Linoleum Flooring?


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.
I'm replacing the kitchen floor and want to have one type/color of flooring throughout the entire first floor. Tile is not attractive to me and hardwood is too expensive, so I am considering linoleum.

You heard me! That indestructable stuff they used back in the 1950's.

I'm considering either a citrus color or a neutral....linoleum is not only inexpensive, it's "green" and as most of us know, lasts a lifetime.

Any thoughts? Most folks in my housing association carpet their living rooms, but I cannot abide carpet.

If you like it, do you prefer all one color or a pattern? The rooms are small.

Thankies for any input!


They make linoleum floor that looks like hardwood. Both parquet and planks.

Since the rooms are small i would not go with a pattern or anything dark.. Change the flooring for each room....

Hardwood look in the hallway and living room... Diamond pattern in the kitchen.... something neutral in the bedrooms. It just doesn't have to be ONE pattern of linoleum.

Be sure to get extra so if there are any repairs to be made you have the "patch"

You can always put down throw rugs over the linoleum.
I like the upper left 1st one. But if you have cats and dogs, their nails start to scratch up the linoleum after a few years. That's why I like Tiles. I also live in the southwest where tile is popular,so to each their own taste,I say.
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I did see the linoleum made to look like hardwood, but I only like the very dark color and the rooms are too small for that...I need a bright coloring. I still have my "Florida" style living room furniture and was considering a citrus color throughout the first floor....I think it might be a fun thing to do here in every-day-its-overcast Cleveland, LOL.

Chances are, I'll chicken out and get a neutral color. Thankies for the tip on getting left over product...very good idea!
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Hate it hate it hate it.

Have you considered Pergo?

Why do you hate it boedicca? Does it need waxing, etc.?

I have looked at laminate; it is somewhat more expensive and as I said, I only really like the very dark colors which are not suitable for my home. I have too many overhangs and tress; my interior is dark even on a sunny day. I cannot abide that.

Folks...if the price for installation was different, could you live with tiles as opposed to a sheet of linoleum? I hate tiled vinyl floors, but mebbe with linoleum it's different?
I loathe linoleum.

The former owners of our house put commercial grade linoleum in the kitchen. Can't stand the stuff - and am so looking forward to remodelling in a couple of years (we live in a big fixer upper - the kitchen is the last thing on the list). It's a mess to take care of.

Lowe's has pretty affordable Pergo alternatives. The paler maple type colors are quite lovely. A friend of mine redid her little bungalow in San Franciso with it - it looked great!
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Hate it hate it hate it.

Have you considered Pergo?

Why do you hate it boedicca? Does it need waxing, etc.?

I have looked at laminate; it is somewhat more expensive and as I said, I only really like the very dark colors which are not suitable for my home. I have too many overhangs and tress; my interior is dark even on a sunny day. I cannot abide that.

Folks...if the price for installation was different, could you live with tiles as opposed to a sheet of linoleum? I hate tiled vinyl floors, but mebbe with linoleum it's different?

Wax at your own makes it worse then ice.

Linoleum has its applications and uses. But it is not something i would use.

Linoleum tiles? Its a different look but about the same feel. BUT if something slices your floor the tiles are easier to fix.
I had linoleum in my kitchen for the longest time. It was a bee-atch to keep clean. Then I ended up burning some of it. Yes, burning. I was steaming broccoli and I never put water in the bottom of my pan. It got so hot, it actually melted my old Farberware. I picked the pan up when I smelled it burning, and hot liquid metal flung all over my linoleum floor. I wasn't that upset about it, because I knew we wanted to do our floors over. We ripped it up, along with all the carpet on that floor and put down all hardwood.

Seeing that hardwood is costly for you, I recommend checking out the Pergo as well.
I had linoleum in my kitchen for the longest time. It was a bee-atch to keep clean. Then I ended up burning some of it. Yes, burning. I was steaming broccoli and I never put water in the bottom of my pan. It got so hot, it actually melted my old Farberware. I picked the pan up when I smelled it burning, and hot liquid metal flung all over my linoleum floor. I wasn't that upset about it, because I knew we wanted to do our floors over. We ripped it up, along with all the carpet on that floor and put down all hardwood.

Seeing that hardwood is costly for you, I recommend checking out the Pergo as well.

