Liberals Here are Rather Quiet about Obama's Push for the TPP


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Has anyone else noticed the odd lack of liberal outrage on this board over Obama's all-out push for the disastrous trade deal known as the TPP? Can the liberals here just not process information that challenges their programming? Do they not understand just how bad the TPP is? Can they just not bring themselves to admit that Obama is hugely selling out average Americans, the very people he claims to want to help?
They don't understand how disastrous it is for this country. If O says its good, they're down.

If a Republican president were pushing for TPP, I would be just as vocal in opposing it and in faulting him for supporting it. I faulted Bush for pushing for CAFTA.
the liberscum here are quiet because they do not want to betray themselves and their love for their Commissar by supporting B. Hussein, the muslim mulatto.
Has anyone else noticed the odd lack of liberal outrage on this board over Obama's all-out push for the disastrous trade deal known as the TPP? Can the liberals here just not process information that challenges their programming? Do they not understand just how bad the TPP is? Can they just not bring themselves to admit that Obama is hugely selling out average Americans, the very people he claims to want to help?

You haven't seen the Republicans here bashing Boehner and McConnell much for buddy-ing up to Obama over this atrocity either.

I'm beginning to wonder if the opposition in Congress is not completely infiltrated as well, and that much of it is just for show.
The truth is that they all (left and right) know that it will end our sovereignty, but it's what their corporate masters want. Politicians simply want to stay in power so they do what their campaign financers tell them to do. The TPP literally makes corporations untouchable by governments. The European and Asian Unions were also called trade deals in the beginning
There is liberal outrage outside of the forum, and on the streets. But MSNBC, Fox, CNN,etc censor it and don't show it, as it would undermine their corporate agenda.

Liberal voices that attempted to speak out were gagged by the mainstream media, and liberal discussion panels like TED ban speakers that tell the truth - they don't just ban ordinary people but standing CEOs opposed to the agenda.

You can find plenty of 'liberal voices' on online media like Democracy Now, and alternative TV like Russia Today (even if you get Russian propaganda with that).
There is liberal outrage outside of the forum, and on the streets. But MSNBC, Fox, CNN,etc censor it and don't show it, as it would undermine their corporate agenda.

Liberal voices that attempted to speak out were gagged by the mainstream media, and liberal discussion panels like TED ban speakers that tell the truth - they don't just ban ordinary people but standing CEOs opposed to the agenda.

You can find plenty of 'liberal voices' on online media like Democracy Now, and alternative TV like Russia Today (even if you get Russian propaganda with that).

I'm not talking about other forums and outlets. I'm talking about this forum. I have seen very little here in the way of liberals expressing outrage over Obama's betrayal of American workers and interests.
There is liberal outrage outside of the forum, and on the streets. But MSNBC, Fox, CNN,etc censor it and don't show it, as it would undermine their corporate agenda.

Liberal voices that attempted to speak out were gagged by the mainstream media, and liberal discussion panels like TED ban speakers that tell the truth - they don't just ban ordinary people but standing CEOs opposed to the agenda.

You can find plenty of 'liberal voices' on online media like Democracy Now, and alternative TV like Russia Today (even if you get Russian propaganda with that).

I'm not talking about other forums and outlets. I'm talking about this forum. I have seen very little here in the way of liberals expressing outrage over Obama's betrayal of American workers and interests.
You aren't going to get much, until 2016. Obama won't be chucked under a bus till then.
There is liberal outrage outside of the forum, and on the streets. But MSNBC, Fox, CNN,etc censor it and don't show it, as it would undermine their corporate agenda.

Liberal voices that attempted to speak out were gagged by the mainstream media, and liberal discussion panels like TED ban speakers that tell the truth - they don't just ban ordinary people but standing CEOs opposed to the agenda.

You can find plenty of 'liberal voices' on online media like Democracy Now, and alternative TV like Russia Today (even if you get Russian propaganda with that).

I'm not talking about other forums and outlets. I'm talking about this forum. I have seen very little here in the way of liberals expressing outrage over Obama's betrayal of American workers and interests.
You aren't going to get much, until 2016. Obama won't be chucked under a bus till then.

Leading Republicans began to publicly turn on Bush over the Iraq War, spending, and/or immigration in 2006, including Richard Lugar and Duncan Hunter. Where are the leading Democrats who are publicly faulting Obama for his arm-twisting support of TPP? Have I missed news reports about leading Democrats publicly calling Obama on the carpet for his sellout of American workers? Hillary has agreed to back TPP, by the way.
Has anyone else noticed the odd lack of liberal outrage on this board over Obama's all-out push for the disastrous trade deal known as the TPP? Can the liberals here just not process information that challenges their programming? Do they not understand just how bad the TPP is? Can they just not bring themselves to admit that Obama is hugely selling out average Americans, the very people he claims to want to help?

You haven't seen the Republicans here bashing Boehner and McConnell much for buddy-ing up to Obama over this atrocity either.

I'm beginning to wonder if the opposition in Congress is not completely infiltrated as well, and that much of it is just for show.

Republicans have been bashing boner constantly over the last few years.
Has anyone else noticed the odd lack of liberal outrage on this board over Obama's all-out push for the disastrous trade deal known as the TPP? Can the liberals here just not process information that challenges their programming? Do they not understand just how bad the TPP is? Can they just not bring themselves to admit that Obama is hugely selling out average Americans, the very people he claims to want to help?

You haven't seen the Republicans here bashing Boehner and McConnell much for buddy-ing up to Obama over this atrocity either.

I'm beginning to wonder if the opposition in Congress is not completely infiltrated as well, and that much of it is just for show.

Republicans have been bashing boner constantly over the last few years.

And yet there he remains.
Has anyone else noticed the odd lack of liberal outrage on this board over Obama's all-out push for the disastrous trade deal known as the TPP? Can the liberals here just not process information that challenges their programming? Do they not understand just how bad the TPP is? Can they just not bring themselves to admit that Obama is hugely selling out average Americans, the very people he claims to want to help?

You haven't seen the Republicans here bashing Boehner and McConnell much for buddy-ing up to Obama over this atrocity either.

I'm beginning to wonder if the opposition in Congress is not completely infiltrated as well, and that much of it is just for show.

Republicans have been bashing boner constantly over the last few years.

And yet there he remains.

Yep...just another indicator of the betrayal of the american people by our elected officials.
Has anyone else noticed the odd lack of liberal outrage on this board over Obama's all-out push for the disastrous trade deal known as the TPP? Can the liberals here just not process information that challenges their programming? Do they not understand just how bad the TPP is? Can they just not bring themselves to admit that Obama is hugely selling out average Americans, the very people he claims to want to help?

Slaves don't get to criticize their master
Has anyone else noticed the odd lack of liberal outrage on this board over Obama's all-out push for the disastrous trade deal known as the TPP? Can the liberals here just not process information that challenges their programming? Do they not understand just how bad the TPP is? Can they just not bring themselves to admit that Obama is hugely selling out average Americans, the very people he claims to want to help?

I've been quite vocal about my opposition to the TPP.

But, thanks for playing.

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