Liberals Should Stop Whining About Tax Deal


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Apart from the giant hole this blows in the deficit, liberals should be pleased with this tax deal. For the most part, they got what they want, and frankly, their side of the ledger looks better than the Republicans'.

Mr. Obama effectively traded tax cuts for the affluent, which Republicans were demanding, for a second stimulus bill that seemed improbable a few weeks ago. Mr. Obama yielded to Republicans on extending the high-end Bush tax cuts and on cutting the estate tax below its scheduled level. In exchange, Republicans agreed to extend unemployment benefits, cut payroll taxes and business taxes, and extend a grab bag of tax credits for college tuition and other items. ...

And left-leaning policy experts said the package did more to create jobs than they had thought possible after the Republicans’ midterm election victories. Robert Greenstein, Lawrence Mishel and John Podesta — who run prominent Washington research groups that range from liberal to staunchly liberal — all offered praise for the package. Of its estimated $900 billion-plus cost over two years, roughly $120 billion covers the high-end tax cuts and the estate tax cut, $450 billion covers Mr. Obama’s wish list and $360 billion covers the tax cut extensions both parties favored.

“People are kind of venting their disappointment and acting as if the administration did a terrible job in the negotiations,” said Mr. Greenstein, who runs the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. “But it didn’t. The mistake the administration made — and it was a serious one — was that it should have dealt with this well before the election.”

That is, apart from sticking it to the rich. So what if the rich also got a tax cut?

If liberals are mad because they didn't gouge the rich more, that's pretty sad. One of the great things about America is that, compared to most other countries, financial success is venerated more often than not. Envy is an unattractive trait.
Nice post Toro, but I doubt it will help.

It really is SCARY to see all these people could be against TAX CUTS for any American citizen.

I guess all that CLASS WARFARE is PAYING OFF. shame on those people.
Interestingly, the public is on the side of the liberals

Americans don’t approve of keeping the breaks for upper-income taxpayers that are part of the deal President Barack Obama brokered with congressional Republicans, a Bloomberg National Poll shows.

The survey, conducted before, during and after the tax negotiations, shows that only a third of Americans support keeping the lower rates for the highest earners. Even among backers of the cuts for the wealthy, fewer than half say they should be made permanent.

Another third say they want only the tax cuts for the middle class to be extended, while more than a fourth say all the tax cuts should be allowed to expire Dec. 31, as scheduled.

Obama?s Deal to Extend High-Earner Tax Cuts Unpopular (Update2) -

This is why it is too early to right off Obama in 2012. In the recent election, the vote was primarily against the Democrats, not for Republican policies.
Hummm. Interesting.

December 8, 2010
Americans Support Two Major Elements of Tax CompromiseLiberal vs. conservative/moderate Democrats disagree on extending tax cuts for allby Lydia SaadPRINCETON, NJ -- Two major elements included in the tax agreement reached Monday between President Barack Obama and Republican leaders in Congress meet with broad public support.
Two-thirds of Americans (66%) favor extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for all Americans for two years, and an identical number support extending unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed.

According to Gallup polling conducted Dec. 3-6, the slight majority of Democrats, as well as most independents and Republicans, would vote for a two-year extension of the tax cuts passed in 2001 and 2003.

the rest here.
Americans Support Two Major Elements of Tax Compromise
You mean now that Obama kept the Repubilcan tax cuts they are Obama's policies?

of course, you didn't know that.
but all the dept, the high unemployment, etc etc has nothing to DO with him and his comrades in Arms administration.
see how that one works:lol:
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