence to beat up a suspect. It's not something you'd want to allow cops to do all the time is it?
sorry man-on-man, no private messages for you. that is probably some invitation for sex, but i am not an animal, nor a homosexual man. so neither of what your kind are interested in.

the video doesnt even show proof that the cops beat him. it could have been other inmates. either way he got what he deserved. his moms fake outrage at the end was pathetic. she is just seeing a physical representation of what we all saw of him before he got beat, a sick scum disgusting beast.

Why would other inmates beat him? Doesn't make sense.
To liberals it's only criminals who are poor human beings and victims with failings that need to be forgiven and given the benefit of a doubt...

forget about the real victims...

If you want a functioning criminal justice system then you'll ensure that cops do their job properly and restrain themselves from seeking revenge.

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