Liberal Propaganda-Pushing Fake News Rag Publicly Humiliates Itself...AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Oops: NYT Forced to Issue Hilarious Correction on Totally Botched Tax Reform Stat

"As regular readers already know -- and as millions of Americans have been discovering -- the Left lied to the country about the impact of the GOP's tax reform bill, which every Democrat in Congress voted against. Support for the law has soared by 26 net percentage points since its December nadir, according to New York Times polling, as stubborn realities eclipse opponents' hyperbolic and disproven claims. More than four million workers have received tax reform bonuses, and millions more have experienced enhanced benefits and rising wages due to the law's implementation. Consumers in 41 states have seen their utility bills slashed for the same reason. Last, but hardly least, upwards of 90 percent of all taxpayers have received a tax cut (and an effective pay boost), across all five income groups. This was the consensus of nonpartisan experts, including left-leaning organizations."

The NYT, however, created a fictional couple to use In their own BS analysis from which they concluded the couple would actually owe MORE in taxes under Trump's Tax Reform Bill instead of benefit from it.

The only thing the NYT ended up revealing is their own extreme bias and their inability to do math / figure out how to calculate / interpret the new tax code.

"They were only off by about four grand. The beleagured couple would actually get a tax cut, not a big increase."


Oops: NYT Forced to Issue Hilarious Correction on Totally Botched Tax Reform Stat

Oops: NYT Forced to Issue Hilarious Correction on Totally Botched Tax Reform Stat

"As regular readers already know -- and as millions of Americans have been discovering -- the Left lied to the country about the impact of the GOP's tax reform bill, which every Democrat in Congress voted against. Support for the law has soared by 26 net percentage points since its December nadir, according to New York Times polling, as stubborn realities eclipse opponents' hyperbolic and disproven claims. More than four million workers have received tax reform bonuses, and millions more have experienced enhanced benefits and rising wages due to the law's implementation. Consumers in 41 states have seen their utility bills slashed for the same reason. Last, but hardly least, upwards of 90 percent of all taxpayers have received a tax cut (and an effective pay boost), across all five income groups. This was the consensus of nonpartisan experts, including left-leaning organizations."

The NYT, however, created a fictional couple to use In their own BS analysis from which they concluded the couple would actually owe MORE in taxes under Trump's Tax Reform Bill instead of benefit from it.

The only thing the NYT ended up revealing is their own extreme bias and their inability to do math / figure out how to calculate / interpret the new tax code.

"They were only off by about four grand. The beleagured couple would actually get a tax cut, not a big increase."


Oops: NYT Forced to Issue Hilarious Correction on Totally Botched Tax Reform Stat

Oops: NYT Forced to Issue Hilarious Correction on Totally Botched Tax Reform Stat

Yep- responsible people issue corrections when the make mistakes.

Irresponsible people tweet lies and never correct them- you know- like your dear leader Trump.
Who reads the NY Times?

About everyone reads the NYT. Your group is the only group that was brainwashed into not reading it, or anything else that didn't come out of a right wing news site or FOX NEWS.


This is one article you probably should READ.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Who reads the NY Times?

About everyone reads the NYT. Your group is the only group that was brainwashed into not reading it, or anything else that didn't come out of a right wing news site or FOX NEWS.


This is one article you probably should READ.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Everyone, huh? Guess that explains their ongoing circulation downward spiral, evaporating ad revenues, and staff cuts the past several years.

The Old Grey Lady has one foot in the grave.
Yep- responsible people issue corrections when the make mistakes.

Responsible journalists do research, get their facts in order, use REAL people and examples to report the truth instead of creating fake strawman families, and have responsible editors who fact-check the story, verify the sources, and make sure facts and truth being reported before allowing any news story to air / be printed....and they don't try to spin shit to defend their intentional deceit, like you are trying to do now.

The NYT just got busted LYING their assess off to support the false Liberal propaganda that the Trump Tax Reform was a failure and hurts the Middle Class.

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