Libertarians reach out to gay, lesbian Democrats picketing DNC fundraiser


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
News | Libertarian Party

LGBT Democrats express outrage over Obama administration defense of DOMA

WASHINGTON -- Representatives from America’s third-largest party greeted Democrats protesting the Obama administration’s legal arguments defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) outside a Thursday Democratic National Committee fundraiser aimed at gay and lesbian donors, and shared with them information on the Libertarian Party’s advocacy for marriage equality.

“The Obama administration extends their hand for donations from the LGBT community, and then slaps us in the face with the other hand with the defense of DOMA,” said Catherine Sumner, Libertarian National Committee Gay and Lesbian Policy Adviser.
Unfortunately, GLBT political activists want more regulations and bureaucracy -all to their benefit- not less.

how about the goverment getting out of the marriage business totally. you want a civil union recognised by the government it doesnt matter if its 2 men,2 women or a man and a woman. all become equal in government eyes. If you want a marriage that occurs in whatever church/civil ceromony you want but has no legal standing. only a civil union between 2 adults has legal meaning.
Except that so-called "civil unions" is not gubbament getting out entirely.

Besides, I have yet to encounter the GLBT political activist calling for complete privatization of marriage.

Not to say that one or two of them don't exist, just that they're about as rare as a white sand beach in Michigan.
what it does do is gets rid of the argument that gay marriage will destroy the sanctity of marriage. if " civil unions" are open to all but marriage is restricted to only what your religion approves then the government is ruiing the sanctity of marriage
Unfortunately, GLBT political activists want more regulations and bureaucracy -all to their benefit- not less.

how about the goverment getting out of the marriage business totally. you want a civil union recognised by the government it doesnt matter if its 2 men,2 women or a man and a woman. all become equal in government eyes. If you want a marriage that occurs in whatever church/civil ceromony you want but has no legal standing. only a civil union between 2 adults has legal meaning.
been saying this for YEARS

glad to see it is spreading
what it does do is gets rid of the argument that gay marriage will destroy the sanctity of marriage. if " civil unions" are open to all but marriage is restricted to only what your religion approves then the government is ruiing the sanctity of marriage
and if your religion allowes them, the government has to say in the matter as its a first amendment issue
Seems to me that a real LIBERTARIAN would completely support gays rights to marry.
Not to derail the thread, but libertarianism certainly originated as a leftist (socialist, in fact) movement. Socialism is certainly distinct from and in many regards in conflict with liberalism, however, which is based on the sustainment of capitalism.
im wondering if its possible to be a liberal libertarian:lol:

Sure it is.

Likewise, it's possible to be a conservative libertarian.

There is really no end to the permuatations one can ascribe to various political theories.
im wondering if its possible to be a liberal libertarian:lol:
In the classical sense of the term "liberal", the definitions of the two are interchangeable.

The socialist wing of the Democrat Party stole the word "liberal" back in the 1920s, in order to obfuscate their end game. True to form, now that they've completely debased the meaning of the description, many of them now bristle at being identified as such, opting for the even more obscure and vague moniker of "progressive".
Except that so-called "civil unions" is not gubbament getting out entirely.

Besides, I have yet to encounter the GLBT political activist calling for complete privatization of marriage.

Not to say that one or two of them don't exist, just that they're about as rare as a white sand beach in Michigan.

Do you often read GLBT newsletters or GLBT sites? Just because Fox News doesn't report on them doesn't mean they don't exist.
I haven't run into them in actual reality, as opposed to the ether or any media source, Bubba.

Umm, alright then. My point, since you seem to have missed it, is that they DO exist, they just aren't reported on Fox News, or the other bullshit news you tend to consume.

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