Liberals - Time to Rise, Shine and Blame President Bush !!!


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
President Obama's proposed 2013 budget will forecast a $901 billion deficit for next year, falling far short of his goal to halve the deficit in four years.

The budget, an outline of which was released by the White House Friday night, will show a higher deficit this year than in 2011, up from $1.3 trillion to $1.33 trillion.

-$1,330,000,000,000.00... ! ! ! !

Obama budget to miss deficit goal
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Just as I was cheering here about the deficit shrinking hugely according to forecasts in the following years.

If this is true it should be huge news.

Sometime soon washington is going to have to have a serious shift in atmosphere.

Wait, actually next year is still "only" 900 billion. It sure is up from 700 but at least it's not 1.3. We will see what happens though.
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The saddest part of this is the sheer stupidity of the left- they believe we can solve the "spending problem" by taxing the "rich". If Congress imposed a 100 percent tax, taking all earnings above $250,000 per year, it would raise only $1.4 trillion - barely enough to cover this years's the "spending", stupid.
I'll have to get around to looking through the CBO site to find the composition of government expenditures.
But.... But.... Boooooooooooosh......

And his "War for Oil" !!!!!

Excuse me while I go fill up for $4/gallon.
Obama gonna fix it...
White House: US Deficit To Rise, Then Fall
February 11, 2012 - President Barack Obama’s proposed government budget calls for a slightly higher U.S. deficit for the remainder of this year, then a smaller deficit next year. The president will unveil his budget plan on Monday.
An outline of the president’s budget, released Friday, shows the deficit increasing to $1.33 trillion for the remainder of 2012, a small increase from last year’s $1.3 trillion shortfall. The spending plan forecasts a drop in the deficit in 2013, to $901 billion, which fails to meet Mr. Obama’s goal to cut the deficit in half in his first four years in office. The president’s plan will include about $1 trillion in spending cuts, as part of an agreement with Congress, which Mr. Obama signed into law last August. The president wants to cut another $3 trillion from annual deficits over the next 10 years, while spending more in the short term to speed the economic recovery.

The Pentagon is in line for an unusual amount of budget-cutting. Defense spending would be reduced by almost a half-trillion dollars from last year’s White House budget proposal. The administration says savings from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will yield about $850 billion in savings in the coming decade. The president says that money will be used to pay for new roads and railways, and to reduce the deficit. Mr. Obama’s budget calls for new spending on education, manufacturing, and research and development. Another $350 billion would go to strengthening economic growth. The president’s plan may have a difficult time getting approval from Congress. Trimming the 2013 deficit will depend in part on ending tax cuts for wealthy Americans, which Republicans have strongly opposed.

A spokesman for House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, in an email, blasted the proposal as an “unserious budget” and “a recipe for debt, doubt and decline.” He warned that it would impose massive tax increases on small businesses while piling up enormous debt. House Republicans plan to offer their own budget plan next month. Theirs would reject tax increases and would include deeper cuts in government spending. The president will announce his budget plan Monday, at a community college near Washington.

Righties are funny. In the 90's they said the economy sucked even though it was great, all so they could beat Clinton. Then the GOP stole the White House and had control of both houses and they demolished our economy. But they pointed to corporate profits and said things were good.

Remember right up until the 2008 election, Romney said Michigan was in a one state recession and McCain said the fundamentals of our economy were strong. Both were either lying or dumb. Take your pick.

Then the Dems took over both houses because the GOP ruined the economy and immediately the GOP start blaming Pelosi and Reed for the bad economy. Refusing to admit that Pelosi and Reid were elected in the first place because the GOP drove our economy off a cliff. Not to mention they had to deal with record filabusters and Bush's veto pen.

So America votes Bush out of office and Bush leaves but before he leaves, he pulls off the biggest bank robbery in world history. He goes on tv and tells America that the top 1% are holding up America and we either give them control of our country or they will crash it. We give in.