I <3 masquerade

When I get sick enough of the linoleum, I'm going to perform this maneuver.

I had linoleum in my kitchen for the longest time. It was a bee-atch to keep clean. Then I ended up burning some of it. Yes, burning. I was steaming broccoli and I never put water in the bottom of my pan. It got so hot, it actually melted my old Farberware. I picked the pan up when I smelled it burning, and hot liquid metal flung all over my linoleum floor. I wasn't that upset about it, because I knew we wanted to do our floors over. We ripped it up, along with all the carpet on that floor and put down all hardwood.

Seeing that hardwood is costly for you, I recommend checking out the Pergo as well.

I <3 masquerade

When I get sick enough of the linoleum, I'm going to perform this maneuver.


LOL ~ I'm laughing now, but my youngest was just a toddler at the time and he was standing just a few feet from me! I thank God he didn't get burned that day.

But yeah ... good plan .. no?
I had linoleum in my kitchen for the longest time. It was a bee-atch to keep clean. Then I ended up burning some of it. Yes, burning. I was steaming broccoli and I never put water in the bottom of my pan. It got so hot, it actually melted my old Farberware. I picked the pan up when I smelled it burning, and hot liquid metal flung all over my linoleum floor. I wasn't that upset about it, because I knew we wanted to do our floors over. We ripped it up, along with all the carpet on that floor and put down all hardwood.

Seeing that hardwood is costly for you, I recommend checking out the Pergo as well.

Yikes! It burns? I didn't know that.

Ladies, you can make a &#9829; on a PC by depressing the "alt" key (left side) and hitting the number 3 on your number pad. (Each number, one through 25 or so, makes a different symbol.)
Linoleum floor reminds me of my aunt and uncle's house in Philadelphia. It was in their basement and I remember it was a darkish green with white and maybe some black running through it, small tiles (like maybe 4 x 4). They had 8 kids and I remember rolling skating in their basement.

I had no idea they still made linoleum. If they made it in large tiles I'd give it a look-see. There is also cork flooring. It's 'green' and also provides sound proofing. Might be pricey though.. . .
I definitely would go with neutral colors myself. Then you don't have to worry whether it goes with anything.
I'm replacing the kitchen floor and want to have one type/color of flooring throughout the entire first floor. Tile is not attractive to me and hardwood is too expensive, so I am considering linoleum.

You heard me! That indestructable stuff they used back in the 1950's.

I'm considering either a citrus color or a neutral....linoleum is not only inexpensive, it's "green" and as most of us know, lasts a lifetime.

Any thoughts? Most folks in my housing association carpet their living rooms, but I cannot abide carpet.

If you like it, do you prefer all one color or a pattern? The rooms are small.

Thankies for any input!



If you've made up your mind then by all means have fun. I, on the other hand, have no use for your chosen product and cannot help you in this regard. I will however suggest a Pergo style product as an alternative. It's actually more durable and is more easily "repaired" than linoleum if damaged.

Kudos on the old school linoleum choice! Did you know that as the linseed oil in the linoleum off-gasses, it provides a practically sterile film on the floor?

Be very careful about installing linoleum, or any sheet goods, on an OSB (oriented strand board) underlayment. The voids in OSB have a way of creating soft spots in the floor. As the OSB deteriorates, the voids will 'telegraph' through the sheet goods. This is particularly bad in wet areas like in front of the sink.

Beware of Pergo flooring. It tends to delaminate in wet areas. Carpet in a kitchen is a poor decision. Ever try to mop up a broken egg from carpet?

I had a project in Williamsport, PA (home of the Little League World Series). I was doing a Phase I ESA (environmental site assessment) in a commercial building downtown. There were four floors of apartments above the retail space on the street level. I found layers and layers of linoleum in the kitchens and bathrooms of the apartments.

I had to take samples of each layer to have them analyzed for the presence of asbestos. Under the first layer (closest to the floor) I found the Sunday Philadelphia Enquirer form June of 1937! Amelia Earhart was approaching Australia. The Spanish 'civil war' was going badly. But the Sunday Funnies were all there too. Today, in my office, hangs one of the pages from the Sunday Funnies. L'il Abner and Old Judge Robbins with a Prince albert pipe tobacco ad!

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