Liberals and their media work for Satan


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The Secular Media's assault on Biblical Truths

Reporters, editors, op-ed authors and media outlet owners who participate in the spreading of anti-Biblical messages are doing Satan's bidding, whether they realize it or not. Not all members of the media are involved in these activities, but most are. Here are a few of the more common examples of issues the secular media addresses (or fails to address) that supports Satan's cause, and that often directly challenge the authority and accuracy of God's Holy Word, the Bible:
  • promoting evolutionism in its various forms
  • promoting homosexuality
  • attacking Biblical corporal discipline
  • promoting abortion
  • a near complete absence of the conservative Christian view on any issue
  • promoting the ACLU's attempts to eliminate all references to God in the public arena
  • promoting false religions (i.e. in the Faith and Values sections of newspapers)
  • promoting the twisted Separation of Church and State that our founding fathers never intended to occur.
  • Endorsing candidates who can't pass God's litmus test for Biblical leadership.
  • Attacking or ignoring candidates who can pass this test. "​
"The Secular Media's assault on Biblical Truths

Reporters, editors, op-ed authors and media outlet owners who participate in the spreading of anti-Biblical messages are doing Satan's bidding, whether they realize it or not. Not all members of the media are involved in these activities, but most are. Here are a few of the more common examples of issues the secular media addresses (or fails to address) that supports Satan's cause, and that often directly challenge the authority and accuracy of God's Holy Word, the Bible:
  • promoting evolutionism in its various forms
  • promoting homosexuality
  • attacking Biblical corporal discipline
  • promoting abortion
  • a near complete absence of the conservative Christian view on any issue
  • promoting the ACLU's attempts to eliminate all references to God in the public arena
  • promoting false religions (i.e. in the Faith and Values sections of newspapers)
  • promoting the twisted Separation of Church and State that our founding fathers never intended to occur.
  • Endorsing candidates who can't pass God's litmus test for Biblical leadership.
  • Attacking or ignoring candidates who can pass this test. "​

One of your slope skulled bible thumping buddy's already started a threat about your christer invented devil and Liberals :cuckoo:
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Can we get a non-troll mod to clean the thread, do you think?

I think if you're going to come in here and attempt to pass off this absurd bullshit as an intellectual conversation you deserve to get tomatoes thrown at you.

Well since you are a well-known arbiter of what passes as intellectualism..


The tomatoes are thrown anyway, and worse. See my siggy. Luds openly states that he thinks Christians should be shot. If you think that he isn't working directly for Lucifer, you're sadly mistaken.
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Yikes, we have some pretty scary folks here.
Next, all liberals will be forced to wear little red badges identifying them as Satan's children!

Screw that. Issue me a Slayer t-shirt so I can be identified in public and I'll go for it.

[ame=]Slayer - South of Heaven - YouTube[/ame]
Yikes, we have some pretty scary folks here.
Next, all liberals will be forced to wear little red badges identifying them as Satan's children!

Screw that. Issue me a Slayer t-shirt so I can be identified in public and I'll go for it.

[ame=]Slayer - South of Heaven - YouTube[/ame]

You heathen show off! :D
"The Secular Media's assault on Biblical Truths

Reporters, editors, op-ed authors and media outlet owners who participate in the spreading of anti-Biblical messages are doing Satan's bidding, whether they realize it or not. Not all members of the media are involved in these activities, but most are. Here are a few of the more common examples of issues the secular media addresses (or fails to address) that supports Satan's cause, and that often directly challenge the authority and accuracy of God's Holy Word, the Bible:
  • promoting evolutionism in its various forms
  • promoting homosexuality
  • attacking Biblical corporal discipline
  • promoting abortion
  • a near complete absence of the conservative Christian view on any issue
  • promoting the ACLU's attempts to eliminate all references to God in the public arena
  • promoting false religions (i.e. in the Faith and Values sections of newspapers)
  • promoting the twisted Separation of Church and State that our founding fathers never intended to occur.
  • Endorsing candidates who can't pass God's litmus test for Biblical leadership.
  • Attacking or ignoring candidates who can pass this test. "​

Satan is great when it comes to the art of deception. Regretfully, Kosher, your message falls on deaf ears.
Yikes, we have some pretty scary folks here.
Next, all liberals will be forced to wear little red badges identifying them as Satan's children!

Let me direct you to my signature, where two of our resident libs spouted about their intentions.
"...eugenics was primarily supported by political progressives who rejected human exceptionalism. From, “Hitler’s Favorite American:”
What’s indisputable about the eugenics movement in this country is that it was driven by racial and class prejudice.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, white Protestant Americans feared being overrun by immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, people who traditionally had large families.
Groups such as the Race Betterment Foundation and the American Eugenics Society stoked those fears by suggesting that the superior traits of industrious Anglo-Saxons were being undermined by the lazy, degenerate masses showing up on their shores.
Meaning Catholics. "

Eugenics Mostly Progressive, Not Conservative | National Review Online
And while we can celebrate the fact that the bigoted, immoral pseudoscience of eugenics has been consigned to history’s junk heap, regrettably the white supremacist attitude that shaped much of Charles Davenport’s career lives on in the beliefs of diehard social Darwinists—an outlook as persistent as a noxious weed, a kudzu of the mind.
Who are these “white supremicists?” Other than the rare crackpot and occasional KKK holdout, they mostly exist in the fervid imaginations of MSNBC commentators and such ilk who ubiquitously accuse Tea Party types, Paul Ryan fiscal conservatives, and opponents of Obamacare of secret racist motives.
Let’s get real: The Eugenics Movement was mostly a top/down phenomenon, driven into bigoted public policy tyranny by minions of the high academy, funded by liberal foundations like the Carnegie Institution for Science.
Moreover it was primarily a politically progressive movement–technocratic at heart and claiming the mantle of “science”–that presumed it possessed the wisdom to improve the human herd. All of this was based, in part–as[ame=""] my Discovery Institute colleagues[/ame] have pointed out repeatedly–[ame=""]on a misapplication of Darwinian principles.[/ame]

Eugenics Mostly Progressive, Not Conservative | National Review Online

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