Libs: What are your true cultural values?

Abortion: I find it reprehensible, but the cat is out of the bag. We will never eliminate abortion, it is available around the world. I am a realist and know that neither abortion or gun ownership will be outlawed nation wide. Best option is to cut down the need for abortion.....Birth control, sex education, free neonatal care, assistance to single mothers
Personal responsibility, personal responsibility, more entitlement bullshit and wealth redistribution against personal freedoms, and even more entitlement bullshit and wealth redistribution against personal freedoms

Fair shake and equal treatment by law.... for once I can actually say we are about on the same page

I am close to agreeing with this also.. except I do think this whole redefinition of the term marriage is still horse shit.. but again, in terms of government and law, I am for equal treatment

Christianity: I am an atheist....I have been brought up Christian but just don't buy it as the truth. Most Christians are good people and do good for the community. I have problems with fundamentalists who are intolerant of others while demanding their own doctrine be accepted
Big shock there... :rolleyes:
If you have problems with fundamentalists.. then you should also have problems with the wingers who practically use environmentalism and other things as their 'religion'.. who practically force their 'doctrine' to be accepted

Republicans have worked against their own self interest for years. The elite they are so against have been using them to stage a massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 3% since the time of Reagan.
A country can only stay strong if it has a strong middle class. Under the Bush administration, the Repubublicans went hog wild.
The no bid contracts after Katrina.
The no bid contracts after the invasion of Iraq.
The deregulation of Wall Street.
The massive tax cuts for the wealthy.
Health Care (without the care).
Supporting businesses in their move to shift American jobs to other coutries.
The insane energy policies developed between Bush and the oil companies.
And worse, sending the children of the poor and middle class off to fight a made up war so they could make even more money.
And the Republicans have not only supported this travesty, but when there was some small effort to move money back to the middle class, they cry about a "redistribution" of wealth, that already happened.
Worse, the ones that cry the loudest, have no wealth.
Republicans are like the guy who said, "I can't believe how much it hurt when you poked me in the eye. Do it again, in case I was wrong the first time".

Ahhh... lies, lies, and more untruths from a winger

1) There is no preference or stance to redistribute wealth up
2) No bid contracts are there under every last motherfucking administration for certain types of jobs without much competition and for emergency situations where the complex time consuming process is not viable.. yes, including Obama and Clinton
3) Wall Street was never deregulated
4) The wealthy still pay more of a percentage of their income than others... and there are millions who pay no income taxes at all at the lower end of the income ladder... not really a god thing in a society and government based on equality, eh?? Or is it that you, muh like some many others of your ilk, are only for selective equality?? Equality when it fits you and inequality when you want something at the expense of someone else
5) Your 'health care' is your personal responsibility, as stated to you so many times... unless you suddenly feel your personal body and well being is now public domain
6) Nobody has supported the movement or loss of jobs... but government does not exist to own, nor does it control every aspect when freedoms are an essential part of the societal makeup... and as taxation increases under far-leftist rule, even more companies will opt to have their freedom to go to a place where the taxation is not as great.. unless you little control freak lefties wish to curb freedoms some more in favor of forced redistribution and government ownership
7) Show example of your 'insane' energy policies
8) Your little conspiracy theory "made up" war bullshit has been laughed at before, and dismissed as the debunked bullshit it truly is
9) We have an all volunteer military
10) Equality is what is being called for... no redistribution in any direction... but nice try, winger asshole

Ignorant fuck
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abortion: big business neither party will change it....i prefer birth control to abortion...abortion to child abuse

bigotry: i am ...i elect to live in a "white" zone for a reason

homosexuality: i dont give a damn who you are fucking and its not my business till you are fucking me

religion: i dont try to convert people, i dont want them to try to convert me...
If homosexuality is a genetic disorder - then HOW does that gene get passed on?

No clue. But there are many diseases that don't immediately get passed on. There are even genetic identifications that don't get passed on to offspring. Ever see a young adult who doesn't resemble either his or her parent but is the spitting image of a grandparent?

