Long Term Unemployment at Highest Level Since WWII


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Damn, I guess the democrats are right, it is now as bad as the great depression, nice job.

Long Term Unemployment at Highest Level Since WWII

Long Term Unemployment at Highest Level Since WWII | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Long term unemployment under President Obama is at the highest level since at least the end of World War II, threatening to create a permanent underclass of workers who will find it difficult or impossible to obtain jobs in the future. What’s more, Obama’s insistence on repeatedly extending long term unemployment benefits may be fueling the unemployment problem
Nobody cares about the real problems in the Nation.

You know you are right sniper. What I expect to be posted as a thread by the left is another diatribe about birthers posting. A distraction it is their way.
Humanoids aren't needed for jobs anymore yet there are more of them than ever.

This could be a problem.
Ending a world depression takes time, especially when the a-holes who started it hamstring the world's biggest economy. Great job Pubbies (and silly dupes)...
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa as if on que lakhotah awakens from her stupor and submits the most used excuse for Obama. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa after 6 years of democrat control and four years of Obama getting his way they STILL want to blame anyone but democrats. Thanks Lakhota for supplying an example of still the most worn out excuse. Too funny, too bad for our grandchildren it isn't really funny. I can only assume that Lakhota and Elizabeth Warren belong to the same tribe......Haaaaaaaaaaa too funny.
Ending a world depression takes time, especially when the a-holes who started it hamstring the world's biggest economy. Great job Pubbies (and silly dupes)...

4 years of trying and things are worse then ever, just like we said it would be and you still need to blame Bush, incredible bit of delusion.

Yep, Bush fucked us really long time!

agreed that Bush was a fuck-up on a number of things...

but it was stuff done during the Clinton administration that led to the sub-prime mortgage meltdown... which came to a head during Bush's administration... to Bush's credit, I don't recall him ever blaming Clinton for the problems he had trying to fix the financial mess that had been caused by actions taken before he arrived on the scene...

compare that to Obama's attitude...
Yep, Bush fucked us really long time!

agreed that Bush was a fuck-up on a number of things...

but it was stuff done during the Clinton administration that led to the sub-prime mortgage meltdown... which came to a head during Bush's administration... to Bush's credit, I don't recall him ever blaming Clinton for the problems he had trying to fix the financial mess that had been caused by actions taken before he arrived on the scene...

compare that to Obama's attitude...

Clinton was the worse of presidents. Way over rated. His Free trade BS came to a head during the end of the Bush era and now we are seeing the predicted results. His foreign policy lead directly to 9/11 to that there is NO DOUBT. His lying under oath lowered the bar for all future presidents. His behavior was despicable. But he appeared to be a good old boy so the liberal love the image they have imagined for themselves. He dealt Bush a crappy hand to which Bush didn't make a disaster out of as has Obama and his Czars.
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Humanoids aren't needed for jobs anymore yet there are more of them than ever.

This could be a problem.

Unfortunately -- or perhaps fortunately, depending on your point of view -- labor is becoming less and less of a commodity and more and more of a capital expenditure every day.

Companies all over the world are replacing human labor with durable goods -- robots and other forms of automation
-- that don't require wages, don't pay any taxes, never unionize, never take vacations or "family leave", don't need health care or a pension fund or any form of taxable or non-taxable benefits or sick leave. In fact they're the ideal "employees", particularly since companies do not need to pay employment taxes for them, either!

THIS -- not upside-down tax structures, not "trickle-down theory", not national debt or trade imbalances -- THIS is the reason our entire worldwide economy is exhibiting such alarming behavior. This is why the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is disappearing.

Working people are being replaced by robots and automation.

Think about the banking industry: how many branches closed due to the proliferation of ATMs and online banking? How many human tellers lost their jobs?

Think about retail stores: how many grocery stores lost inventory clerks and checkers due to scanners and just-in-time computerized inventory? Sure, it made stores more "efficient", there's no doubt about that, and also no doubt that it resulted in lower prices due to fewer wage-earners -- but how many jobs were lost in the process?

Industry: Machinists and assemblers, welders and painters have lost their jobs, never to see them return no matter how much new industry moves into the country, because those jobs are now performed by robots. They will never be done by humans again.

Engineers, accountants, and technical support personnel: the number of these highly-educated workers is fewer than ever proportionately to industry, because computers and automation make their jobs so much easier and faster that fewer engineers, technicians, and accountants now do the work of many. Again, what we gain in efficiency, we lose in actual jobs.

Even computer programming has been hit by the high-tech trend towards more and more automation. There are now computer programs that help human programmers write new applications faster and more efficiently than ever... so fewer programmers are needed for relatively the same complexity of program.

No matter what field you examine, the results are the same: robotics and automation are making every human endeavor more productive, more efficient, and less in need of human labor.

Currently, fewer than 40% of the people who would like to work and are able-bodied enough to work in the United States are employed. Many -- perhaps most -- of the other 60% have skills and educations that are no longer required by industry. There are simply too many of us to perform the few remaining jobs that require human labor.

In the 1960's, we saw this coming. Back in those days, the theory was that as automation made our lives and industries more efficient, the average work-week would become shorter and shorter. In school we were told that we could expect to work only 25 or 30 hours per week to support our families, and that our standard of living would be higher than it was then, when people were working 40 hours per week.

What we didn't foresee is that the captains of industry would use the benefits of automation entirely to enrich themselves to the detriment of society.

Those of us who are still "privileged" to have jobs now work well upwards of 40 hours per week in order to subsist and possibly save a little for a meager retirement. The pension funds have been raided; Social Security is being bankrupted because the new "workers" who have replaced the older workers are not human, therefore do not pay into the Social Security fund; and the nation's tax base is eroding very quickly because it depends on a dramatically-shrinking middle class.

No one except the captains of industry can expect to survive on a work week of only 30 hours.

Benefits are gone; unions are busted; no one is happy except the rich, who are still getting richer.

-- Paravani
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