liberals and children


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2003
Everywhere, simultaneously.
After spending the week at the Democratic National Convention broadcasting my radio show, it was not easy to choose which aspect of the convention I would devote my column to. Would it be the discussions I had with delegates, nearly all of whom I liked and none of whom thought clearly about our nation's issues? Or about the Potemkin Village the Democrats erected -- a convention where almost nothing the Democrats really believe was on display?

I decided on the speech given during prime time by a 12-year-old girl from the San Francisco Bay Area. In my view, this talk was typically and uniquely Democratic.

To understand modern liberalism and its political party, it is vital to understand Democrats' desire to blur any distinctions between child and adult. Ever since the 1960s, liberalism has been largely a movement dominated by children (of every age).
I enjoyed meeting Democrats last week. Many are people I would be happy to have as neighbors. But compared to Republicans, liberals and Democrats are often adults who do not wish to grow up. When George W. Bush was elected, I felt as if adults would now run the country after the adolescent-like President Clinton.

Liberals and Democrats are not comfortable with adult-child distinctions. They therefore frequently treat and regard children as adults and frequently treat and regard adults as children.

That is why liberals do not generally want children to call adults "Mr." or "Mrs."
Such titles render adults distinct from children.

That is why liberal teachers often dress and talk similarly to their students and ask to be called by their first names.

That is why liberals led the fight to lower the voting age to 18 and why California Democrats are now seeking to lower it further (as low as 14).

That is why liberal educators worked to enable students to design college curricula. To many liberals, a 55-year-old professor does not know anything more than a 20-year-old about what students should be studying.

That is why liberals don't worry about protecting children's innocence as much as conservatives do. The early sexualization of children is therefore not a problem to liberal educators. In a nutshell, the differing views of childhood innocence are what the battles over sex education in elementary schools, condom distribution in high schools and AIDS education in fourth grade are all about.

It is therefore not surprising that the Democrats invited a 12-year-old girl to address their convention.

First, the politicization of children is no more a problem to most Democrats and liberals than is children's sexualization.

Second, for many liberals, there is just as much to be learned about politics and society from children as from adults. The notion that wisdom accrues with age is generally alien to liberals. So why not have a 12-year-old share her own wisdom with a convention and nation of adults?

Third, it is illuminating to note what the 12-year-old said that evoked the loudest cheers from the Democratic delegates. In the words of the Oakland Tribune, "The show-stealer was Oakland's Ilana Wexler, 12, who brought down the house with her suggestion that Vice President Dick Cheney get a 'timeout' for using foul language.
Within hours she became an international star, media outlets clamoring for her attention, fans seeking her autograph."

The Democrats went crazy over the girl because she not only shattered the adult-child social distinction, she did so with regard to an adult of immense prominence and status, the vice president of the United States.

Listening to a 12-year-old publicly mock the Republican vice president of the United States brought Democrats almost orgasmic pleasure, especially since no Democrats had the courage to do so in their speeches.

Of course, this girl has accomplished nothing compared to Dick Cheney. She has no wisdom, no humility and no knowledge beyond the leftist platitudes spoon-fed by her parents and schools. She is a mere child, more foolish than most, in that she actually thinks she has earned the right to publicly ridicule the vice president of the United States.

The Democratic Party is as shameless as it is immature.

Shameless in its exploitation of children. And shameless in its hypocrisy. The Democratic candidate for president, John Kerry, used the same "f-word" in a public interview in Rolling Stone magazine -- a far more serious matter than using it privately.

And that is why a 12-year-old know-it-all stole the Democrats' show.

No column I have written has elicited more hate mail than my last one on the 12-year-old girl who spoke at the Democratic National Convention and publicly ridiculed Vice President Dick Cheney. I have written against same-sex marriage; on behalf of the president's international policies, capital punishment and Israel; argued for the superiority of the Judeo-Christian value system; and even defended divorce. Yet no column has elicited so much anger, use of expletives and foolish thinking.

It is clear I hit a deep nerve among many liberals and Democrats.

I wrote that this young girl exemplified the modern liberal desire to erase distinctions between children and adults, citing a number of examples, including the desire to lower the voting age first to 18 and now in California to 16 or even 14; not having children call adults "Mr." or "Mrs."; and having students rather than professors determine college curricula.

And I wrote that "Democrats went crazy . . . listening to a 12-year-old publicly mock the Republican vice president of the United States."

