List of liberal lies and hoaxes

Lies and Liberalism

'There is an organic connection between liberalism and lies. Lying is the lifeblood and mother’s milk of liberalism. Liberals and the left lie effortlessly and naturally. They are far more comfortable with lies than the truth. Speaking the truth is almost impossibility for them. It’s in their DNA.

The fraudulently labeled “Affordable Care Act” is typical of the millions of lies liberals have told over the years. President Obama and Democrats made promises and predictions they knew were untrue. They lied about what motivated the embassy attacks in Egypt and Libya. They lied, and continue to lie, without a second thought and without the slightest remorse.

Barack Obama took a sacred oath to uphold the Constitution. He never had the slightest intention of adhering to the Constitution, as we now well know. One of the traits liberals find endearing about Bill Clinton is his skill at lying and his ability to get away with it.

On his second day in office President Obama said, “Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.” On the contrary, it has been the most opaque and duplicitous presidency in history. What he claimed could not have been further from the truth. The best way to evaluate what liberals say is to realize that what they say is really the polar opposite of what they believe.'

Lies and Liberalism | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.


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