Libertariani(ish) Candidates


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
We know one thing for certain: The winner of this year’s presidential election will not be libertarian in any way, shape, or form. But with a little luck, there will be some libertarian-flavored opposition on Capitol Hill to greet our next commander in chief when he takes the oath of office in January.

Many small-l libertarians are running in competitive down-ballot races across the country, and several may actually win. Some (Richard Tisei of Massachusetts) are more libertarian than others (Ted Cruz of Texas). Still others (Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan) are already being touted as “the next Ron Paul.” Rhode Island’s Barry Hinckley and Minnesota’s Kurt Bills have tough races ahead of them in their pursuit of a less intrusive federal government, while Kentucky’s Thomas Massie just needs to hold off token opposition. Meanwhile, Rep. Jeff Flake of Arizona is looking to make the big jump from Congress to the U.S. Senate, and Mia Love of Utah is looking to make history in her newly drawn district. If some of these players make it to Washington in January, they will join a growing circle of libertarianish, Tea Party-approved Republicans that includes Kentucky’s Rand Paul, Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey, Tennessee’s John Duncan Jr., and others.

Libertarian(ish) Candidates -

They're using the term "libertarian" very loosely for some of these people, but at least they acknowledge that.
Pennies from Heaven....Hope it's not too little too late.

Even if it's not too late now, which is highly debatable, it's still too small a number of even "libertarian(ish)" politicians to do anything.

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