Libya needs American ground throops now!.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
The Obama capitulatory U.N. approved airstrikes, and no fly zone campaigne will not be enough to topple Momar Qaddaffi.

What the Libyan rebels need is American ground throops, tanks, and other ground equipment.

This will be the only way to remove, or capture Colonel Momar Qaddafi
Those Libyans that are "thanking us" for helping them will change their tune real quick if US Troops and tanks role into Libya, it will be like Iraq all over again.

Yes, this is the only solution, otherwise we will have just a costly stalemate for months.!!
With many innocents deaths.

Should we also go into every other country that is killing their peoeple? We aren't the worlds police officer. Our military can only handle so much.

3 wars? Why stop at that?.. May as well go into Bahrain and all the others too, right?
I love people who have never been in the Military non chalantly volunteering to send our boys over there, its not your ass who has to go through all that training, leave his family and loved ones behind and risk their lives in that hellhole you motherfucker!
I love people who have never been in the Military non chalantly volunteering to send our boys over there, its not your ass who has to go through all that training, leave his family and loved ones behind and risk their lives in that hellhole you motherfucker!

but but but,

Tanks will keep the innocent from dying :(

even better

Lets do it for the children.

Kill a gadaffi for you mommy
Should we also go into every other country that is killing their peoeple? We aren't the worlds police officer. Our military can only handle so much.

3 wars? Why stop at that?.. May as well go into Bahrain and all the others too, right?

No! - Only the ones with large oil reserves that are not cooperating.
I love people who have never been in the Military non chalantly volunteering to send our boys over there, its not your ass who has to go through all that training, leave his family and loved ones behind and risk their lives in that hellhole you motherfucker!

You mean like most politicians!
Other countries have troops that can function on the ground. Why does it have to be American troops ?

Have you seen the troops from these other countries? minus a few exceptions like the Dutch, Canadians, English and Australians, most of them are worthless. Still no excuse for us to do all the work though.
Other countries have troops that can function on the ground. Why does it have to be American troops ?

I don't think we should go in, not at all.

but not for nuthin

No one has said; "Oh thank God! Here come the Greeks!"

You'd be hard, hard pressed to come up with a country that you would rather see coming to the rescue.
The man Momar Qaddaffi has 20 tons of mustard gas. He is slaughtering his own country men and women.
The international community must act when tyrants like Qaddaffi present themselves to the world with
their murderous actions.!
American ground throops must enter Libya with a mission and an objective to caputre or kill Qaddaffi.
Right now there is no defined mission,or end game strategy.What happens after the Libyan airforce
is neutralized?. The Libyan ground throops are still operating and killing civilians.!
We need American ground throops now.!

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