Liberal Values on Display

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Many of you here today are businessmen. . And I am happy to see some
.of you are lawyers, too.
Many of you are suspicious of big government -- .of grandiose public
schemes. You are worried, as I am worried, .that we may, at times,
be in danger .of losing sight .of the need fer personal initiative
and individual enterprise -- these ideals helped te make this
country great and are major sources of its strength today.
If these are among your concerns, you need net worry about the
Peace Corps.
Fer the 'Peace Corps is an example of free enterprise at work. It
is a working mode1 of some of the most basic and fundamental American
ideas and beliefs.

More here:
Peace Corps Digital Library : Item Viewer
A speech given 11 Oct 1963 by Sergeant Shriver, JFK's brother in law, an arch-liberal.
Can we imagine any liberal talking like this today???

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