I'm sure many gay people would apreciate being compared to a "disease".

just as thrilled as a box of rocks is to be compared to you, i'm sure, although the box is usually cast in a favorable light, comparatively speaking.
Abortion I personally don't like murder or the taking of innocent life which is why, the majority of the time, i am against abortion and the death penalty. There are rare instances such as rape and the life of the mother where I can accept an abortion just as there are rare cases I can accept the death penalty. However the majority of the time I do not support either.

Racial bigotry Racial bigotry from any race toward another race, or their own race, really upsets me. I am tired of people treating minorities with racist policies such as affirmative action. I feel doing so is like saying "yeah we recognize your not as good of us so here is a leg up on the other races" not cool at all. I also find that people attribute things to others based on their race that are totally innacurate, which also bothers me. We should all judge each other by the content of our character and our actions, not prejudical stereo types. We should also all be treated blindly in the eyes of the law.

GaysI'm not gay but I have a friend and a family member (possibly 2 if he comes out of the closet that we think he is hiding in) who are. I personally am against making a church marry any gay couple as it goes against most religions values. However I totally support civil unions and state sanction marriages for gay couples, i dont understand why someone would want to deny this of people.

Christianity I am actually going to change this one to Religion in general. I am a person of strong faith in a power greater than humankind and also a strong believer in Karma. As far as christianity and religion in general goes I dislike them all very much. I feel every major religion is hypocritical either in the actions of those in charge or the followers who ignore tennants of their religion.

I personally have no use for religion and think it does nothing but divide people who otherwise would agree (hey wow am i talking about party politics or religion now :lol:)

There you go an opinion from a self Identified American (not repub, not dem, not lib, not con, just american)
Personal responsibility, personal responsibility, more entitlement bullshit and wealth redistribution against personal freedoms, and even more entitlement bullshit and wealth redistribution against personal freedoms

Fair shake and equal treatment by law.... for once I can actually say we are about on the same page

I am close to agreeing with this also.. except I do think this whole redefinition of the term marriage is still horse shit.. but again, in terms of government and law, I am for equal treatment

Big shock there... :rolleyes:
If you have problems with fundamentalists.. then you should also have problems with the wingers who practically use environmentalism and other things as their 'religion'.. who practically force their 'doctrine' to be accepted

Republicans have worked against their own self interest for years. The elite they are so against have been using them to stage a massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 3% since the time of Reagan.
A country can only stay strong if it has a strong middle class. Under the Bush administration, the Repubublicans went hog wild.
The no bid contracts after Katrina.
The no bid contracts after the invasion of Iraq.
The deregulation of Wall Street.
The massive tax cuts for the wealthy.
Health Care (without the care).
Supporting businesses in their move to shift American jobs to other coutries.
The insane energy policies developed between Bush and the oil companies.
And worse, sending the children of the poor and middle class off to fight a made up war so they could make even more money.
And the Republicans have not only supported this travesty, but when there was some small effort to move money back to the middle class, they cry about a "redistribution" of wealth, that already happened.
Worse, the ones that cry the loudest, have no wealth.
Republicans are like the guy who said, "I can't believe how much it hurt when you poked me in the eye. Do it again, in case I was wrong the first time".

Ahhh... lies, lies, and more untruths from a winger

1) There is no preference or stance to redistribute wealth up
2) No bid contracts are there under every last motherfucking administration for certain types of jobs without much competition and for emergency situations where the complex time consuming process is not viable.. yes, including Obama and Clinton
3) Wall Street was never deregulated
4) The wealthy still pay more of a percentage of their income than others... and there are millions who pay no income taxes at all at the lower end of the income ladder... not really a god thing in a society and government based on equality, eh?? Or is it that you, muh like some many others of your ilk, are only for selective equality?? Equality when it fits you and inequality when you want something at the expense of someone else
5) Your 'health care' is your personal responsibility, as stated to you so many times... unless you suddenly feel your personal body and well being is now public domain
6) Nobody has supported the movement or loss of jobs... but government does not exist to own, nor does it control every aspect when freedoms are an essential part of the societal makeup... and as taxation increases under far-leftist rule, even more companies will opt to have their freedom to go to a place where the taxation is not as great.. unless you little control freak lefties wish to curb freedoms some more in favor of forced redistribution and government ownership
7) Show example of your 'insane' energy policies
8) Your little conspiracy theory "made up" war bullshit has been laughed at before, and dismissed as the debunked bullshit it truly is
9) We have an all volunteer military
10) Equality is what is being called for... no redistribution in any direction... but nice try, winger asshole