But what most infuriated my liberal correspondents was my writing, "This girl has accomplished nothing compared to Dick Cheney. She has no wisdom, no humility and no knowledge beyond the leftist platitudes spoon-fed by her parents and schools. She is a mere child, more foolish than most, in that she actually thinks she has earned the right to publicly ridicule the vice president of the United States."

Here are some examples:

"Has it come to this? The desperation of the GOP? Insulting a 12 yr old girl. You sure are a class act."

"You're an a--hole for saying that Wexler girl has not earned the right to criticize Cheney. F--- YOU d--k head."

"I have found that my own kids, aged 5 and 6 now can make very profound statements and can be very wise."

"Ilana Wexler earned the right to criticize anyone she wants to on the day she was born an American, you idiot!"

"Picking on little girls -- too pathetic for comment, really. I will pray for you. Geek."

"You are a very sad person if picking on the kid at the convention is your idea of clever writing."

"You have some nerve picking on a child. But I guess that is what we should all expect from Republicans now. Bible thumping and self righteousness all the while raping and molesting children when they think no one is looking. So, blow it out your ass."

"In re: your incredibly harsh words for Ilana Wexler . . . Go F--- Yourself."

Obviously, two themes particularly disturbed my thoughtful correspondents: That I criticized a 12-year-old girl and that I wrote she had not earned the right to publicly ridicule the vice president of the United States.

Regarding the first, the criticism of me presupposes that my column was all about the girl. It wasn't. It was about the Democrats' use of her.

Having said that, however, why should a 12-year-old girl be immune from adult criticism? Because of her age? This objection is staggering in its inversion of traditional wisdom, which held that it is 12-year-olds who generally need to hold their tongues before they criticize, let alone ridicule, an adult; and that it is adults' role to criticize the young so as to make them responsible adults. Unlike those liberals who take great pride in a 12-year-old publicly mocking the vice president of the United States, I would be ashamed of a 12-year-old conservative who publicly ridiculed a Democratic vice president.

Furthermore, note the double standard invoked here. A 12-year-old girl should be invited to speak at a national political convention and be taken seriously when she speaks -- but criticizing her is out of bounds because she is 12! This line of thinking reinforced my contention that the Democrats hid behind a 12-year-old girl because they did not have the courage to attack Vice President Cheney themselves.

I am also certain that the fact that the child was a girl added to the dismissal of me as out of line in criticizing her. In the feminist world in which liberals live, liberal girls and women of any age are immune from criticism, especially from men. We are allowed only to celebrate opinionated liberal females, whether Teresa Heinz Kerry or Ilana Wexler.

The second major liberal objection -- that all Americans have the right to free speech, so only an enemy of free speech could question the right of Ilana to do what she did -- is a non-sequitur.

You have to willfully misread what I wrote to infer that I questioned the girl's legal or constitutional right to do what she did.

What I wrote is that "She is a mere child, more foolish than most, in that she actually thinks she has earned the right to publicly ridicule the vice president of the United States."

I was simply asserting that before one mocks the American vice president at a national political convention, one ought to have earned the stature to do so, and I cannot imagine any 12-year-old who has. It is abundantly clear that the notion of earning stature is alien to many, probably most, liberals' thinking. Rights thinking so dominates the liberal mind that having the right to speech has to come to mean the same as always exercising it.

Childhood is the time to be a child and to be imbued with the values that will enable one to be a politically wise adult. I have enormous interest in speaking with children, but I have little interest in their political views. But, hey, I'm not a contemporary liberal.
What's really pathetic is that the Democrats use a child to attack the other side while at the same time hiding behind her.
They needed a 12 year old to reach the majority of the DNC voters. They are childish, so they needed a child to tell them how it is. Kinda fits don't it?
Given how immature most liberals around me are, how they raise their kids to do whatever/wherever they want and how the democratic party has infantilized the population of the united states there is no surprise here.
Moi said:
Given how immature most liberals around me are, how they raise their kids to do whatever/wherever they want and how the democratic party has infantilized the population of the united states there is no surprise here.

That's to make them easier to lead around by the nose

:cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:
"That is why liberals do not generally want children to call adults "Mr." or "Mrs."
Such titles render adults distinct from children."

Where are the numbers on this? This is conjecture and generalization.

"That is why liberal teachers often dress and talk similarly to their students and ask to be called by their first names."

