Liberal Thinking: #3


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
:eusa_think: What kind of shit SHOULD We, The People be spending our collective dough on?


Bucking Fugs!!!

I vote we work on a way to really take a bite out of the prosperity of these ^ little fuckers without putting too much of a dent in the rest of the food chain. Yeah, even if nobody ends up personally profiting from the endeavor & expense.


Sans the 'skeeters & gnats, y'all have a right nice li'l planet here.

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You put a finger on that cute little lizard Joe -- I SWEAR I'll report you...

Why would I touch a lizard :eek:

I love lizards! And FL is covered with 'em.​

They EAT my worst enemy!!

Lizards Rock! :rock:

That thurr's a house gecko, do they run wild where you're at??

Not as wild as I'd like. We have a couple of nesting pairs that survived last winter hanging out in one of our buildings - they should be back next winter and hopefully a kid or 4 will survive the summer and join them. (it's a big building)

We have what we hope is a pair of and :eusa_pray: are male & female, skinks in the garden this summer.

Lordy, I hate the little biting buggers. However, they do play an important part in the ecology of our planet.

The Daily Apple: Apple #363: The Purpose of Mosquitoes

But, the scientists caution, you don't really want to get rid of all mosquitoes from the planet because they might play a bigger role than we realize. So, okay, I ask, what role could that be?

In addition to themselves being a food source, they pollinate. Nectar is their food (not blood), so when they stick their long skinny noses into the plants to get after the nectar, they also they happen to collect and distribute pollen.

The don't pollinate a lot of plants, but some, including:

Certain grasses

Some species of Platanthera orchids


By the way, if you have not been to the Northwest Territories, or Alaska, you haven't seen real mosquitoes.
We have a nice little garden, so far the critters have left our veggies alone!

And we have a new friend in our little Koi Pond, a baby snake! Love him!
My mother taught us to never harm spiders, snakes, or anything else that ate insects. Especially in the garden.

Smart woman!

If a spider gets in the house, I just catch him and release him outside.

Spiders are cool!
Lordy, I hate the little biting buggers. However, they do play an important part in the ecology of our planet.

The Daily Apple: Apple #363: The Purpose of Mosquitoes

But, the scientists caution, you don't really want to get rid of all mosquitoes from the planet because they might play a bigger role than we realize. So, okay, I ask, what role could that be?

In addition to themselves being a food source, they pollinate. Nectar is their food (not blood), so when they stick their long skinny noses into the plants to get after the nectar, they also they happen to collect and distribute pollen.

The don't pollinate a lot of plants, but some, including:

Certain grasses

Some species of Platanthera orchids


By the way, if you have not been to the Northwest Territories, or Alaska, you haven't seen real mosquitoes.

Typical Lefty defense. GOLDENROD?? Kill 'em all then..... :lol:
Bunch of nature-lovin'' girlie men.. That's what we got here...

Typical dumb ass 'Conservative'.

Yes, indeed, I do love nature. I, and you, depend on it for clean water, for air to breathe, and plants and animals to eat. Destroy it, and we destroy ourselves.

The fact that you see no value in nature, nor the beauty there, say all that needs to be said about your intellect and values.
WE ought to be RELUCTANTLY spending dough ONLY on those things which advance our NATIONAL interests.

On that issue I think most people would agree.

Where the disagreement tends to live is WHAT POLICIES truly advance NATIONAL interests?
My mother taught us to never harm spiders, snakes, or anything else that ate insects. Especially in the garden.

Smart woman!

If a spider gets in the house, I just catch him and release him outside.

Spiders are cool!

I've got these interesting buggers running around my garden.

Not sure if they're from a brood I placed there or if they're wild.

But they've been out there for 20 years.

The right wing wants to spend money on "nothing". And that's EXACTLY what we will end up with, "NOTHING".
Bunch of nature-lovin'' girlie men.. That's what we got here...

Typical dumb ass 'Conservative'.

Yes, indeed, I do love nature. I, and you, depend on it for clean water, for air to breathe, and plants and animals to eat. Destroy it, and we destroy ourselves.

The fact that you see no value in nature, nor the beauty there, say all that needs to be said about your intellect and values.

When you think that a comment like mine above is NOT sarcastic and apolitical -- maybe it's time to go read a good a science book..

Next time I'll use the stupid emoticons so that our lefty buds can follow along.. :cool:
My mother taught us to never harm spiders, snakes, or anything else that ate insects. Especially in the garden.

Smart woman!

If a spider gets in the house, I just catch him and release him outside.

Spiders are cool!

I've got these interesting buggers running around my garden.

Not sure if they're from a brood I placed there or if they're wild.

But they've been out there for 20 years.


I found a juvenile one of these on my driveway wall just yesterday. Tiniest one I've ever seen. We toyed with each other for a few minutes and he lost interest in me.. Same raw deal I get on this board most of the time.. :lol:

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