Like obamacare? read this

from your cite;
Our 2001 study in 5 states found that medical problems contributed to at least 46.2% of
all bankruptcies."

do you understand the difference between "contributed to" and "caused". ?

I do. When you can find data that break that down further, please do so. Until then, you're just tap-dancing.

nope, you made the claim that many bankrupcies were caused by unpaid medical bills, your own cite disproves that claim.

So, I win, you lose. now lets move on.
If that's what you need, then we can expect the same devotion to fact going forward. Valuable.
The govt is dictating what coverages can/must be offered

If you mean "the PPACA is telling insurers they can no longer cap benefits or exclude would-be applicants for preexisting conditions," you're correct.

Those are to the benefit of the patient. Yanno, Americans. Why do you hate Americans?

those are the only good provisions of the ACA law. Those two changes could have been done with a one page bill that would have received unanimous approval in both houses.

The rest of the 2000 pages made everything worse.
how would you know? anecdotal evidence? Puhleeease.

premiums are higher, deductibles are higher, people are forced to buy coverage that they don't want or need. Its been in the news for years, do you live under a rock?
IOW's - you miss the insurance that was there, that is, until you actually needed it?


Bulls**t meme.

Notice there was never any discussion of "junk plans" until the country turned on our Bastard In Chief.

It's no surprise that Dotty can't do better than this.

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