Ignorant fuck

Gee, I don't have time to challenge this ignorance right now. Except "personal body and well being being public domain". Isn't that what conservatives do to "women"? Make them public domain baby factories.

You know, we just lived through this history. How can you be so skewed away from reality? What is in it for you?
Abortion - If the "anti" women's rights people put their money where their mouth is and actually came up with ways women who become pregnant for whatever reason could take care of those children, then I suspect that the numbers of abortion would drop dramatically.
Saying that women use abortion as "birth control" is a flat out lie. Sure, there may be a very few who are irresponsible, but if I hear one more, "I know a woman who has had 15 abortions because it's easier than birth control", I'm going to puke.
How many children are waiting to be adopted? That kind of tells the story.
The right flat out lies when they suggest the left has "abortion parties" and "have abortions for fun". No one likes abortion. But we already know for sure that women will have back alley dirty unbent hanger abortions if no other options. It was up until just a few days ago that anyone working for the RNC could get an abortion and the party would pay for it. Wonder how many used that "benefit"?

Racial bigotry? Living in Chicago, I know lots of black people. I work with black people. As far as I know, none belong to gangs. When I was in the military, I worked with lots of black people, none belonged to gangs. If you go to "white" ghettos, you will find lots of gang members, none of them black. The real problem here is poverty. An inner city black with that ignorant slang is looked askance just as much as that dumb hillbilly twang or that white south side Chicago drawl. Poverty and language skills. The two largest causes of bigotry. It call all be traced back to those.

Gays - Doesn't bother me seeing anyone kiss, unless it's like those young couples sitting in the park, or at the beach, or in a restaurant, swapping spit and rotating their heads while their mouths are pressed together wide open. Of course, I have never seen gays do that.
There are probably way more "swingers" than gays considering there are "swingers clubs" in every state in the union. And a 50% divorce rate.
When you look at gay contributions to society in science, literature, art, dance, music, architecture and so many other fields and look at the small and meager contributions of evangelicals, I would much rather have more gays. Who wouldn't?

Religion - it's just so stupid. Mysticism, ghosts, supernatural, occult, angels, devils, demons, sprites, deities, it's just stupid. It's like believing in Marvel Comics. And there is exactly the same amount of evidence. Exactly. Just wanting something to be real, doesn't make it real.

Women who get abortions by and large don't get abortions because if they did, they just know they would abuse t hose children, nor do they get them because they can't take care of them. They get abortions because they made a very poor choice, and don't want to deal with the consequences. There is absolutely no evidence that an increase in abortion has reduced child abuse. Quite the opposite, in fact. Child abuse has increased lock-step with abortion. Because when you de-value the lives of children, you give the green light to kill and hurt them.

Regarding gays, I have nothing personally against homosexuals. I've had many friends who are, I have a boss who is, I've lived with them, treated them, and have homosexuals who are clients today.

Means nothing. The government has no place in this debate, and that means no special laws. Just as freedom of speech and religion was meant to keep government from PREVENTING us from practicing our beliefs openly, the civil rights movement ensures that no one group shall be exalted over others and afforded 'special" rights that nobody else can access.
Except for the fact that no 'gay gene' has been found whatsoever... that little fact usually gets in to the way of the 'genetic failure' argument

I said it was being "studied," not that one has been found yet.

You are right. It is being studied.

It's impossible to teach conservatives. They have a genetic disposition toward believing the BS they "imagine".

US researchers find evidence that homosexuality linked to genetics | World news |

the preponderance of researchers say attraction is dictated by biology, with no demonstrated contribution from social factors such as parenting or other factors after birth.

