Liberals Biggest Disconnect


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Far and away the Liberals Biggest Disconnect has to be their confusion over the difference between the Federal government and the US economy. They either belief the 2 are the same thing or that the Federal government is far more important that the US economy.

It's such a huge disconnect, it's hard to grasp that people can be merrily off in the trillions column when and either not notice or just not care.

To review: at about $18 Trillion annually, the US economy is the worlds first or second largest (China caught up thanks to Obama). It represents the combined economic activity of every American individual and company

Clocking in at a mind boggling $4 Trillion in current annual spending, the federal government is about 22% the size of the US economy and is totally dependent on the health and vitality of the far larger US economy.

We have to ask , What are Progressives trying to accomplish when they repeat the Marxist talking points about "Paying Fair share" and "90% tax rate"? Does that help the US economy? How?

It seems as if their mind cannot comprehend anything greater than the federal government.

When you're dealing with Progs, bear in mind that they will seamlessly interchange the economy and the government as if they were the same thing. It's weird, but it's what they do
Far and away the Liberals Biggest Disconnect has to be their confusion over the difference between the Federal government and the US economy. They either belief the 2 are the same thing or that the Federal government is far more important that the US economy.

It's such a huge disconnect, it's hard to grasp that people can be merrily off in the trillions column when and either not notice or just not care.

To review: at about $18 Trillion annually, the US economy is the worlds first or second largest (China caught up thanks to Obama). It represents the combined economic activity of every American individual and company

Clocking in at a mind boggling $4 Trillion in current annual spending, the federal government is about 22% the size of the US economy and is totally dependent on the health and vitality of the far larger US economy.

We have to ask , What are Progressives trying to accomplish when they repeat the Marxist talking points about "Paying Fair share" and "90% tax rate"? Does that help the US economy? How?

It seems as if their mind cannot comprehend anything greater than the federal government.

When you're dealing with Progs, bear in mind that they will seamlessly interchange the economy and the government as if they were the same thing. It's weird, but it's what they do

It's true. They think government enables the economy.
Far and away the Liberals Biggest Disconnect has to be their confusion over the difference between the Federal government and the US economy. They either belief the 2 are the same thing or that the Federal government is far more important that the US economy.

It's such a huge disconnect, it's hard to grasp that people can be merrily off in the trillions column when and either not notice or just not care.

To review: at about $18 Trillion annually, the US economy is the worlds first or second largest (China caught up thanks to Obama). It represents the combined economic activity of every American individual and company

Clocking in at a mind boggling $4 Trillion in current annual spending, the federal government is about 22% the size of the US economy and is totally dependent on the health and vitality of the far larger US economy.

We have to ask , What are Progressives trying to accomplish when they repeat the Marxist talking points about "Paying Fair share" and "90% tax rate"? Does that help the US economy? How?

It seems as if their mind cannot comprehend anything greater than the federal government.

When you're dealing with Progs, bear in mind that they will seamlessly interchange the economy and the government as if they were the same thing. It's weird, but it's what they do

1. I think they think the GOP and war supporters are in La La Land
about the trillions in debts from the military side of the budget.

2. the disconnects I find with liberals

a. inability to distinguish and respect their "political beliefs" equally as other people's beliefs, especially religious.
They demand separation of church and state
but fail to realize their own agenda crosses that line as a political religion!
This is first and foremost.
To the point of being JUST LIKE fundamental Christians they hate so
much who cannot separate their faith in God and Life from laws in society either.

b. then within that belief system
many cannot distinguish between
- state laws/process and federal laws/process
- city laws as a private municipality and Constitutional laws that
aren't invoked automatically if people don't naturally live by these.
That's why the City of Houston doesn't respond to petitions
until they are SUED in COURT and forced to respect a Constitutional limit.

3. note this is SO SERIOUS
I am preparing to take the concepts I learned here
and present them to govt and party leaders to address
this issue of political beliefs, including the inability to
see these distinctions due to differences in belief.

It is about 3 layers of beliefs stacked on top of each other.
so I am trying to spell it out clearly, but even here,
I split off a from b above, and then cited two more levels under b.

So it isn't just one problem with THOSE PEOPLE.
The clashes in beliefs happen on several layers
to divide groups from each other who can't even discuss this
because it is so deeply engrained on multiple levels.

the SCARIEST thing and most humbling discover is
that this ISN'T just a matter of education. You can't educate away
someone's political beliefs that cannot change. Some of these things
are due to inherent beliefs so that is supposed to be respected by law.

Until this is recognized, the battles go on, back and forth to impose
one political belief over another which is, on some level, violating
Amendments 1 and 14 (and Amendment 10 for those who "believe" in this).

If they don't even recognize each other's political beliefs as EXISTING much less valid
and protected by law, then how can they respect and include them? How can we conduct a fair, equal and inclusive democratic process WITHOUT acknowledging the principles and limits of these respective political beliefs, so each one is neither imposed nor excluded?

These people REALLY believe the opposition's beliefs are "not real." Because this is part of their beliefs, they can't be forced to change them. And if both sides do this,
neither side is going to agree to change. So other leaders need to step up and
help mediate between these groups and conflicting beliefs to stop the mutual imposition.

May the most enlightened fairminded leaders come forward first, and recognize political beliefs should be treated and included equally, and hopefully the rest of the herds will follow.
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