Again, conjecture and generaliztion. Also, in dressing/talking "like their students", the educational community is pretty fairly split on the benefits. Some say this engenders disrespect for the teacher. Others say it allows students to be more comfortable and open.

"That is why liberals led the fight to lower the voting age to 18 and why California Democrats are now seeking to lower it further (as low as 14)."

And what's wrong with that? 18 year olds can die for their country but that can't vote on the president that could be the one to reinstate the draft? 18 year olds are fully equipped to make an informed decision about the presidential election. And California Democrats are way left, so 14 is understandable for them.

"That is why liberal educators worked to enable students to design college curricula. To many liberals, a 55-year-old professor does not know anything more than a 20-year-old about what students should be studying."

Unflexible, dated college curricula that ask a student to study things with no relevance to their goals or that the students have no interest in are only useful to a point. Take Brown University, for example: there is NO core curriculum. Students choose every course that they wish to take, and are bombarded by outlets for faculty advising. When the 20-year old and the 55-year old work TOGETHER, good things happen.

"That is why liberals don't worry about protecting children's innocence as much as conservatives do. The early sexualization of children is therefore not a problem to liberal educators. In a nutshell, the differing views of childhood innocence are what the battles over sex education in elementary schools, condom distribution in high schools and AIDS education in fourth grade are all about."

The AMA, CDC, AAP, and NASIM.. ALL promote comprehensive sex education that encourages abstinence, but also says that if you DO have sex, you should use a condom. A Northern Kentucky University study showed that 61% of undergrads who had taken virginity pledges broke them, and were by far less likely to use condoms when they did have sex for the first time (conceivably because people have taken solemn oaths before God are less likely to carry condoms), and that 55% of those who remained abstinent had engaged in unprotected oral sex.


Also, remember when Bush as governor spent $10 on abstinence-only sex ed? Texas had the 46th worst teen pregnancy rate in the country. When Clinton was Pres and Bush was Governor teen pregnancy dropped in every state in the union. Texas was second to last in its improvement.

Abstinence prevents STDs and pregnancy. Abstinence education does NOT. And abstinence education grads are NOT significantly less likely to PRACTICE it.

This stuff about liberals trying to blur the lines between children and adults? It's crap. It has no basis in reality. It's petty name-calling. The little girl at the DNC, wow, that's a compelling argument... 12 year old...Democrats...Convention...oh dear God they're trying to blur the lines between child and adult!!

A Northern Kentucky University study showed that 61% of undergrads who had taken virginity pledges broke them

Which of course means that 39% of the people who took viriginity pledge didn't.

How many people had sex who didn't take the virginity pledge?

See the flaw in your argument? If one person didn't break the pledge, it worked.

This is conjecture and generalization.

Again, conjecture and generaliztion.

So? What's wrong with conjecture and generalization? In fact you offered conjecture and generalization in the very same post in which you seemed to deride their use.

This an opinion piece based on years of experience, including over 20 years hosting a radio talk show that discusses nearly every facet of life and over 30 years teaching at the college level.

More than that, my own experiences are not in conflict with his generalizations. I've noticed that the liberal teachers I've encountered in my life have dressed more informally and behaved in a more familiar manner than what few conservative teachers I've known. In my opinion there is a direct correlation.

18 year olds are fully equipped to make an informed decision about the presidential election.

Simultaneously a conjecture and a generalization. Where are the numbers?

And California Democrats are way left, so 14 is understandable for them.

Do you realize you just agreed with the author's premise?

And with that, I'll stop.
It's just another example of the Left's relativisim. If an 18 year old can vote, then surely a 17 year old can, and why not a 16 yo, a 14 yo, a 12 yo? There is no such thing as a set standard to them.

A 12 yo speaker like that would be heralded by the Left as an example why 12 year olds should be "old enough" to vote. In the Left's warped world they of course would think that this little 12 yo puppet on a string would be mature enough to vote - and do other things as well.

Can you imagine a whole new block of voters being created if the voting age was lowered to 12 and can you imagine who the manipulated children would vote for? Especially since the libs pretty much control the public schools. There is a method to their madness.

The morally bankrupt Left is also for lowering the age of consent for much the same perverse relativistic reasoning. Just as they argue that 20 year olds should have equal input to a 55 yo professor, they argue that a 12 year old should be able to consent to sex if she wanted to. In the Left's sick world they see nothing wrong with a 55 year old man marrying a 20 year old or a 12 year old. It's all relative to them.