A host of studies since the mid-1990s have found common biological traits between gay men, including left-handedness and the direction of hair whorls. The likelihood that if one identical twin is gay, the other will be also be gay is much higher than the "concordance" of homosexuality between fraternal twins, indicating that genes play a role in sexual orientation, but are not the entire cause.

"In the past decade, I think the pendulum has swung more toward biological theory and biological causes," said Richard Lippa, a psychology professor at California State University-Fullerton, who has studied hair patterns and other biological traits in gay men.

Sven Bocklandt, a geneticist at the David Geffen school of medicine at UCLA, is bewildered by the argument that people choose their sexual attraction. He said that virtually every animal species that has been studied - from sheep to fruit flies - has a small minority of individuals who demonstrate homosexual activity.
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You know that if a gay "gene" were actually found and could be identified before birth, conservatives would lose their aversion to abortion.

Considering the huge contributions gays make to society comparted to the reliatively small contributions conservatives make, besides breeding, too bad there isn't more gays.

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Researchers say it's the first time the entire human genetic makeup has been scanned in search of possible genetic determinants of male sexual orientation. The results suggest that several genetic regions may influence homosexuality.

"It builds on previous studies that have consistently found evidence of genetic influence on sexual orientation, but our study is the first to look at exactly where those genes are located," says researcher Brian Mustanski, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
What complete crap.

The Guardian, no less.

"No single 'gay gene'
Dr. Alan Sanders of Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute, the lead researcher of the new study, said he suspects there isn’t one so-called “gay gene.”

It is more likely there are several genes that interact with nongenetic factors, including psychological and social influences, to determine sexual orientation, said Sanders, a psychiatrist."

Study seeks genetic roots of homosexuality - More health news-

The most shocking surprise that emerged from the full sequence of the human genome earlier this year is that we are the proud owners of a paltry 30,000 genes -- barely twice the number of a fruit fly.

After a decade of hype surrounding the Human Genome Project, punctuated at regular intervals by gaudy headlines proclaiming the discovery of genes for killer diseases and complex traits, this unexpected result led some journalists to a stunning conclusion. The seesaw struggle between our genes -- nature -- and the environment -- nurture -- had swung sharply in favor of nurture. "We simply do not have enough genes for this idea of biological determinism to be right," asserted Craig Venter, president of Celera Genomics, one of the two teams that cracked the human genome last February. [For a conversation with Venter, see Meet the Decoders.]

NOVA Online | Cracking the Code of Life | Nature vs Nurture Revisited
You know that if a gay "gene" were actually found and could be identified before birth, conservatives would lose their aversion to abortion.

Considering the huge contributions gays make to society comparted to the reliatively small contributions conservatives make, besides breeding, too bad there isn't more gays.

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Researchers say it's the first time the entire human genetic makeup has been scanned in search of possible genetic determinants of male sexual orientation. The results suggest that several genetic regions may influence homosexuality.

"It builds on previous studies that have consistently found evidence of genetic influence on sexual orientation, but our study is the first to look at exactly where those genes are located," says researcher Brian Mustanski, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Oh look, WebMD. Isn't that like Wiki for people too stupid to look up the real studies?
Republicans have worked against their own self interest for years. The elite they are so against have been using them to stage a massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 3% since the time of Reagan.
A country can only stay strong if it has a strong middle class. Under the Bush administration, the Repubublicans went hog wild.
The no bid contracts after Katrina.
The no bid contracts after the invasion of Iraq.
The deregulation of Wall Street.
The massive tax cuts for the wealthy.
Health Care (without the care).
Supporting businesses in their move to shift American jobs to other coutries.
The insane energy policies developed between Bush and the oil companies.
And worse, sending the children of the poor and middle class off to fight a made up war so they could make even more money.
And the Republicans have not only supported this travesty, but when there was some small effort to move money back to the middle class, they cry about a "redistribution" of wealth, that already happened.
Worse, the ones that cry the loudest, have no wealth.
Republicans are like the guy who said, "I can't believe how much it hurt when you poked me in the eye. Do it again, in case I was wrong the first time".

