Lindsey Graham eyes May presidential announcement

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear God, no. This assclown just needs to go away altogether.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday there’s a better than 90 percent chance he’ll run for president, saying he’ll decide in May.

“If I can raise the money, I’ll do it,” the South Carolina Republican said on “Fox News Sunday.”

Lindsey Graham eyes May presidential announcement - Kyle Cheney - POLITICO

He'll look straight into the camera, raise his eyebrows, clutch his pearls and say, "Ahm runnin' for prez-i-dent of the Yew-nited States becuz I believe Ahm the best canduhdate eh-vah! Just ask my lovah', Senatuh McCain."

WOW! I hope he does! The republican primaries will be better than American Idol! :rofl:

Got that. The debates will be simply fabulous. Given there's only about 9 or so allowed on stage, let the bumpin' begin!

I wonder if Rick Perry won't be sporting one of those ankle bracelets since he's still on trial for felony charges.

Extra space around Chris Christie's podium will have to allowed so that he's not crowding the other candidates.

Rubio's podium will have a row of 6-7 bottles of water behind his mic.

Ted Cruz will insist on 100 seats in the audience for his Liberty University groupies.

Rand Paul will have to answer why he shushes female reporters and not males.

Gonna' be absolutely fabulous.

Hold on! I caught his address in New Hampshaaaa yesterday. He was unexpectededly funny. He did, however, refer to his 33 years in the military. My stahhhs........
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Hold on! I caught his address in New Hampshaaaa yesterday. He was unexpectededly funny. He did, however, refer to his 33 years in the military. My stars........

Just gives me a case of the vay-puhs......Someone hand me my Laudanum and my little Japanese paper fan! I do dee-clah.....
Dear God, no. This assclown just needs to go away altogether.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday there’s a better than 90 percent chance he’ll run for president, saying he’ll decide in May.

“If I can raise the money, I’ll do it,” the South Carolina Republican said on “Fox News Sunday.”

Lindsey Graham eyes May presidential announcement - Kyle Cheney - POLITICO

He'll look straight into the camera, raise his eyebrows, clutch his pearls and say, "Ahm runnin' for prez-i-dent of the Yew-nited States becuz I believe Ahm the best canduhdate eh-vah! Just ask my lovah', Senatuh McCain."

And then Aaaron Schock, in a nice pink shirt, will do a strip-tease and Mark Foley will be texting young pages on his phone and Larry Craig will suddenly need to leave to find an airport bathroom somewhere.

It is going to be FESTIVE, I tell you, FESTIVE!!

I think that heads are going to explode throughout Teabhagistan.

Ahem. Source: Uhhh, somewhere in Conservative land.

Now, Ah don't want no one to evuh say that aah don't go to them Consuhvative sawces!
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Dear God, no. This assclown just needs to go away altogether.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday there’s a better than 90 percent chance he’ll run for president, saying he’ll decide in May.

“If I can raise the money, I’ll do it,” the South Carolina Republican said on “Fox News Sunday.”

Lindsey Graham eyes May presidential announcement - Kyle Cheney - POLITICO

Thank you, thank you, thank you many times over for making this thread!!

Hey, everyboduh, we need to thank Dont Taz Me Bro foh his faaahn wuhk, heuh!
Serious question.

Which GOP candidate is the "manliest"??

I'm going with Fiorina.


She still could not compete against Ann Coulter, were she/he/it to announce!

I could see the debates now:

Moderator: "Ms. Coulter, you once said that the USA should just 'roll over and crush' Canada. Did you really mean it?"

Coulter: "Well, now that I see Sen. Cruz here, illegally, yeah, I do mean it".

Cruz: "I've got a 2nd Amendment remedy to check the tyranny of Ann Coulter!"

Coulter: "Bring it on. Clinton can shoot better than you, pipsqueak"

Carson: (guffaw, guffaw)

Perry: "oops!"

Rubio: (sounds of swallowing water)

Fiorina: "There are demon sheep up North!"

Christie: "they make great donuts in Canada"

Paul: "No business should have to sell to Canada. But they've got great pot there!"

Huckabee: "6-6-6, oh crap, I was reading Cain's notes from 2012, I meant 9-9-9. Uh, can I said it again".

Bush: "What a bunch of children"

Everyone but Bush: "Oh, shut up, no one wants a third Bush!"

Oh, I cannot wait.....
He and Huckabee both need to just go away

for crying out loud. they are like a dark house trying to throw the elections or something. pathetic

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