So Obama wins office and has to now deal with the mess the GOP created, the tea party, record number of filabusters, lobbyists, super pacs, the corporate controlled media, the military industrial complex,

The GOP will tell you Obama isn't doing a good job. He's doing a great job. I love him. And his family. Republicans don't realize the GOP have been waging class warfare on us since we won the American revolution. Our founding fathers warned us. But with citizens united, seems the corporations now control everything.
Righties are funny. In the 90's they said the economy sucked even though it was great, all so they could beat Clinton. Then the GOP stole the White House and had control of both houses and they demolished our economy. But they pointed to corporate profits and said things were good.

Remember right up until the 2008 election, Romney said Michigan was in a one state recession and McCain said the fundamentals of our economy were strong. Both were either lying or dumb. Take your pick.

Then the Dems took over both houses because the GOP ruined the economy and immediately the GOP start blaming Pelosi and Reed for the bad economy. Refusing to admit that Pelosi and Reid were elected in the first place because the GOP drove our economy off a cliff. Not to mention they had to deal with record filabusters and Bush's veto pen.

So America votes Bush out of office and Bush leaves but before he leaves, he pulls off the biggest bank robbery in world history. He goes on tv and tells America that the top 1% are holding up America and we either give them control of our country or they will crash it. We give in.

So Obama wins office and has to now deal with the mess the GOP created, the tea party, record number of filabusters, lobbyists, super pacs, the corporate controlled media, the military industrial complex,

The GOP will tell you Obama isn't doing a good job. He's doing a great job. I love him. And his family. Republicans don't realize the GOP have been waging class warfare on us since we won the American revolution. Our founding fathers warned us. But with citizens united, seems the corporations now control everything.

Then the Dems took over both houses and ruined the economy...

there, fixed
Obama gonna fix it...
White House: US Deficit To Rise, Then Fall
February 11, 2012 - President Barack Obama’s proposed government budget calls for a slightly higher U.S. deficit for the remainder of this year, then a smaller deficit next year. The president will unveil his budget plan on Monday.
An outline of the president’s budget, released Friday, shows the deficit increasing to $1.33 trillion for the remainder of 2012, a small increase from last year’s $1.3 trillion shortfall. The spending plan forecasts a drop in the deficit in 2013, to $901 billion, which fails to meet Mr. Obama’s goal to cut the deficit in half in his first four years in office. The president’s plan will include about $1 trillion in spending cuts, as part of an agreement with Congress, which Mr. Obama signed into law last August. The president wants to cut another $3 trillion from annual deficits over the next 10 years, while spending more in the short term to speed the economic recovery.

The Pentagon is in line for an unusual amount of budget-cutting. Defense spending would be reduced by almost a half-trillion dollars from last year’s White House budget proposal. The administration says savings from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will yield about $850 billion in savings in the coming decade. The president says that money will be used to pay for new roads and railways, and to reduce the deficit. Mr. Obama’s budget calls for new spending on education, manufacturing, and research and development. Another $350 billion would go to strengthening economic growth. The president’s plan may have a difficult time getting approval from Congress. Trimming the 2013 deficit will depend in part on ending tax cuts for wealthy Americans, which Republicans have strongly opposed.

A spokesman for House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, in an email, blasted the proposal as an “unserious budget” and “a recipe for debt, doubt and decline.” He warned that it would impose massive tax increases on small businesses while piling up enormous debt. House Republicans plan to offer their own budget plan next month. Theirs would reject tax increases and would include deeper cuts in government spending. The president will announce his budget plan Monday, at a community college near Washington.


Obama has given in to lots of cuts. Nothing would be enough for the GOP shy of ending social security and medicare and defunding the EPA and Public education, post office, FEMA, etc. Everything but the bloated military. That they will increase spending on. Bombs not Mail.

And if they really want to balance the budget they would know we need the Bush tax cuts to end. But instead they are going after social programs that help the poor and middle class. And instead of balancing the budget, anytime they find some savings they give it to corporations in the form of tax breaks.

They will never shrink the debt. Only Ron Paul talks about the debt. Notice that? Not deficit, but debt. Difference. The GOP aren't talking about paying down the $14 trillion dollar debt. If they are, show me Romney's plan. He doesn't have one. Only Ron Paul does. WHich is why he doesn't have a chance. Not with the corporations controlling the entire process.