Of course, on the other hand they profess to "protect the children". However, in the name of "protection" they are out to upsurp the role of the parent and replace it with the State. For example, just look at how they push legislation that does not require anyone to tell an underage girl's parents that she is pregnant or having an abortion. Look at all the special "rights" of the child that are being promoted from the Left. Or how they teach about condoms and sex in school to "protect" them. Or question them about guns in the household. Parents are unable to raise their own children as they see fit.

The Left is out to manipulate and control society through our children and this latest stunt at the Democrat convention was only the tip of the iceberg. The iceberg has actually grown so large that the Left actually felt comfortable in having the audacity to insult VP Cheney using a child.
Okay, okay. Here's the real truth. The Democrats put a twelve year old girl on their podium because they needed at least ONE person up there who didn't have a whole platoon of skeletons in his/her closet.

And apparently those who wrote the author condemning his criticism of this twelve year old's comments seem to have forgotten the spectacle of Democrats energetically booing the Boy Scouts during the 1998 convention.

Ain't selective retention a wonderful thing?
ScreamingEagle said:
It's just another example of the Left's relativisim. If an 18 year old can vote, then surely a 17 year old can, and why not a 16 yo, a 14 yo, a 12 yo? There is no such thing as a set standard to them.

A 12 yo speaker like that would be heralded by the Left as an example why 12 year olds should be "old enough" to vote. In the Left's warped world they of course would think that this little 12 yo puppet on a string would be mature enough to vote - and do other things as well.

Can you imagine a whole new block of voters being created if the voting age was lowered to 12 and can you imagine who the manipulated children would vote for? Especially since the libs pretty much control the public schools. There is a method to their madness.

The morally bankrupt Left is also for lowering the age of consent for much the same perverse relativistic reasoning. Just as they argue that 20 year olds should have equal input to a 55 yo professor, they argue that a 12 year old should be able to consent to sex if she wanted to. In the Left's sick world they see nothing wrong with a 55 year old man marrying a 20 year old or a 12 year old. It's all relative to them.

Of course, on the other hand they profess to "protect the children". However, in the name of "protection" they are out to upsurp the role of the parent and replace it with the State. For example, just look at how they push legislation that does not require anyone to tell an underage girl's parents that she is pregnant or having an abortion. Look at all the special "rights" of the child that are being promoted from the Left. Or how they teach about condoms and sex in school to "protect" them. Or question them about guns in the household. Parents are unable to raise their own children as they see fit.

The Left is out to manipulate and control society through our children and this latest stunt at the Democrat convention was only the tip of the iceberg. The iceberg has actually grown so large that the Left actually felt comfortable in having the audacity to insult VP Cheney using a child.

The reason that they want the voting age to be that low is that is when their hormones are raging, and they are the most impressionable, because they are about that age when they want to be treated as adults. Think about it. Peer pressure is probably at its strongest starting at this age. Ask any 14 yr old in public school what they think a DemocRAT stands for, and a Republican stands for, and which side they are on. You will get more than a 5-1 standing for DemocRATS. I was like this at that age. And I was only this because I was always impressioned that wars didn't solve anything, conservatives want to run your sex life, and don't want to support education or spend any money on it. Of course, this is not the case, but in public school, they don't allow for much different.

If the libbies got their way, they would win elections in landslides because they cannot distingush adult from child, and since 14 yr olds are on the cusp of that child to adult stage, they tend to go to the more 'fun' person, because that is all they really have known to that point. I know in 1992, we had a mock election in my middle school. I will give you one guess as to who won. And he did because he seemed so much cooler and more hip than Bush was. I "voted" for Clinton because I thought he was a smooth talker(understatement of the century) and he seemed so much like the seemingly perfect JFK that the female teachers would get themselves all wet about.
Name at least one Republican policy that helps American children.

You can't. It doesn't exist.

ALL the policies that help American children,
school lunches for poor children,
Daycare so parents can work,
healthcare and so on,

Come from Democrats.

Republicans give tax cuts to needy billionaires leaving nothing for children

Fuk the dumb sh!t. Be honest.
What a great thread. A nice glimpse into the past. Look how the rubes defended Cheney as vehemently as they defend Trump today. Can’t wait until Trump joins Cheney as a RINO with republicans pretending they never supported him in the first place.

Little did these morons know everything they were warned about regarding Dubya was about to come to a head in a couple short years.
This is a crisis.


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