Libs love Muller related probes. Here's a new one. Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts

Will Libs foam at the mouth over this blatant partisan politics and demand a special prosecutor

  • Yes. Libs are all about fairness and justice.

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts now facing review for role in Clinton email probe

Two senior Justice Department officials have confirmed to Fox News that the department's Office of Inspector General is reviewing the role played in the Hillary Clinton email investigation by Peter Strzok, a former deputy director for counterintelligence at the FBI who was removed from the staff of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III earlier this year, after Mueller learned that Strzok had exchanged anti-Trump texts with a colleague.
Strzok played no role in the HRC email investigation is what is going to be found.
The FBI, CIA, the IRS, and the DOJ are full of Leftists who put their hatred of Donald Trump ahead of their responsibilities. Just the fact that he is President is forcing the bugs out into the light.
Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts now facing review for role in Clinton email probe

Two senior Justice Department officials have confirmed to Fox News that the department's Office of Inspector General is reviewing the role played in the Hillary Clinton email investigation by Peter Strzok, a former deputy director for counterintelligence at the FBI who was removed from the staff of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III earlier this year, after Mueller learned that Strzok had exchanged anti-Trump texts with a colleague.
Liberals support finding out the truth concerning Trump and Russian interference in the 2016 General Election – wherever the facts and truth might lead.

That conservatives fear the truth and want to keep the facts hidden comes as no surprise, and is consistent with the cowardice common to most on the right.
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