
Oh...sorry, you must mean the SECRET Muslim only zones, that no-one is supposed to know about, part of the dastardly plot by Muslims to take over the world, one street at a time.....wait a minute, isn't that just a variation on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, just substituting "Muslims" for "Jews" as the bad guys?
:muahaha: :lmao:

You make an excellent point------the writings generated by the islamo-Nazi cadres, correctly describe
the islamo Nazi ethos. In the lingo of the science "Psychology" the correct term is "PROJECTION"
which is a very prevalent ego-defense device

True, Zio-Nazis "project" onto Muslims the traits they, themselves have in abundance.

you have never bothered to read your own literature--------start with the 'koran'

*sigh* You really do have the attention span of a goldfish. I'm a Humanist, dearie, I tend to shy away from reading fantasy novels like the Bible, the Quran and the Torah, etc. Do keep up.

As you're such an expert, why not enlighten us all about the secret Muslim plot to conquer the world house by house contained in the Quran?

you are a "HUMANIST" but "shy away" from reading the CLASSICAL SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS
of HUMANS ? What a joke you are. I am a HUMANIST and fascinated with the ancient
scriptural writings from the Bhagavad Gita to the Odyssey-----the classical greek plays------I admit
that Beowulf is dull but I DO NOT SHY AWAY FROM CLASSICAL human stuff. I learned about islam----
from muslims who were educated in lands where THEY WERE CONSIDERED THE INTELLECTUAL
ELITE -------ie they were doctors and engineers. Getting to be a doctor in Pakistan is the same procedure
as getting to be a doctor in the USA------WRITE THE RIGHT ANSWERS ON THE TESTS. In Pakistan the
requirement for GOOD GRADES is-------know the curriculum which includes the world view of
Nazi propagandaists of the 1930s and the post war era------and the Koran. The people I encountered who could BEST PARROT the islamo Nazi propaganda that came out of Syria and Egypt in the post world war II era------were the Pakistani doctors., They knew HARRISON"S textbook of Medicine too------but that Nazi stuff was done SING SONG-----like the Koran. I also read the Koran-----even more dull than is Beowulf---
but I learned about islam from muslims BTW ----I never said that there is a secret muslim plot to
conquer the world "door by door"---------for that information-----go to a muslim website and pay attention to \what muslim leaders actually DO SAY Achmadinejad ANNOUNCED in the General Assemby of the
UN------ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE WHOLE WORLD (the UN building is near Bellevue
hospital-------Bellevue has a classical rep as being one of the first Insane assylums in the USA----
I waited but the MEN IN THE WHITE COATS did not show up)

What is your fixation with capitalising certain words and inserting "-----" everywhere, it's very childish and just makes your posts awkward to read.

Clearly you have no idea about Humanism, allow me to educate you: Humanism

I never said I don't read classical literature, I just don't find anything worth getting excited about when it comes to religion, so generally steer clear of that sort of literature; much like Mills and Boon romances. I leave reading religious tomes to those weak minded and bigoted individuals who seem to need something "outside themselves" in order to tell them how to function as human beings.

your statement, mouse---in post 219

"I'm a Humanist, dearie, I tend to shy away from reading fantasy novels like the Bible, the Quran and the Torah, etc. Do keep up."

mounse in post 221
"I never said I don't read classical literature,"
Yesss....clearly English is not your native language, you don't seem to be able to grasp idiom and nuance.

mouse >>>>
"I'm a Humanist, dearie, I tend to shy away from reading fantasy novels like the
Bible, the Quran and the Torah," -----it seems to imagine that an admission
of vacuous idiocy ------is "NUANCE"

your statement, mouse---in post 219

"I'm a Humanist, dearie, I tend to shy away from reading fantasy novels like the Bible, the Quran and the Torah, etc. Do keep up."

mounse in post 221
"I never said I don't read classical literature,"
Yesss....clearly English is not your native language, you don't seem to be able to grasp idiom and nuance.

mouse >>>>
"I'm a Humanist, dearie, I tend to shy away from reading fantasy novels like the
Bible, the Quran and the Torah," -----it seems to imagine that an admission
of vacuous idiocy ------is "NUANCE"

What I actually wrote as opposed what the vacuous bimbo imagines I meant:

"What is your fixation with capitalising certain words and inserting "-----" everywhere, it's very childish and just makes your posts awkward to read.

Clearly you have no idea about Humanism, allow me to educate you: Humanism

I never said I don't read classical literature, I just don't find anything worth getting excited about when it comes to religion, so generally steer clear of that sort of literature; much like Mills and Boon romances. I leave reading religious tomes to those weak minded and bigoted individuals who seem to need something "outside themselves" in order to tell them how to function as human beings."
Returning to the topic of the Muslim "takeover" of London, does this sound familliar to anyone?

"... in the year of a general election in which immigration was a hot political topic. Back in the early 1880s, there had been widespread sympathy for the plight of Jews escaping persecution and destitution, and large protest meetings in cities all over the country condemned the Russian pogroms. Soon, however, attention turned to the social impact of immigration. Spitalfields, often referred to as the ‘Jewish colony’, attracted the fascinated gaze of sociologists and journalists. ‘My first impression on going among them,’ wrote Mrs Brewer in the Sunday Magazine in 1892, ‘was that I must be in some far-off country whose people and language I knew not. The names over the shops were foreign, the wares were advertised in an unknown tongue, of which I did not even know the letters, the people in the streets were not of our type, and when I addressed them in English the majority of them shook their heads.’ Others reacted with antagonism rather than bewilderment. The anti-immigration campaigner Arnold White declared that, unlike Christian refugees to England, Jews formed ‘a community proudly separate, racially distinct, and existing preferentially aloof … A danger menacing to national life has begun in our midst,’ he warned, ‘and must be abated if sinister consequences are to be avoided.’" Exploring the migrant history of Victorian East London

Going even further back in time we have: minorities had their source in the early 16th century. Catherine of Aragon, the Queen of England, as the first wife of King Henry VIII of England and Princess of Wales, as the wife of Arthur, Prince of Wales, came to London and brought some African people as attendants with her. When trade lines began to open between London and West Africa, Africans slowly began to become part of the London population as slaves.

Later on London’s residents started to become fearful of of the increasing back population. Around
this time Elizabeth I. declared that the black people were to be arrested and banned from her
kingdom, although it was against the legislation. Elizabeth I issued an open letter on 11 July 1596
when the entire population of Britain was around 3 million.

“Her Majestie understanding that there are of late divers blackmoores brought into this realme, of
which kinde of people there are allready here to manie ... Her Majesty's pleasure therefore ys that
those kinde of people should be sent forth of the lande, and for that purpose there ys direction given
to this bearer Edwarde Banes to take of those blackmoores that in this last voyage under Sir
Thomas Baskervile were brought into this realme the nomber of tenn, to be transported by him out
of the realme. Wherein wee require you to be aydinge and assysting unto him as he shall have
occacion, therof not to faile.” Texte Un/12C/Migration - 12C.pdf

Than we have Asians, Orientals, EU migrants, we could go on and on.

The meme propounded by the "anti-immigration" brigade is not new. London has accommodated wave after wave of migrants throughout it's history; each group has enlivened and enriched the city, making it one of, if not the, most cosmopolitan cities on the planet; that's generally a good thing, in my view. Calling it "Londonistan" is both wildly inaccurate and just pandering to racist bigotry against the current set of immigrants.

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