Listen: Hillary Clinton blames everyone but herself ( audio recording)


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
LISTEN: Hillary Clinton Blames Everyone But Herself (AUDIO RECORDING)
- An audio recording (listen below) has surfaced of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton blaming Russian president Vladimir Putin and FBI Director James Comey for her loss to President-elect Donald Trump. Clinton was speaking to campaign donors at a private party in New York City last week when the recording was made. WikiLeaks has repeatedly denied accusations their source is the Russian government.

Most saw this during this entire run. Their ratings must be sinking as most saw them as a trustworthy site.
There isn't much we can do about it since the fake news are slamming what is true information so it can confuse the public even more.
The fat cow can't tell the truth about why she lost. It's too embarrassing to her, the DNC, and all dims who wasted their votes on her, so instead she lies and spins like a top as usual. The real low info dopes will swallow it all, but those with functioning brains will likely figure out the conspiracy that duped them.

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