Ahhh... lies, lies, and more untruths from a winger

1) There is no preference or stance to redistribute wealth up
2) No bid contracts are there under every last motherfucking administration for certain types of jobs without much competition and for emergency situations where the complex time consuming process is not viable.. yes, including Obama and Clinton
3) Wall Street was never deregulated
4) The wealthy still pay more of a percentage of their income than others... and there are millions who pay no income taxes at all at the lower end of the income ladder... not really a god thing in a society and government based on equality, eh?? Or is it that you, muh like some many others of your ilk, are only for selective equality?? Equality when it fits you and inequality when you want something at the expense of someone else
5) Your 'health care' is your personal responsibility, as stated to you so many times... unless you suddenly feel your personal body and well being is now public domain
6) Nobody has supported the movement or loss of jobs... but government does not exist to own, nor does it control every aspect when freedoms are an essential part of the societal makeup... and as taxation increases under far-leftist rule, even more companies will opt to have their freedom to go to a place where the taxation is not as great.. unless you little control freak lefties wish to curb freedoms some more in favor of forced redistribution and government ownership
7) Show example of your 'insane' energy policies
8) Your little conspiracy theory "made up" war bullshit has been laughed at before, and dismissed as the debunked bullshit it truly is
9) We have an all volunteer military
10) Equality is what is being called for... no redistribution in any direction... but nice try, winger asshole

Ignorant fuck

Gee, I don't have time to challenge this ignorance right now. Except "personal body and well being being public domain". Isn't that what conservatives do to "women"? Make them public domain baby factories.

You know, we just lived through this history. How can you be so skewed away from reality? What is in it for you?

No you idiot fuck... if it were only the woman's body... it would only be her personal DNA signature... that child, with it's own unique DNA, is a developing human all it's own... which being an innocent developing live, deserves the protections we afford to all others in our country... namely the right not to be wiped out of existence because of the whim of another.... if it were ONLY the woman's body, do as they choose.... hell, you can mutilate yourself for all I or anyone else cares....

Your ignorance is amazing.. truly it is
Scientists have almost unanimously concluded that homosexuality is a genetic failure.

Not to derail your thread, but I've always seen this as the catch-22 of the homosexual community.

If homosexuality is a lifestyle choise, why should the get equal protection under the law? If you decide to go Punk or Goth, don't complain you can't get a bank job. Personal life decisions have consequences.

Religion is a choice in this country and that gets protection. Although any punk or goth can modify their appearance (remove piercings makeup and ditch a mohawk) to fall under most companys dress policies.

If homosexuality is a genetic disorder, then it is medicallly a sickness and that opens a whole Pandora's Box of terrible scenarios. Parents aborting gay fetuses, opting for dangerous genetic therapies, etc.

Being gay does not damage the body so how is it a sickness?
"that no one group shall be exalted over others and afforded 'special" rights that nobody else can access."

I agree but I don't see anyone asking for special rights for gays.
All of your comments are outstanding. However, that said, after reading your posts for many months now, I find it hard to believe that you are a "liberal" even by its true sense of meaning.

Thank you.

I think the reason you cannot believe that I'm a liberal is because your beliefs are so far to the radical left side of everything that you do not truly understand what a liberal is.
Be honest about these three conscience-raising values, NOT politically motivated based on ideology or agenda. Here's mine:

Abortion: First, a confession: I used to be pro-choice for all the politically correct reasons, until the day my niece, an RN who was living with us at the time, came home after her shift and described the unbelievable event that happened following a patient's miscarriage.

The two-month old fetus, presumed dead, had been placed in a metal bowl as it was expelled, when suddenly a tiny cavity opened (the mouth, although not distinguishable as such) and the fetus took a breath of air. In that instant, the film (not yet skin) covering the baby came alive with visible blood rushing throughout the formed veins of the tiny body, like watching an animated X-ray my niece said. It took less than 30 seconds for this incredible event, and then the child died because its organs were not yet able to sustain its life further. But that struggle for life was clear, even at that early stage.

