List Containing Names of 1,300 Purported Illegals Mailed Around Utah


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
This is really kind of creepy. You have to wonder how these people get their information, especially if it turns out to be accurate.
List Containing Names of 1,300 Purported Illegals Mailed Around Utah
Published July 13, 2010 | Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY -- A list containing the names and personal information of 1,300 people an anonymous group contends are illegal immigrants has been mailed around Utah, terrifying the state's Hispanic community.

Republican Gov. Gary Herbert wrote in a tweet Tuesday that he has asked state agencies to investigate the list -- sent anonymously to several media outlets, and law enforcement and state agencies. A letter accompanying the list demands that those on it be deported immediately.

Most of the names on the list are of Hispanic origin. The list also contains highly detailed personal information such as Social Security numbers, birth dates, workplaces, addresses and phone numbers. Names of children are included, along with due dates of pregnant women on the list.
In the April letter, the writers say their group "observes these individuals in our neighborhoods, driving on our streets, working in our stores, attending our schools and entering our public welfare buildings."

"We then spend the time and effort needed to gather information along with legal Mexican nationals who infiltrate their social networks and help us obtain the necessary information we need to add them to our list," the letter says. - List Containing Names of 1,300 Purported Illegals Mailed Around Utah
What is interesting is they are saying that "if" the list is accurate, it must have come from a government data base. Which goes to show ya, they already know who the lawbreakers are, and are still offering them benefits.

There is a danger here, however it is up to the people to report welfare and immigration fraud. The govt. could care less. After all it's only OPM (other people's money).

We will see more of this in the months to come I suspect. Americans are hurting, and their generosity has hit the tipping point.
I'm sure this list represents a small fraction of the illegals.

If someone went to the trouble to send this info to the government, maybe the government ought to check the people out. If they are truly illegal, deport them. It's not as if the supposed illegals are being threatened or physically harmed. After all, any one of us could be subjects of this type of research.
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Exactly. Remember the "Prop 8 Map"? And those were simply law abiding citizens.

Prop 8 signers signed public petitions. This list violates the most basic principles laid out in the US Constitution.

People like you would give up everyone's privacy in order to achieve your hateful ends.

people like you suck
Many states post names and pics of deadbeat dads. They print names and addresses of delinquent taxpayers in the paper. Why should illegal alien lawbreakers have a greater "right to privacy'?

The WH asked people to report the names of Americans who opposed the HC bill. We are living in bizarro world folks.
Many states post names and pics of deadbeat dads. They print names and addresses of delinquent taxpayers in the paper. Why should illegal alien lawbreakers have a greater "right to privacy'?

The WH asked people to report the names of Americans who opposed the HC bill. We are living in bizarro world folks.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with posting names and info of illegal aliens.

There is absolutely everything wrong with supporting violations of privacy that involve state lists.

nothing bizarre except your imagination when it comes to interpreting actual events
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Many states post names and pics of deadbeat dads. They print names and addresses of delinquent taxpayers in the paper. Why should illegal alien lawbreakers have a greater "right to privacy'?

The WH asked people to report the names of Americans who opposed the HC bill. We are living in bizarro world folks.
Untrue. Where do you get this stuff?
Lie? "Facts are Stubborn Things"

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

Facts Are Stubborn Things | The White House

In Detroit this week, six pictures of deadbeat dads who owed thousands in back child support were posted along a main thoroughfare. Seeing their photos, the men immediately went and paid the child support. The State Attorney General initiated a Pay Kids website in 2003; the addition of public billboards is an addition to this program.

Offbeat Emails: Pictures of deadbeat dads posted on billboards dads pay up

Our local paper prints the names and addresses of all tax delinquent properties. Do you live on another planet?

If the list of illegals was stolen, those people should be punished. If it's merely "observation" then innocent people may be investigated. TFB. Teachers, social workers, healthcare workers, etc. who have proof cannot share it. So the govt. supposedly encourages neighbors to snitch on each other, with hotlines. What a frickin joke. They already have their own lists.

Power to the people. :clap2:
I'm sure this list represents a small fraction of the illegals.

If someone went to the trouble to send this info to the government, maybe the government ought to check the people out. If they are truly illegal, deport them. It's not as if the supposed illegals are being threatened or physically harmed. After all, any one of us could be subjects of this type of research.

The Govt has already said they didn't want states handling immigration law because the Govt only has certain groups of illegals they go after, word from those on the INS commission.

[ame=]YouTube - @katiecouric: Ariz. Immigration Law[/ame]

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