liberals distruction


Apr 3, 2011
liberals, except for 1 or 2 percent work to destroy america, what are they going to do when they run out of other peoples money? they work every day on destroying our freedom, trying to tell us what to eat, what cars to buy, they want to grow gov. they enable welfare, they promote illegal immigration, they dont want us to be independent with our own oil and grow jobs, they sell america everyday for votes, its beyond time for people to wake up! this so called president and his wife i believe are racists, they have shown it time and time again, they are for theirselves and their own agenda, an example: michelle saysafter the election, this is the first time im proud to be an american, what! barrack says: the police acted stupidly, the time his militant harvard professor got stupid with the police, this so called president tells the public what they want to hear then does as he wants and there are qutie a few out there that dont get it.
we need to throw these two hollywood liberal special interests folks out of the white house, their children cannot help what their unamerican parents do.
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liberals, except for 1 or 2 percent work to destroy america, what are they going to do when they run out of other peoples money? they work every day on destroying our freedom, trying to tell us what to eat, what cars to buy, they want to grow gov. they enable welfare, they promote illegal immigration, they dont want us to be independent with our own oil and grow jobs, they sell america everyday for votes, its beyond time for people to wake up! this so called president and his wife i believe are racists, they have shown it time and time again, they are for theirselves and their own agenda, an example: michelle saysafter the election, this is the first time im proud to be an american, what! barrack says: the police acted stupidly, the time his militant harvard professor got stupid with the police, this so called president tells the public what they want to hear then does as he wants and there are qutie a few out there that dont get it.
we need to throw these two hollywood liberal special interests folks out of the white house, their children cannot help what their unamerican parents do.

New or not I will not hesitate to call out bullshit when I see it. And this post is full of shit, my friend.
liberals, except for 1 or 2 percent work to destroy america, what are they going to do when they run out of other peoples money? they work every day on destroying our freedom, trying to tell us what to eat, what cars to buy, they want to grow gov. they enable welfare, they promote illegal immigration, they dont want us to be independent with our own oil and grow jobs, they sell america everyday for votes, its beyond time for people to wake up! this so called president and his wife i believe are racists, they have shown it time and time again, they are for theirselves and their own agenda, an example: michelle saysafter the election, this is the first time im proud to be an american, what! barrack says: the police acted stupidly, the time his militant harvard professor got stupid with the police, this so called president tells the public what they want to hear then does as he wants and there are qutie a few out there that dont get it.
we need to throw these two hollywood liberal special interests folks out of the white house, their children cannot help what their unamerican parents do.

New or not I will not hesitate to call out bullshit when I see it. And this post is full of shit, my friend.

It's a pretty good rant... I've seen far worse from the leftists on here..

Although Obama only caters to the left and the public sector. It's a re-election thing.
"Although Obama only caters to the left and the public sector. It's a re-election thing"

Yup, and the GOP only caters to the wealthy. They cant relate to those of us middle classers who they detest. Just thought Id throw that in there.
"Although Obama only caters to the left and the public sector. It's a re-election thing"

Yup, and the GOP only caters to the wealthy. They cant relate to those of us middle classers who they detest. Just thought Id throw that in there.

Both sides are screwing us over, that's no revelation...:lol:
"Although Obama only caters to the left and the public sector. It's a re-election thing"

Yup, and the GOP only caters to the wealthy. They cant relate to those of us middle classers who they detest. Just thought Id throw that in there.

So then the GOP must be catering to the wealthy Democrats too then, huh? Or are you in denial there ARE wealthy democrats?
"So then the GOP must be catering to the wealthy Democrats too then, huh? Or are you in denial there ARE wealthy democrats? "

Yes I do believe there are wealthy democrats. My point is how can someone who is worth millions relate to those who make less than $50,000 a year? Answer? They cant. Is the democratic party any better? Not all that much really. The system is designed to undercut those working class who are barely scraping by. They are slowly going to get rubbed out. Its a systematic elimination. Somehow, some way the corporations and the wealthy will reap all the benefits at the expense of the workers. But then again thats the way the system is designed. A working persons chance of getting into the 1 percent is less than getting struck by lightning. Some may argue against this, but they are too dumb to understand.
liberals, except for 1 or 2 percent work to destroy america, what are they going to do when they run out of other peoples money? they work every day on destroying our freedom, trying to tell us what to eat, what cars to buy, they want to grow gov. they enable welfare, they promote illegal immigration, they dont want us to be independent with our own oil and grow jobs, they sell america everyday for votes, its beyond time for people to wake up! this so called president and his wife i believe are racists, they have shown it time and time again, they are for theirselves and their own agenda, an example: michelle saysafter the election, this is the first time im proud to be an american, what! barrack says: the police acted stupidly, the time his militant harvard professor got stupid with the police, this so called president tells the public what they want to hear then does as he wants and there are qutie a few out there that dont get it.
we need to throw these two hollywood liberal special interests folks out of the white house, their children cannot help what their unamerican parents do.