My dilemma remains, however, how should society treat all the unwanted children?

Racial bigotry: Like the crutch that was the holocaust that some Jews continue to use to justify the attitude that the rest of the world owes them something, certain segments of the African-American community need to stop using slavery and other historical examples of oppression as their crutch to justify bad behavior and/or laziness. Nuff said.

Gays: Most of us who aren't gay don't understand the sexual component of homosexuality. Some, therefore, react with disgust which translates to hatred because of something they don't understand. Others will react with a shrug (me) since what goes on in a bedroom is highly personal anyway and I don't care what other people do.

I have another niece (I have several!) who is a 40-something Harvard professor, a witty and funny, warm woman who is also a lesbian. She also has absolutely no desire to "marry" anybody. She is simply more comfortable in the presence of women. Yet I also have a male friend who is gay, and finally married his partner of 20 years. They both had been accepted as a "couple" for many years, and no one thought anything of it. However, their "marriage" has lasted only two years, and now they want a divorce. Go figure. It just goes to show that people are people. Shit happens. Bottom line is that both are examples of human personality traits that affect homosexuals exactly the same as straight people.

Christianity: I find that the basic tenet of Christianity--do unto others--has been dramatically lost in translation over the years. Rather than going into more explanations of my own experiences, this recent proclamation by the Washington DC Catholic Diocese has me seeing red and is a perfect example of the hypocrisies we see so often with respect to the Christian faith (and I don't mean to single out Catholicism):

Catholic Church gives D.C. ultimatum on same-sex marriage issue -

A lot on the plate here, and maybe too much for people to explore their own deep thoughts. So if anyone cares to respond (in parts if you wish), please try to do it by expressing your own personal assessment of these three issues and not parrot your friends and relatives or your favorite blogger.

I can sum up all of the above by stating that I believe in the right of the individual to be their own sovereign. So what is there to debate???
Be honest about these three conscience-raising values, NOT politically motivated based on ideology or agenda. Here's mine:

Abortion: First, a confession: I used to be pro-choice for all the politically correct reasons, until the day my niece, an RN who was living with us at the time, came home after her shift and described the unbelievable event that happened following a patient's miscarriage.

The two-month old fetus, presumed dead, had been placed in a metal bowl as it was expelled, when suddenly a tiny cavity opened (the mouth, although not distinguishable as such) and the fetus took a breath of air. In that instant, the film (not yet skin) covering the baby came alive with visible blood rushing throughout the formed veins of the tiny body, like watching an animated X-ray my niece said. It took less than 30 seconds for this incredible event, and then the child died because its organs were not yet able to sustain its life further. But that struggle for life was clear, even at that early stage.

My dilemma remains, however, how should society treat all the unwanted children?

Racial bigotry: Like the crutch that was the holocaust that some Jews continue to use to justify the attitude that the rest of the world owes them something, certain segments of the African-American community need to stop using slavery and other historical examples of oppression as their crutch to justify bad behavior and/or laziness. Nuff said.

Gays: Most of us who aren't gay don't understand the sexual component of homosexuality. Some, therefore, react with disgust which translates to hatred because of something they don't understand. Others will react with a shrug (me) since what goes on in a bedroom is highly personal anyway and I don't care what other people do.

I have another niece (I have several!) who is a 40-something Harvard professor, a witty and funny, warm woman who is also a lesbian. She also has absolutely no desire to "marry" anybody. She is simply more comfortable in the presence of women. Yet I also have a male friend who is gay, and finally married his partner of 20 years. They both had been accepted as a "couple" for many years, and no one thought anything of it. However, their "marriage" has lasted only two years, and now they want a divorce. Go figure. It just goes to show that people are people. Shit happens. Bottom line is that both are examples of human personality traits that affect homosexuals exactly the same as straight people.