The only thing they don't control is our vote. Thank God the internet is there to counter the now corporate controlled media. Its a lot harder for them to lie to us when we have the world at our finger tips.

Remember when there was no internet and only 3 channels? I do. We thought Reagan was great! Meanwhile he was the beginning of the end. Breaking unions, sending jobs overseas, letting 10 million illegals in to do "jobs Americans won't do", and eventually jobs we will do, at a decent wage.
Think about that the next time you say the media is liberal. Did the media back in the 80's tell us that Reagan was breaking the unions and sending jobs overseas? No they did not.

Does the media ever point out that we don't have an illegal immigrant problem, we have an illegal employer problem. If we went after the employers, the illegals would go home tomorrow. No jobs, no stay. Simple. But the media shows us when the liberals protest in favor of giving illegals amnesty.

Trust me, if the employer doesn't pay, I don't care how many protesters protest, they won't have anything to protest about because the illegals will go home tomorrow if there is no job for them.

But republicans won't go after the employers. The GOP want it both ways. They cater to the minute men who hate mexicans and at the same time protect CEO's from jail time if caught hiring illegals. That would solve the problem. They don't want to solve the problem.
President Obama's proposed 2013 budget will forecast a $901 billion deficit for next year, falling far short of his goal to halve the deficit in four years.

When the right wing in Congress is ready to get rid of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy let us know.

Until then you've got no standing to bitch about the deficit.
In 2000, the national deficit was $5,674,178,209,886.86. By 2008, it was $10,024,724,896,912.49
These stats are from Treasury Direct's website.
(sorry, can't do URLs yet)
And who got Osama?
President Obama's proposed 2013 budget will forecast a $901 billion deficit for next year, falling far short of his goal to halve the deficit in four years.

When the right wing in Congress is ready to get rid of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy let us know.

Until then you've got no standing to bitch about the deficit.

the usual, the hell with letting the people in this county keep some of their money. Because the Guberment NEEDS it more.
the usual, the hell with letting the people in this county keep some of their money. Because the Guberment NEEDS it more.

Letting the "the richest" people in this country keep all the money, you mean..... Subjecting the vast majority to multi-generational servitude. At this point, we need to focus on making sure that the wealthy pay as high a tax rate as the middle class and that the system is changed so that the wealthy don't see taxes as voluntary.

Increasing taxes on the wealthy may not eliminate the deficit but it will help and it will at least lend an air of fairness to the system. As it stands, the system under George W Bush was so crooked that the only was to really start remediating the damage woudl be to actually start seizing the assets of some of these poeple, but since that's not likely to happen, I would say a good start would be to build steep progressivity into Capital Gains and Dividends.
Here we bitch over which is worse, Republicans or Democrats and we let them both take our country to hell. Ever thought to hold your congressmen responsible, and not worry about the party?

We are still at deficit spending. We are wanting to raise taxes and fees. It's the spending, it's the spending. Time for Congress to do their jobs and start looking at ways to cut cost.

Whether the deficit is 1.3 trillion this year and 560 billion in two years, it is a deficit.

Quit bitching about the other party, this is what congress wants, hold them ALL accountable.
President Obama's proposed 2013 budget will forecast a $901 billion deficit for next year, falling far short of his goal to halve the deficit in four years.

When the right wing in Congress is ready to get rid of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy let us know.

Until then you've got no standing to bitch about the deficit.

2013 stupid fuck


2013 Bush =/= President


Can you fucking read?
President Obama's proposed 2013 budget will forecast a $901 billion deficit for next year, falling far short of his goal to halve the deficit in four years.

When the right wing in Congress is ready to get rid of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy let us know.

Until then you've got no standing to bitch about the deficit.

2013 stupid fuck


2013 Bush =/= President


Can you fucking read?

That's real classy there, Frank. You must have gone to private school. Regardless of who may be President, they're still called "The Bush Tax Cuts" by pretty much everyone and the right wing in Congress has been fighting tooth and nail to keep them.

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