CDZ List the top five issues most likely to confront the next POTUS

Traditionally when a region suffers the nation pulls together. Only for the past two decades have the callous conservatives banded together and let American Citizens suffer do to natural disasters.

In 1906 San Francisco received nearly every tent the US Army had, to shelter those displaced by the fire and earthquake, within 72 hours; the trailers sent by FEMA to New Orleans may still be sitting in a corporate yard (I have not researched that, but the last I heard was they smelled of formaldehyde and were unfit for human occupation).

There is a difference between natural disasters and deliberately irresponsible behavior with the expectation that someone else will clean up your mess.

Really, I haven't noticed the Tea Party members in the H. of Rep. acknowledging such a difference.
My top five:

  1. The partisan divide
  2. National Security [IS]
  3. Climate Change
  4. Immigration Reform
  5. An aging infrastructure

1. Immigration
2. Balancing the budget
3. Foreign Policy, as well as ISIS and Al Qaeda
4. Jobs
5. Building Business and bringing revenue in America

Shadow 355

It's impossible to balance the budget of a nation as large as ours; ask anyone responsible for administrating a budget and they'll tell you a budget is just a plan, nothing more. And plans need to adjust to reality.

That said, it's possible but highly unlikely The Congress will ever stop spending what benefits their state and their constituency - ultimately themselves. The best way IMO to bring deficit spending under control is a Constitutional Amendment giving the Executive the power of the line-item veto.. Which a POTUS serving only one six year term can be trusted (not tempted to use against his or her enemies) to use knowing The Congress has the power to override on each issue.

The second and maybe the most effective way to bring spending under control is the Line-Item Veto will be fully transparent, silencing the demagogues and charlatans, and truly educating the public.
Traditionally when a region suffers the nation pulls together. Only for the past two decades have the callous conservatives banded together and let American Citizens suffer do to natural disasters.

In 1906 San Francisco received nearly every tent the US Army had, to shelter those displaced by the fire and earthquake, within 72 hours; the trailers sent by FEMA to New Orleans may still be sitting in a corporate yard (I have not researched that, but the last I heard was they smelled of formaldehyde and were unfit for human occupation).

There is a difference between natural disasters and deliberately irresponsible behavior with the expectation that someone else will clean up your mess.

Really, I haven't noticed the Tea Party members in the H. of Rep. acknowledging such a difference.

Do YOU acknowledge such a difference?
Iran, the media, personal and individual rights surrounding the free practice of ones christian faith in ones life again, states rights and the restoration of them, health insurance, privacy issues, taxes, gas prices, government intrusion, military, and retirement.
Traditionally when a region suffers the nation pulls together. Only for the past two decades have the callous conservatives banded together and let American Citizens suffer do to natural disasters.

In 1906 San Francisco received nearly every tent the US Army had, to shelter those displaced by the fire and earthquake, within 72 hours; the trailers sent by FEMA to New Orleans may still be sitting in a corporate yard (I have not researched that, but the last I heard was they smelled of formaldehyde and were unfit for human occupation).

There is a difference between natural disasters and deliberately irresponsible behavior with the expectation that someone else will clean up your mess.

Really, I haven't noticed the Tea Party members in the H. of Rep. acknowledging such a difference.

Do YOU acknowledge such a difference?

Sure I do. But that opens up a new discussion/debate. What do we do with those addicted/addled by drink or dope?
1) Lunatic Persian Muslims with Nuclear Weapons;
2) Lunatic Arab Muslims with Nuclear Weapons;
3) A Mullah or an Ayatollah or a Grand Mufti with access to his country's fissionable material...waking up one morning thinking Allah told him in a dream that he, Allah, would like to see how long it will be before New York recovers from a dirty bomb;
4) A Deficit which has us on tract to be Greece bowing to our creditors--like Communist China & Oil Rich Islam;
5) The Mexican invasion;
6) Putin collapsing NATO;
7) A massive and arrogant and oppressive Federal Bureaucracy which stifles freedom, initiative and innovation at every turn, in furtherance of a Socialist Policy implemented by pretend Democrats.
8) Too many people living on the Federal Plantation taking in free stuff;
9) A Liberal Media as reliable to the Democratic Party, as Pravda used to be to the Politburo.

How could I ever stop at just five. I have children.

Thanks Obama.
The issues may depend on whether the next president is a Democrat or a Republican. If the new president is a Democrat he or she will face such issues as being a communist, or a socialist or both. The Democratic president will also have to answer why the budget is not balanced as Reagan balanced the budget by eliminating the income tax. Another issue will be the gun thing with the NRA demanding to know if the Bill of Rights is still in force so real Americans can have a civil war. The birth certificate thing still might have some pizazz left and could still be an issue. All in all I would expect the same issues such as Social Security not working and teachers belonging to unions forcing liberalism down children's throats.
I look forward to the usual.
Other than a personality disorder which craves attention and adoration from people one doesn't know, the only rational reason to want to be President is to effect change in our society. For most Liberals, that involves collectivization and redistribution of wealth. For a principled Conservative, that means structural change involving limitations on the power of the federal government.
Other than a personality disorder which craves attention and adoration from people one doesn't know, the only rational reason to want to be President is to effect change in our society. For most Liberals, that involves collectivization and redistribution of wealth. For a principled Conservative, that means structural change involving limitations on the power of the federal government.
A new President should push to restore independence and freedom back to the American people, and he or she must get the local, state and federal government to BACK OFF, and to quit working to protect special interest and corporations above anything and all else in this nation. It's time to bring it all back into focus, and to work to get it back right again for all Americans who try so very hard, and do their level best to help out this nation instead of hurting it. Right now it is way wrong, but hopefully it is not so wrong that we get attacked in a precise and deadly way again.

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