Christianity: I find that the basic tenet of Christianity--do unto others--has been dramatically lost in translation over the years. Rather than going into more explanations of my own experiences, this recent proclamation by the Washington DC Catholic Diocese has me seeing red and is a perfect example of the hypocrisies we see so often with respect to the Christian faith (and I don't mean to single out Catholicism):

Catholic Church gives D.C. ultimatum on same-sex marriage issue -

A lot on the plate here, and maybe too much for people to explore their own deep thoughts. So if anyone cares to respond (in parts if you wish), please try to do it by expressing your own personal assessment of these three issues and not parrot your friends and relatives or your favorite blogger.

I can sum up all of the above by stating that I believe in the right of the individual to be their own sovereign. So what is there to debate???


i'm shutting the servers down now.

Personal responsibility, personal responsibility, more entitlement bullshit and wealth redistribution against personal freedoms, and even more entitlement bullshit and wealth redistribution against personal freedoms

I dont' disagree with this, but I would say the issue right now isn't that the Mother's don't want to take personal responsibility for the children, its the deadbeat fathers. It takes two to tango, and yet all too frequently only one is left to parent.

I think that legally there should be a greater consequence for the father that runs out than there currently is.

I don;t agree with any law that does not have equal responsibility on both parents for the raising and providing for the child...

But in no way is society nor government required to take over the personal responsibility for someone.... it is nice and honorable to have a charitable soul and support charities that help those in rough patches in their life... but this entitlement mantra that people are owed simply for the fact that they exist, MUST stop and be stopped

You have to put yourself into the shoes of a single pregnant woman. What are her options? Can she afford to keep the baby? How will the hospital bills be paid? What are her adoption options?

You say all those things are her problem, her personal responsibility. If so.........don't complain when she chooses abortion
Ahhh... lies, lies, and more untruths from a winger

1) There is no preference or stance to redistribute wealth up
2) No bid contracts are there under every last motherfucking administration for certain types of jobs without much competition and for emergency situations where the complex time consuming process is not viable.. yes, including Obama and Clinton
3) Wall Street was never deregulated
4) The wealthy still pay more of a percentage of their income than others... and there are millions who pay no income taxes at all at the lower end of the income ladder... not really a god thing in a society and government based on equality, eh?? Or is it that you, muh like some many others of your ilk, are only for selective equality?? Equality when it fits you and inequality when you want something at the expense of someone else
5) Your 'health care' is your personal responsibility, as stated to you so many times... unless you suddenly feel your personal body and well being is now public domain
6) Nobody has supported the movement or loss of jobs... but government does not exist to own, nor does it control every aspect when freedoms are an essential part of the societal makeup... and as taxation increases under far-leftist rule, even more companies will opt to have their freedom to go to a place where the taxation is not as great.. unless you little control freak lefties wish to curb freedoms some more in favor of forced redistribution and government ownership
7) Show example of your 'insane' energy policies
8) Your little conspiracy theory "made up" war bullshit has been laughed at before, and dismissed as the debunked bullshit it truly is
9) We have an all volunteer military
10) Equality is what is being called for... no redistribution in any direction... but nice try, winger asshole

Ignorant fuck

Gee, I don't have time to challenge this ignorance right now. Except "personal body and well being being public domain". Isn't that what conservatives do to "women"? Make them public domain baby factories.

You know, we just lived through this history. How can you be so skewed away from reality? What is in it for you?

No you idiot fuck... if it were only the woman's body... it would only be her personal DNA signature... that child, with it's own unique DNA, is a developing human all it's own... which being an innocent developing live, deserves the protections we afford to all others in our country... namely the right not to be wiped out of existence because of the whim of another.... if it were ONLY the woman's body, do as they choose.... hell, you can mutilate yourself for all I or anyone else cares....

Your ignorance is amazing.. truly it is

You don't even know what DNA means and you can barely spell it.
No you idiot fuck... if it were only the woman's body... it would only be her personal DNA signature... that child, with it's own unique DNA, is a developing human all it's own... which being an innocent developing live, deserves the protections we afford to all others in our country... namely the right not to be wiped out of existence because of the whim of another.... if it were ONLY the woman's body, do as they choose.... hell, you can mutilate yourself for all I or anyone else cares....

Your ignorance is amazing.. truly it is

My DNA is unique to yours. Does that mean I can use your body to sustain my life?

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