New or not I will not hesitate to call out bullshit when I see it. And this post is full of shit, my friend.

Then why the fuck do progressives continue to argue that individuals should pay more in taxes so the government can redistribute the wealth????

Explain Obama's stimulus and the 99% of progressives who support and champion that 3.5 trillion in authorized spending????

Truth is you're just in fucking denial or you're fucking stupid...
Why have any taxes at all? How bout a very minimal tax? Cut all the departments. Cut the defense and national security budget big time. Cut entitlements too. Then everyones taxes are lower. Could this be done?
Why have any taxes at all? How bout a very minimal tax? Cut all the departments. Cut the defense and national security budget big time. Cut entitlements too. Then everyones taxes are lower. Could this be done?

How about cut abuse of the taxpayers???

It's no like progressives really care if their comrades abuse the system... Hell, they vote democrat so they look the other way.

Of course republicans want to go in and put a stop to that - but every time they attempt it democrats throw a melodramatic fit like a 5-year-old then accuse republicans of "destroying programs." Then democrats go and claim that republicans hate minorities, woman, poor etc...

Truth is that democrats allow this abuse of taxpayer money and democrats damn well know that the people abusing these programs wouldn't vote democrat unless they got their FREE MONEY...

Truth is democrats buy votes and they use taxpayer funds to do such....
Oh, so only the democrats abuse the system. I see now. Makes perfect sense. The GOP, who represents only the wealthy, well theres no abuse of taxpayer funds there correct?
I for one am going to have a great deal of difficulty voting at all in the next election. I dont care all that much for whats going on now and I surely have nothing in common with the likes of Romney who doesnt know what hard work is all about. Nor does he know what its like to start with zero, nothing. His sense of reality is so far off from mine. And to think I have owned my own business for 23 years. That puts me in the workforce for 48 years. That is really sad. But Ive done well. I may just sit this one out.
Why have any taxes at all? How bout a very minimal tax? Cut all the departments. Cut the defense and national security budget big time. Cut entitlements too. Then everyones taxes are lower. Could this be done?

Cut defense? Good luck.

Cut entitlements? The people who paid their whole lives into SS are ENTITLED to their benefits.

Cut ALL departments? Never happen.

So no, this could not be done.
liberals, except for 1 or 2 percent work to destroy america, what are they going to do when they run out of other peoples money? they work every day on destroying our freedom, trying to tell us what to eat, what cars to buy, they want to grow gov. they enable welfare, they promote illegal immigration, they dont want us to be independent with our own oil and grow jobs, they sell america everyday for votes, its beyond time for people to wake up! this so called president and his wife i believe are racists, they have shown it time and time again, they are for theirselves and their own agenda, an example: michelle saysafter the election, this is the first time im proud to be an american, what! barrack says: the police acted stupidly, the time his militant harvard professor got stupid with the police, this so called president tells the public what they want to hear then does as he wants and there are qutie a few out there that dont get it.
we need to throw these two hollywood liberal special interests folks out of the white house, their children cannot help what their unamerican parents do.

New or not I will not hesitate to call out bullshit when I see it. And this post is full of shit, my friend.

Then why the fuck do progressives continue to argue that individuals should pay more in taxes so the government can redistribute the wealth????

Explain Obama's stimulus and the 99% of progressives who support and champion that 3.5 trillion in authorized spending????

Truth is you're just in fucking denial or you're fucking stupid...

The day that the wealthy stop using the roads that I pay for, sewers that I pay for, police and fire protection that I pay for and airports that I pay for I will stop talking about wealth redistribution. Most would not be able to build their wealth without the services that the rest of us provide.

How is that you stupid fuck?
If you dont earn it,it doesnt belong to you.if you want communism go to russia or china.youll feel comfortable there.

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