Liberal US Senators: Al Qaeda's Useful Idiots


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
By Sher Zieve (12/20/05)

As Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups continue to laugh gleefully at their useful-idiots in the US Congress, the Senate liberals continue their attempts to emasculate the Patriot Act. The House of Representatives has already agreed to and passed an extension of this anti-terrorist statute, in its present form. However the liberal Senators, each of whom believes he or she should hold powers in both the Legislative and Executive branches of government, stopped it in its tracks and are hell-bent upon watering down this legislation—legislation that has provided essential tools that have largely kept the US from being attacked again.

In answer to President Bush’s challenge “I want senators from New York or Los Angeles or Las Vegas to go home and explain why these cities are safer”, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) angrily responded: “The president and the Republican leadership should stop playing politics with the Patriot Act. Let's be clear about who's killing the Patriot Act - President Bush and the Republican leadership. Twice last week, a bipartisan group of senators tried to move forward on a three-month extension.” In reality, it is not those that consider our national security is of major import who are playing politics. Rather, it is the liberal contingent within the US Senate. In an attempt to continue to keep their names in the news, as well as offering the pretense that they are actually affecting something “for the people”, these predominantly Democrat Senators are weakening the Act that has kept additional terrorist activities away from our shores.

Reid and other Democrat leaders continue to tell us that the “American people” want them to pursue the enfeeblement of the anti-terrorist Patriot Act. Which American people, Senator? It most certainly is not the majority of us. The recent Post-ABC poll shows that the clear preponderance of Americans polled (56% and rising) support President Bush’s handling of the fight against terrorism. Are you, then, referring to the leftist revolutionary contingent of your Party—the ones who now fund you and your brethren? Is gaining financial support for your campaign and that of others within your particular group the real reason you are fighting the apparatus which better ensures our defense against Islamic fanatics? Or is it that, in order to keep said monetary gains, you will do and say anything and everything to manacle President Bush? The answers to these questions is “Yes” for the majority of “we the people”.
Now, yet another anti-US security scenario has reared its treacherous head. This one pertains to the NSA spying-on-terrorists program. Although leaders in both Congressional houses had fully examined the program’s agenda, which included eavesdropping on suspected terrorist calls between the US and foreign countries, the Senate Democrats are now veritably screeching that they did not approve the wiretaps.
Note to Democrats and other liberal Senate leaders: The wiretaps did not require your approval and you, again, appear to be trying to usurp presidential powers. Please at least try to remember that your division of government is the Legislative branch—not the Executive branch. Also, in addition to this spying technique having been used by US presidents for at least forty years, the president has covered this with your Congressional leaders over a dozen times since its inception. It also appears that 50 USC 1802, covering “Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal; duties and compensation of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court” gives the president the authority.

Of even more import and extreme alarm, is that someone leaked this top-secret program to the mainstream press; specifically to the New York Times. The Times “sat on” the story for a year until it could, apparently, use it to its full advantage—in order to stop the renewal of the Patriot Act. The real and present danger is that the leaker has placed the country in the position of a clear and present danger and has aided and abetted the enemies of the United States of America. Who leaked this information? Will this ever be fully investigated? Or will the US Congress, upon potentially learning that the leaker is one of their own, cover it up to protect the perpetrator? Nowadays, any hint of treason is not a problem to one who is properly politically connected. I cite Sen. Jay Rockefeller’s comments to Fox’s Chris Wallace: “I took a trip by myself in January of 2002 to Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria and I told each of the heads of state that it was my view that George Bush had already made up his mind to go to war against Iraq that that was a predetermined set course which had taken shape shortly after 9/11.” The liberal mainstream press virtually ignored Rockefeller’s actions and comments. Note: I have to wonder, assuming any real investigation into the leak is actually going to be pursued by Congress, if an aide will again be blamed.

One thing, however, is known. The terrorists are reveling and celebrating over the liberal Senate v the United States of America. One only has to read daily “news” stories in Al Jazeera. The terrorists now firmly seem to have their allies in the US Senate—allies who will, for personal gain and to “get Bush”, sacrifice the protection of the country. Yes. Al Qaeda most definitely has its useful idiots. And it will use their inanity to full advantage. Still doubt it? If so, I again refer you to Al Jazeera’s website. That should counteract any residual skepticism.

One last note to all Republicans who wish to be reelected: It’s also time for you to come out swinging against this renewed liberal insanity.
Oddlly, since the Patriot act has been introduced, I hear alot of Bush critics and whiners complain about loss of freedom.

The only loss of freedom I have found, is it takes me a helluva alot longer to get onto and off my international flights.

Other than that, I havent heard one person I know, online, offline, in person, at the coffee shop, the local stores, anywhere ANYWHERE complain of a specific liberty of theirs that has been curtailed.

But, I do feel safer when Im in onea those big jumbo jets at 600 MPH flying over the pacific with the Partriot act in place.

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